

"In a world of regrets and missed opportunities, Ethan Carter, a struggling young man finds himself unexpectedly transported back in time. Faced with the chance to rewrite his own history, he grapples with the dilemmas of altering the past while navigating the complexities of a second chance. As he strives to correct past mistakes and carve a new destiny, the line between fate and free will becomes blurred. Join him on a poignant journey through time in 'Echoes of Eternity,' where every decision holds the power to reshape his life and perhaps uncover the true meaning of second chances."

SwiftSaga · 奇幻
16 Chs


After the incident and the events at Alex's house, the next day dawned. The household was bustling with cleaners tidying up, even in Mrs. Thompson's absence. Her son, Alex, was now in command. The staff stayed loyal to him, partly out of love and partly out of duty.

The butler, Arnold, was polishing chairs in the living room when he thought, *I haven't checked on Master Alex yet. He should be in his room... First his dad left him as a child, and now his mother is charged with terrorism... I should see how he's holding up.*

Arnold set down his cleaning supplies and headed upstairs. He stood outside Alex's door, hesitating. *Will he even want to see anyone?* But shaking off his doubts, Arnold raised his hand to knock. Just as he was about to, the door opened. Alex stepped out, shut the door behind him, and walked past Arnold without a word.

"Uh... Master Alex," Arnold called out, following him downstairs. Alex stopped in front of a mirror to adjust his tie, preparing to go out.

"Are you going somewhere?" Arnold asked tentatively, hearing the sound of Alex brushing his hair. There was no response.

"I know how you must be feeling... I'm sorry, Alex. Your mum's trial is next week, and—"

Alex cut him off. "Do we still have access to the money?"

Arnold, puzzled by the question, replied, "Uh... no. When they arrested Mrs. Thompson, they barred all her accounts, her cards, and her business. It's all the government's now. But don't worry, the lawyer is working on it."

Alex interrupted again, "What about the car?"

Arnold replied, "Do not fret, we still have access to our car. It's parked outside in the garden." Clearing his throat, he added, "Uh... if I may ask, why are you all dressed up, Master Alex? Are you perhaps heading somewhere?"

Alex set down the hairbrush. "Come, we're going out." He walked towards the door. Arnold quickly grabbed the car keys and followed him, the maids watching anxiously.

Outside, as Alex walked towards the car, Arnold asked, "Uh, sire, where are we off to?"

Alex replied, "I'm going to see an old friend." He stopped by the car, waiting for Arnold to unlock it.

"Uh... Master Alex, your mother strictly instructed me to look after you—"

"It's fine if you don't want to take me. I have legs. I can walk there," Alex interrupted again.

Arnold had no choice. "Uh, wait, wait. Okay, I'll drive." He unlocked the car, and Alex got in. They drove off.

In the car, Arnold glanced at Alex through the rearview mirror, worried about the boy's distant expression. Alex rested his head against the window, staring out at the passing buildings but clearly lost in his thoughts, recalling memories with his mother.

The sound of blades clashing echoed through the fencing hall as Alex faced off against his opponent. The referee shouted, "En garde!" and the bout began. Alex's mother watched anxiously from the sidelines, her presence weighing heavily on him.

Alex's opponent moved swiftly, their swords a blur. With a quick lunge, Alex found himself on the receiving end of a hit, the opponent's sword grazing his clothed arm. The referee blew the whistle. "One point!"

Alex glanced at his mother, who glared at him with disapproval, her eyes piercing through his mask. He picked himself up, determined not to disappoint her. They prepared for the second round, the sound of swords clinging again filled the air. The opponent's sword touched his clothing once more. "Two points!" the referee called.

Breathing heavily, Alex felt the weight of his mother's expectations. The third round began. Swords clashed furiously. He locked eyes with his opponent, their swords pressed together in a stalemate, Summoning his strength, Alex pushed his opponent back.

The girl smirked. "Let's end this," she said, advancing slowly. She twirled her sword with deft movements, making it hard for Alex to predict her next attack. He stayed on the defensive, watching her carefully. Suddenly, she vanished, reappearing right in front of him. Alex staggered back, startled. Before he could react, she knocked his sword away and swept his legs, causing him to fall hard. She pointed her sword at his helmet.

"That's enough. It's over," the referee declared. The girl removed her helmet and sneered, "Pathetic," before walking away.

Alex, though defeated, was more concerned about his mother's reaction. He approached her, head hung low. Without warning, she slapped him hard across the face. Tears welled up in his eyes, but then she squatted down and hugged him, whispering with a chilling voice, her hand on the back of his head, "My dear Alex, remember what I taught you. Don't hold back just because she's a girl. No mercy. Remember everything I've taught you."

She stood up and turned to the referee. "Wait! One more round," she demanded.

The referee shook his head. "Oh come on, she beat him fair and square."

"I'll double the money," she insisted. Reluctantly, the referee approached the girl and her family. "Uh, would you like to go one more round?"

Her parents protested, "No, that's enough. She beat him fair and square. He's no match for her."

But the girl, confident and bold, said, "Wait. I can still take him on, any day, any time." She grabbed her helmet and sword, striding back to the ring, with the referee following.

Alex's mother whispered in his ear, "Go on. Make me proud like you always do, my dear Alex."

A dark aura surrounded Alex as he picked up his helmet and sword, his eyes cold and focused. He walked towards the ring with a newfound determination.

"Are both of you ready?" the referee asked.

"Anytime," the girl replied confidently.

