
EdgeRunners Uchiha

OC with looks of Madara Uchiha Nanobots System for creating and hacking and many more to come patreon 3$ a month link will always be somewhere in either the story or the comments i hope you enjoy and vote for this story and see where this story goes

Cerberus_Daley · 漫画同人
10 Chs

Chapter 4 The Decision

well then folks that was one interesting thing that i had watched this morning and that had happened this morning when i had released chapter 3 we had went from 666 views to OVER 5.5K views in less than 3 hours like what the absolute hell i was in complete awe when it had happened i didn't think it was possible this fast but i was SO WRONG on how fast you all wanted some more chapters but anyway onto some news the discord and patreon links will sometimes be in hidden and so here is chapter 4 and remember there is a hidden link in this chapter anyway onto the chapter


{Madara's Home}

{2 hours after the Explosion}

"so what are we going to do now" Tobi says intrigued

"we are going to start tinkering with this Sandy that i had gotten from the warehouse apparently its a MK2" says Madara while bringing out the Sandevistan "Tobi be ready and activate all safety protocols just to be on the safe side"

"got it boss" Tobi says excitedly

{in the workshop 5 minutes later}

"at last i have more things to make now" Madara says "Indra activate"

"online and operational sir" a synthetic voice sounds out in the room

"Ashura let us begin modifying this Sandevistan and stabilize a few other weapon projects too and bring up my stats while your at it too" Madara says while getting his tools and projects from sliding walls and shelves full of weapons, tools and spare parts.


[Madara Uchiha]

[Level 25]

[EXP 25,000/250,000]

[STR 55]

[AGI 60]

[DEX 56]

[INT 85]

[WIS 77]

[CYWH 90/100]

[CYPC 0/50]


"first things first the sandevistan MK2 lets get you fixed and improved and see what we can upgrade with you" says Madara "and i can already see some problems with the way the wires are and why its causing damage to other people and their nerves so many things that they are doing wrong just why are they so idiotic and dumb unless they are doing this on purpose *sigh* this is going to take a bit to finish with the nanites doing it by them selves oh well onto one of my other projects. Indra bring out project SPL-MK1 please"

Indra - "yes sir"

Mechanical noises and gears shifting from the back wall opening a passage to Project SPL-MK1

"ah there she is project SPL-MK1 my prototype mechashift laser sniper rifle and rifle. Also Indra pull out Project MKS-M, MKS-SG2, MKS-LMGS, and finally PROFECT MM-GB_MK2"

Indra - "are you sure sir"

"Completely sure its time i finish putting them together and bring up the armor specs and progress too Indra" Madara Says while changing into mechanic gear.

Indra - " Understood Sir bringing up now amor is at 89% completion and all other projects are ready for you sir"

"thank you Indra and keep an eye out for any calls and intruders we've had way too many this month alone"

Indra - "activating security protocols and 'media' protocols Sir"

"thank you, now this is going to take a couple days to finish so better think about Maine's offer while finishing these up for the future, and one last thing Indra keep an 'eye' on the Sandevistan if you would"

Indra - "yes sir"

{2 1/2 days later}

"Finally finished these projects of mine not i have my mechashift laser sniper/AR rifle, mechashift minigun/GL/Executioner Blade, mechashift SMG/Shotguns/Hammers, mechashift LMG/SMG/Scythes and finally Project Gunbai and Muramasa blade (the one from metal gear solid Jetstream Sams sword for reference) now to check on the Sandy after some food and a bit of rest" Madara Says

{20 minutes of cooking later}

"ahhhhhh that hits the spot real good now for a small nap and then check on the last bits of work and give Maine a Call"

{2 hours of sleep Later}

"MMMMMM *pop* *Crack* *Shifting cybernetics and bones* that felt good now Indra is every finished" Madara Asks

Indra - "98% for the Sandevistan and your armor is all ready finished and painted Sir"

"Good Very Good Let me Know when its finished Indra" Madara says while pulling up Maine's number

Indra - "yes sir"

'ring' 'ring' 'ring' 'Click'

'Maine here what you need' - M

'Maine it's Madara i have my answer' - MU

'Aight Choom so what's your answer' - M

'My answer is I'm in' - MU

'aight Choom I'll see you in a Day or Two we got a Big Gig from a client of ours named Faraday here's the details and where you'll need to meet us too be seeing you Choom' - M

'you too Choom' - MU

Indra - "sir your Sandevistan is finished and ready to be installed whenever your ready"

"thank you Indra well do that tomorrow after some rest" Madara Says tiredly

Indra - "understood Sir"


and that is chapter 4 for you i want to say that I am very exhausted and working in 5 hours after this chapter goes up and ill be starting chapter 5 about roughly 12 hours after this chapter goes up so ill have it ready for the weekend but there will only be 1 or 2 chapters every 24-36 hours after the previous chapter unless there is something important going on and Saturday and Sunday because those are my unwind days from work and they are my mostly sleeping and gaming days too so no chapters then unless i have them done up ahead of time so there is no guarantee that there will always be 2 chapters done up for those days all the time.

but anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter and what is going to come and again i would really appreciate feedback and criticism so that i can improve future chapters and make them better for all you to enjoy more so enough of me rambling and be on the lookout for chapter 5 within the next few days.