
chapter 7

1 year later

the day had come pandoras day of death and I was not gonna let it happen thankfully this year I have made it to intermediate low.

my power is now around 5-6 years at Hogwarts which is pretty good I should be able to cast an impenetrable shield for a second when the explosion happens today.

I keep a tight watch over mum even putting Luna aside and making her stomp her foot because she wanted me to be her unicorn but thankfully I only had to promise I would be her unicorn all day tomorrow.

as soon as I said it I felt all my dignity die and wither away as I know she's gonna go extreme about me being her unicorn please don't let it be a potion I really do not want to be actually turned into a unicorn tomorrow.

dad was upstairs working Luna was I think she went to hang with ginny poor ginny no wonder she trusted that diary when she grew up around us Lovegood but she doesn't have that chaos element that lets us know when shit isn't right.

like I'm pretty sure Luna knew Ginny was getting possessed but probably thought it was a deal as its quite common to get possessed I should know mum allowed an outer being to possess me for a day.

saying something about trying while your young to see if you like it thankfully it was a fair deal and he just wanted an avatar to solve some of its business.

I can tell you it really does tire you out though after he left my body I slept for a full day now every 2 years in April on Thursday the 13 at 12 am which makes 4 years the contract for 2 days on the 4th month at the 4-week ends.

yeah apparently 444 is a magic number now he can use my body for a day yeah apparently I don't get the rewards of the deal as I'm under 14 and mum can use me and Luna as proxies.

thankfully after I fully read the contract I felt better there were a lot of restrictions on what he could do when possessing me and it ends and can be renewed when I'm 14 which I might do if the pay is good I'm thinking of using the 7th month on the 7th day till I'm 17 for the magic number 777.

after that thought and a prayer for Ginny's soul to make it and not get sold by Luna because nobody seems to notice she is a vicious little deal maker you have to be careful of what she says thankfully.

I was able to get a contract stating she won't try to trap me in a deal unless it's in writing and I sigh it three times we are playing by fay rules in this house.

I find it funny Luna made so many contracts in the movies she technically owned Harry's soul as she had to help him 3 times and thanks he owed her one multiple times I wonder how many she could have sold to bring mum back to life.

yeah I'm saving mum I don't want to have to collect that many souls to bring her back they always rip you off and overcharge to bring back loved ones fucking capitalist eldritch gods.

after I finished that thought I notice mum messing around with runes but not the normal kind fuck no wonder she blew up.

she's fucking with the elder script that's like the fucking keys to writing new laws into the world you can literally do anything with them but they're very very prone to blowing shit up as the chaos given form.

my shield will do fuck all with that I just get up and teleport and grab her just as the explosion is happening and I am teleporting away I feel something latch onto my arm and cover it going up my neck and covering one of my eyes.

we land away from the explosion with me screaming and crying on the floor I look out of my one good eye and see mum rush to me shouting something to dad he comes running in with a bag of potions I start to black out from pain my body starts to seizure and spaz then everything goes black.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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overlord9000creators' thoughts