
117) Somebody Died


It was an early Tuesday morning and I truly felt like my life was a commercial. Vasili and I woke up at five, and decided to go to the in home gym we had on the second floor to get an early morning jog in on the treadmill and yoga since I knew today was going to be a stressful day. 

We took a shower together as usual, he helped me pick out a suit for today and even made breakfast whilst I packed everything I would need for the office. He walked me to the garage and gave me a loving kiss before I climbed in then drove myself to the office. 

It felt good to get back into my normal routine once again and even though I knew my employees were slightly bummed by the fact their boss was back, it seemed everyone was happy to see me. I had a hop in my step as I walked past the secretary and greeted her to my private elevator.