
Edward In Love

‘Could he learn to love me? Without fear? Without hesitation? To love me with my flaws, as they are many and to wake up every morning and choose me.’ Edward Coleman never questioned himself. Never questioned the successful billionaire he had become or the womanizer he was so famously known for. Yet after his heart is broken by a woman, he realized he could never truly have. He reaches an all time low and thought he would never be able to move on. Or so he thought. Soon he meets Vasili Chernyshevsky; a Russian man with a sharp mouth and witty comments. Their friendship is unconventional and chaotic, but for both it seemed to save them from despair. So what happens when Edward starts questioning himself in more ways than one? When his new best friend seems to derail his life in more ways than he had suspected. *** Book 2 'Ethan In Love' out now!!!

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
198 Chs

32) The Best


Vasili walked into the dining room looking like a super model. His skin was practically glowing and his cheeks had a soft tint of pink to them that instantly reminded me of his youth. It was obvious he was going for a macho man look today, but to me he seemed gorgeous. The loose shirt he wore revealed his lean built body, but also gave a gentle nod to his pose gentle features. Even though he had went out of his way to clearly look more manly, he had completely forgotten the obvious hickeys that were visible on his neck. 

"Well hello there handsome," Arsenio winked as Vasili sat down between me and Pablo. 

"Oh please don't start," he sighed and took a sip of his orange juice. 

"As I have said before utterly gorgeous. You've picked a good one Edward," Leonardo smiled brightly and nodded rather enthusiastically. 

"So are we going to address what we all saw this morning? Because that was a sight to behold," Sasha chuckled as he ate his omelette. 

"I'm not gay," Vasili instantly said in his defense. 

"Uh from the sounds I heard last night I'd beg to differ," Arsenio was literally a prick in my arse. 

"You know there's a spectrum right. Plus we don't need to label ourselves," I argued. 

"As long as you are happy mate," Pablo smiled at Vasili and I. 

"Thank you," I smiled back. Vasili seemed rather rigid, but gave him a close lipped smile as well. 

"And Vasili you don't have to worry about any of this getting out. What happens on this boat stays on this boat and since you are with Edward now. You are practically family," Marco had no idea what an impact his words had on Vasili, but I did. It was painfully obvious Vasili did not interact much with other people and he seemed to drift about in the world. To him it must have felt like he had something to lean back on whenever he was in trouble. 

I would have paid billions to see the smile on Vasilis face for the rest of my life. He was practically emitting joy, "thank you so much Marco." Marco simply smiled at him and nodded as we continued with breakfast. 

Afterwards we climbed off the yacht and climbed into a Mercedes mini van since we decided to go to a famous vineyard just an hour away. A driver sat in the front, in the first row Pablo and Sasha, the second the Agassi brothers and the last one Vasili and I. Everyone was doing their own thing as Marco and Arsenio bickered over a family event that was coming up for the Agassi family whilst Leonardo had completely fallen asleep. Sasha and Pablo were on their phones discussing work. Which left Vasili and I in our own little bubble. 

"You didn't tell me it was so flipping hot here," Vasili complained as he fanned himself. The air-con was on full blast so I had no idea what he was talking about. 

"Are you hot because of the weather or because you're sitting next to me?" I teased and attempted to kiss his cheek. 

He instantly pushed my face away, "get off your high horse babe. You aren't that great."

It seemed he did not even notice he had called me babe as he glared at me. In my mind I was doing back flips since Vasili never called me a pet name. "Are you sure about that? Because I'd say you were infatuated with me."

He rolled his dramatically and came closer to me, "you love yourself way to much."

Taking our close proximity as an advantage I quickly pecked his lips, "I'll agree to disagree."

"You're a pain Mr. Coleman," he smiled and quickly kissed me back. Even though all the men knew we were together, we were both a bit shy about being intimate in front of everyone. Our kisses were short and curt, but still managed to make me long for him unlike anyone before. 

"I'd say you like it." Our noses were brushing against each others as I held onto his waist desperate to have him on my lap. 

