
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 17

A/MOM- Avni, Shanaya, take care of yourselves, dear. It's the first time you'll be away from us... I don't know how you'll manage..." Dipti's eyes welled up as she said this.

At this moment, the entire Ahuja family was standing outside in the lawn to see off Avni and Shanaya.

Avni: "Oh come on mom. If we stay at uncle's place, we won't be alone. And besides, Vaani and Gourav are also there with us. So please don't worry, just chill..."

Just as Amrita was about to say something,

Shanaya: "Mom, please, don't repeat the same dialogues again. What Avni said, applies to me too. I won't add anything extra."

Everyone laughed at Shanaya's words and Amrita pulled her ears.

S/MOM: "You both always find humor in everything, don't you?"

Shanaya: "Ouch mom, sorry sorry, but what to do, everyone here is standing with such serious faces as if we're going to Kargil, not Mumbai."

Everyone laughed again at Shanaya's remark.

Amrita: "Alright, have you both talked to Riyaansh and Devansh?"

Riyaansh Ahuja - Naveen's son... Devansh Ahuja - Son of Nikhlesh Ahuja... Like Avantika and Shanaya, they are also of our age and currently pursuing MBA from Royal Roads University in Canada..."

Shanaya: "Yes mom, we talked to them yesterday."

DAD: "Alright then, let's go quickly. The journey is long..."

Avni: "Dad, wasn't one extra car enough? Why the need to send this whole convoy... It feels like someone's going off as a Chief Minister or Prime Minister..."

Before Naveen could say anything, Grandpa spoke up.

Grandpa: "Are our granddaughters any less than a Chief Minister or Prime Minister? Kids, it's necessary in terms of security, no arguments. Ok!"

With Grandpa's words, Avni and Shanaya understood it's better to remain quiet, lest the trip gets canceled.

Avni: "Ok then... bye everyone."

They both touched everyone's feet for blessings one by one and then got into the car and set off.


It's morning, and Master and I are sitting by the same waterfall, meditating.

Master: "With what you've learned so far, you'll be able to face any weapon, no one will be able to defeat you in any battle. However, the real danger isn't from the enemy who attacks directly; the greatest danger comes from the snake hidden in the sleeve. It comes from those who trap us in their web and cause harm through deceit. The society we live in is the biggest illusion of this universe. Lies and deception are weapons that directly attack our hearts and cause more suffering than any deadly weapon."

"Son, today I'm going to give you a new lesson with which no one will betray you..."

ME: "A new lesson. What is it, master?"

Master: "ANUBHAVATI... With the right use of this spell, you'll be able to read anyone's mind..."

"And secondly, DARSHANAM KAROTI... If you can use this mantra, you'll be able to see everything that someone else has seen or is currently seeing with their eyes..."

ME: "Wow, these are very useful spells."

Master: "So let's begin with practicing the first spell.. When chanting the ANUBHAVATI spell, you'll need to connect any light you see within yourself to your heart.

And while chanting the DARSHANAM KAROTI mantra, you'll need to connect any light you see with your mind.

So let's start..."

ME: "As you command, Master..." And I began invoking both spells. There was something that the BOOK had taught me. It was that now I could use as many spells as I wanted simultaneously. I didn't need to practice them separately.

And the best part was, I didn't need to repeat any spell over and over again. Depending on the situation, my mind automatically invoked the appropriate spell, and I could easily put it into practice.

In just a short while, a light connected to my heart through the invocation of the ANUBHAVATI spell, and another light connected to my mind through the DARSHANAM KAROTI spell... A light started emanating from my head and another from my chest. Master sitting in front of me smiled as he watched this unfold...

On the other side:

Digvijay was standing in a long line. It didn't feel good to stand in such a long line, but right now, he just wanted to understand the atmosphere.

His dad had told him about this. The entry into the GLUTO planet has a checkpoint. All the planets from where people come to participate have to stand in that line first and collect coins from there. These coins are given in exchange for gold and diamonds brought from their planets. Only with those coins can one stay here.

Digvijay looked around. Just like him, hundreds of people were standing in different lines.

After a while, Digvijay's turn also came...

