
Edward In Love

‘Could he learn to love me? Without fear? Without hesitation? To love me with my flaws, as they are many and to wake up every morning and choose me.’ Edward Coleman never questioned himself. Never questioned the successful billionaire he had become or the womanizer he was so famously known for. Yet after his heart is broken by a woman, he realized he could never truly have. He reaches an all time low and thought he would never be able to move on. Or so he thought. Soon he meets Vasili Chernyshevsky; a Russian man with a sharp mouth and witty comments. Their friendship is unconventional and chaotic, but for both it seemed to save them from despair. So what happens when Edward starts questioning himself in more ways than one? When his new best friend seems to derail his life in more ways than he had suspected. *** Book 2 'Ethan In Love' out now!!!

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
198 Chs

121) Fatherhood


"Vasili?" I called out as I walked out the kitchen after I had gotten over my initial shock. I was trying not to overthink the situation and constantly I had to put myself in check before I sent myself into a frenzy of anxiety. I first needed to get the full picture before I made any conclusions. 

After not receiving a response from Vasili I rode the elevator to the rooftop where I suspected he might be. As soon as the doors opened my suspicions were correct. He stood by the railing looking down to the busy street.

His back hunched and his head hung low. He looked troubled and I put whatever worries I had aside about my own personal wishes. I had to focus on him right then. 

"Vasili," I made sure to keep my voice light and neutral not to agitate him any further. 

He sadly turned around and looked to the floor, "I'm sorry for losing it back there. I just got so upset."