"Maybe I do," he laughed softly and as if reading my mind he swiftly sat up so I could put him on my lap. "You tend to make me do things I wouldn't normally do," he whispered in my ear. A large smile broke out on my face and I immediately planted my lips on his. The kiss was slow and a bit too passionate, but we had completely forgotten about everyone around us as we cocooned ourselves in this bubble only we could see. 

Gently my tongue met his and he let out a small moan slip out in appreciation. Just as things were getting a bit heated something soft hit us both and we instantly moved apart like teenagers getting caught. 

"Hey! No love making in the van!" Sasha laughed clearly being the suspect for hitting us with a pillow. 

"Fuck off," I groaned. 

"You know before you were all in love and shit. You were such a lovely person," Sasha dramatically cried and threw himself at Pablo as he fake sobbed. 

"He just has a serious case of blue balls leave him alone," Arsenio joked which caused Leonardo and Pablo to burst out in laughter. 

"You all are so annoying," Marco sighed as he looked out the window, "married and still dumbasses."

"No one said marriage makes you smart. I've had to understand baby talk for the past two years. That shit dumbs me," For Arsenio I believed it was easier than what he made it seem. 

"I have Delunca and I'm not dumb," Marco argued back. 

"Maybe you were dumb to begin with that's why you can't tell the difference," Leonardo chuckled which instantly earned him a punch on his shoulder from his older brother. "I'm going to tell Ma and she is going to beat your ass."

"No she won't. We all know I'm her favorite," Marco snickered so sure of himself. 

"What are you saying? None of us is Mas' favorite since you married Amanda. I swear she loves her more than us sometimes," Arsenio complained as we all just watched. 

"Us Coleman's are the best," I interjected. 

"This isn't about you Edward!" All three brothers yelled. 

Vasili burst out laughing at their attack on me and even though I was severely irritated with them I could not help, but smile. "Their just jealous," he whispered into my ear. 

"No gossiping! This is a safe area!" Arsenio yelled. Vasili and I both lifted up our arms in defense. I had no idea how this argument started, but it seemed none of us were safe. Just in time the mini van stopped outside the vineyard and I could have not been happier to jump out the giant can. I really hated big cars. 

We were instantly met with the owner of the winery since we were all VIP visitors. We all knew he saw this as a business opportunity since three of us were billionaires and the others millionaires. It would be idiotic not to think of this as a business deal. I was not too interested in investing in a winery since I had a few in France, but I could tell Pablo and surprisingly Vasili were.

After the tour which nearly took an hour we were seated outside by the beautiful wine tasting garden they had set up. We had tasted four different wines so far and I could tell Leonardo and Sasha were a tiny bit buzzed. They never handled their alcohol well. My phone rang in my pocket and I stood up to answer away from the noise of the rowdy men. 

"Coleman speaking."

"Hi Edward it's John. I have news about Vasilis car," I could hear from his voice it was a matter of urgency. 

"What is it?" I turned around and glanced up to look at Vasili who was laughing at something Pablo had said. I stared at him fondly, happy that him and Pablo were getting along. The first time they met things did not go so smoothly. 

"The mechanics went over the car with the finest of eyes and found something attached just below the engine. I called in a specialist and it seemed it was a set up of a bomb." My blood ran cold as Johns words hit me. I held onto the railing next to me as a wave of dizziness washed over me. "It seemed Vasili had interrupted him when he went to the parking. Therefore he was not able to finish it, but I have no doubt he won't try again." 

"Did you find out who he was?" I tried to keep my voice level, but my anxiety levels had kicked in. 

"His name is Mikhail Slavin. Originally from Russia and it seemed he is in the country illegally. Worst of all it seems he is a part of the Russian bravta trained bomb executer and he was responsible for Vasilis parents death. Unfortunately he disappeared just after the killing and has been in hiding, it seems he is back to take care of Vasili as well."

"This makes no sense at all. What would they gain out of killing Vasili?" 

"Boss I found something else. I'm not sure if you'd want to hear it, but I believe it would serve in your best interest. Vasili he..."

Just before John could finish his sentence I noticed the glimmer of something up in the surrounding building. Without hesitation I dropped my phone and ran towards Vasili. "Vasili get down!" I screamed as I forced my legs to run faster. All the men looked at me with confused faces, but it was already to late. 