XXX: "Have you brought gold or diamonds?"

Digvijay: "Both..." Saying this, Digvijay grabbed a bag, placed it on the table, and opened it.

XXX was shocked to see so many diamonds and gold. There were so many. "Which planet are you from?"

Digvijay: "Earth..."

XXX, shocked once again, exclaimed, "What did you say, EARTH... This is the first time someone from EARTH has come to participate in the competition..." Here, take these." Saying this, XXX handed over 10,000 coins to Digvijay.

Digvijay: "So few?"

XXX: "Do you think this is less? With these coins, you can stay here for a good two months, if you're careful."

Digvijay: "What do you mean by 'if you're careful'?"

XXX: "Kid, even staying here for a week is difficult. Despite dangerous warriors coming here, they can't last a week. And you're just a kid, and on top of that, you're carrying so many coins. Someone outside will kill you for these coins."

Digvijay: "HAHAHAHAHA... Those who try to kill Digvijay will die."

With the coins in hand, Digvijay moved forward...

The scene ahead was strange. People were playing gambling anywhere, intoxicated individuals were wandering around, some were in uniforms, meaning they were soldiers there, yet despite seeing all this, no one said anything. All the buildings were made of stone.

Now Digvijay had to stop somewhere, so he thought of finding out a hotel. There was a group standing right in front. Digvijay headed towards them.

DIGVIJAY: "Hey guys, is there a hotel nearby where I can stay?"

All the people standing in front looked at Digvijay intently...

FIRST MAN: "Who are you, kid? What are you doing here?"

DIGVIJAY: "I'll answer as much as you're asking. Don't waste my time with unnecessary interrogation."

No one expected Digvijay to reply like this...

SECOND MAN: "What did you say, kid? You dare talk back to us... you..."

And then, noises like 'oohh, aaah dhopp kadak...' were heard nine times. There were ten people standing there. Except for one, everyone else was lying unconscious on the ground. Seeing this, a crowd had gathered around. The ninth person was trembling with fear.

DIGVIJAY: "So, what I was asking was... is there a hotel around here where I can stay?"

The man standing there was barely able to stand.

DIGVIJAY: "If you can't give me the address, I let you go earlier for this reason. Now either tell me or you'll face consequences..."

MAN: "Go right from the building you see ahead and then turn left. There are many lodges there for staying..."

DIGVIJAY: "Thanks, bro."

"Now, stop there..."

Just as Digvijay had moved a little ahead, he was stopped by a voice. He turned around to see the same soldiers he had seen a while ago...

SOLDIER: "Who are you, and why did you attack these people?"

DIGVIJAY: "I'm Digvijay. Didn't like their faces, so I gave them a beating."

SOLDIER: "Do you know who you're talking to? We are the chief soldiers here. We can put you in custody..."

DIGVIJAY: "What did you say, chief soldier? Disgusting! You insulted me. Commander, minister would have sounded better. And on top of that, big dialogues. What did you say, custody? Do I look like a petty thief to you, that you're threatening to put me in jail? Before I lose my temper, get lost from here... Or else, I'll squeeze you like a lemon."

SOLDIER: "This guy is too much. Arrest him."

Digvijay didn't have time to waste here.


The soldiers, holding all their weapons, advanced towards him...


Before the soldiers could recover from the shock, their weapons turned against them. In just a short while, all the soldiers were on the ground. None were killed, but they were seriously injured.

Everyone standing there was stunned...

Digvijay didn't stop there and moved forward.


A month had passed, and my training had come to an end. On one hand, I was quite happy because I was going back to my mom and dad, but on the other hand, I felt a void within me. I had developed an attachment to this place through the training. But they say, whether the time is good or bad, it always comes to an end...

As I was packing my things, master came in.

Master: "Are you ready, son?"

ME: "Yes, Master.."

Master: "Where is your book?"

ME: "Here it is. I had kept the book in the bag, let me take it out and show you."

Master: "Keep it above your chest."

I placed it there.

But suddenly, a bright light emanated from the book, and when it dimmed, the book was gone.

ME: "Oh, where did it go?"

Master: "It's within you..."

ME: "It's within me, meaning..."

Master: "It's not just a book, Vijay. It's a part of you now, which will remain within you. Whenever you want to read it, just remember it, and it will appear before you."

ME: "But master, how did a book become a part of me?"

Master: "At the right time, the book itself will give you the answer."

I didn't dwell on it too much...

Master: "Let's go. We shouldn't delay."

When we came outside, I saw all three of them standing there.

I greeted each one of them. When I was hugging Shaila, she whispered softly,

SHAILA: "My tution fee is pending."

ME: "Whatever you ask for..."

SHAILA: "Not now. Whenever the right time comes, I will come to you to take my tution fee."

ME: "Alright. Whenever you feel like it, ask for it."

Master opened a portal, and the three of them left through it.

We disappeared and appeared straight near my house. It was around 8 PM, and it was quite dark where we arrived. No one could see our sudden appearance.

Seeing my home after so many days made me very happy.

Master: "Go, my son..."

ME: "Aren't you coming, Master?"

Master: "...Not today, my son. You go now... I'll come again someday."

And then, master vanished.

I kept looking at the place where master stood for quite some time. It felt a bit strange to be separated from master, but what could I do?

I also started walking towards my home. The watchman was standing outside. As soon as he saw me, he saluted and came forward to take my bag.

ME: Oh uncle, there's only one bag. I'll take it myself. I walked towards the inside.

When I reached inside, I saw Mom and Dad sitting in the hall, having a discussion about something.

ME: Mom, Dad!.

Unable to control my excitement upon seeing them, I shouted loudly.

As soon as Mom saw me, she got up and ran towards me, hugging me tightly. There were tears in her eyes. Dad was coming behind her. After so many days, as soon as I hugged Mom, tears rolled down my cheeks too.

DAD: Hey mischief-maker! Will you only give warmth to your mom or will you also give some relief to your dad's heart? I hugged Mom first and then Dad. Tears were also in Dad's eyes, but after all, he was Dad; he suppressed his emotions.

DAD: Oh, buddy, you've become even more handsome. Your physique also looks broader. What was master feeding you? Alright, now you'll start using that 'mother' dialogue on us, won't you?

MOM: Which dialogue?

DAD: Oh, that one about how much thinner he's become. Were they not feeding you anything there?

Both Dad and I chuckled at this, and Mom pretended to pout.

MOM: It seems like you always find something to joke about. I haven't even properly seen my child yet...

DAD: Lucky, even if your son sits in front of you for his whole life, you'll still say the same thing...

MOM: Alright, enough of that. Go, freshen up, then let's have dinner...

ME: Yes, Mom, I'm dying for the food made by your hands. I rushed to my room, freshened up, and came downstairs.

When I came downstairs, they were talking about something. They quieted down when they saw me coming...

Now, I wasn't the same Vijay as before. No matter how softly Mom and Dad spoke, I would hear them. There was another thing; ever since I had arrived, there was a tension in Dad's eyes that he was trying to hide from me. At first, I didn't pay attention, but after hearing his slight remark, I remembered.

DAD: son, what all did master teach you? After finishing dinner, Mom and Dad were sitting on the same couch, and Dad asked...

ME: Dad, he taught me physical training and also triggered some IQ enhancement.

DAD: Physical training, meaning?

ME: Combat fighting, Dad...

DAD: Well, well, so our son has become a fighter now, huh...

ME: Yes, Dad.

MOM: But don't go looking for fights with anyone.

ME: Come on, Mom, you know me...

As the conversation continued, I became increasingly convinced that Dad was indeed facing some problem. I glanced into Dad's eyes, and in them, I saw everything that had happened with him over the past month.

ME: Mom, Dad, I'm too tired. I'll go to sleep now...

MOM: Yes, dear, go ahead and rest.

ME: Okay then, good night, Mom. Good night, Dad.

BOTH: Good night, son.

I started walking towards the stairs. But now, my eyes were turning red, my fists clenched.

ME: "BALBEER SINGH BAAGA"... (DIGVIJAY'S DAD)... You're done for, bastard.

To be Continued..