The referee signaled the start. The girl taunted Alex, calling him weak, but he remained silent, his stance different from before. He was no longer on the defensive. She smirked, thinking he was leaving himself open. *What's up with him?* she thought. *He's just standing there.*

Seizing the opportunity, she launched her attack. Everything seemed to slow down—the sound of water dripping echoed, birds' wings flapped loudly. Alex's mother smiled, anticipating the move. The girl sped towards Alex, ready to finish him. But as she reached him, Alex vanished. He moved a hundred times faster than her, reappearing behind her.

The referee didn't even see the move. Alex, with his head down, directed his sword at her back and struck with such force that it penetrated her suit and skin, hitting her spinal cord. Everything returned to normal—the birds flapping, the water dripping. The girl fell to the ground, unconscious.

Her family rushed to her side, panic setting in. "Call the ambulance!" someone shouted. The referee looked at Alex, stunned. Blood dripped from the tip of Alex's sword, but he didn't care.

"How can a young boy like this cause such harm? Who is he?" the referee thought, feeling an unnatural pressure emanating from Alex as he walked past, a cold and emotionless stride.

As the girl was taken to the hospital, Alex approached his mother. She removed his helmet, a proud smile on her face. "Now that's my boy," she said, rubbing his hair. Grabbing his hand, she added, "Let's go. We don't have time to waste on the weaklings. The weak shall always be weak."

And with that, they left the fencing hall, leaving behind a scene of chaos and fear.

As they were still in the car, Alex remembered another memory, this time about school. The name of his school was Mishap international school. Sounds of people murmuring, walking, and talking to each other filled the classroom. Alex didn't have any friends; he was just a silent kid, not interacting with anyone. His dark hair and red eyes made him a target for mockery, forcing him to wear contacts whenever he went out.

The sound of the classroom door opening interrupted the noise. A teacher entered and said, "Alright, settle down, kids." They all settled down and took their seats. Alex was already seated, lost in his thoughts. The teacher began teaching about history and then asked a question. When no one could answer, he noticed Alex's absent expression.

"Alex," the teacher called out, snapping him back to reality. "Can you answer the question?"

Alex replied confidently, providing the correct answer. Although Alex was smart, the teacher was concerned about his frequent daydreaming and overall isolation.

After some time, the teacher said, "Alright, class dismissed. School is over. Remember to do your homework." The kids rushed out, but as Alex was about to leave, the teacher stopped him. "Uh, Alex, can we talk?"

They went to the teacher's office. The teacher asked, "Tell me, Alex, what's always bothering you?"

"What do you mean?" Alex replied.

"I mean, you always black out in class, and you don't talk to people. Do you have any friends?"

"Friends? I don't need friends. They have no use in my life," Alex said, his tone cold.

"Hey, calm down. Who taught you that? There are bad friends, but not all are bad. We all need people in our lives, and one day we'll need their help. Are the kids bullying you again?"

"No," Alex answered.

The teacher sighed. "Alright, but if you need anything or want to ask anything, my office is always open."

Alex looked through the teacher's window and saw his car waiting outside, with Mr. Arnold and his mother, Thompson. He stood up and said, "If you'll excuse me," leaving the teacher worried.

As Alex walked out of the school to meet his mother, a shy girl approached him, holding a flower. She stopped him and stuttered, "Uh, Alex, uh, you know, I've always liked you from the start. I don't know if you like me back, but please, can you go out on a date with me?" She bent her head down and offered him the flowers.

Alex took the flowers, looked towards his mother who pretended not to watch, then turned back to the girl. He handed the flowers back and said in a chill voice, "You're wasting your time." He walked past her, leaving her heartbroken, and got into the car. They drove off.

At home, it was time for Alex's usual lessons with his mother, not about school topics, but about power and how to use it to oppress the weak. She paused the lesson and brought out a picture of Clara, her family, and Ethan.

She sat beside Alex, holding the picture. "My dear Alex, your mum's on a mission to eradicate all the evil from this world. You see this family? They're all evil, hiding behind innocent smiles, but deep down, they are devils, hungry to kill."

"But, Mum, why are you telling me all this?" Alex asked.

She placed her arms around his head, bringing him close to her chest. While patting his hair, she said, "If anything goes wrong, or if anything happens to me, I want you to continue from where I stopped." She handed him a key.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"This holds all the keys and secrets you'll need. When it's time, go to the former Atlas warehouse. But before that, meet Mr. James. He'll tell you everything you need to know." She looked him in the eyes and said, "Promise me, Alex. Promise me you won't let me down."

Alex, feeling he had no choice, replied, "I promise, mother".

After that, the sounds of police sirens blared. It was the incident at the airport. Alex was there with the butler, Mr. Arnold, when it all happened. The police were taking his mother away. "Mother!" he shouted, trying to rush over to her, but Mr. Arnold held him back.

"Wait, Alex. You can't go. If the police see you, things might get worse from here. Just stay here," Arnold said firmly.

"But she didn't do anything. She's innocent! My mother's innocent! She hasn't done anything!" Alex cried, tears streaming down his face.

Arnold squatted down and held his arms. "I understand how you must be feeling, Master Alex, but we need to head home first. Please, don't worry. We'll work on how to get her out."

Arnold knew the real reason for her arrest. He was aware of Mrs. Thompson's plans and intentions, but he couldn't tell Alex. What would Alex think of his mother if he knew the truth? He had to hide it.

"It's them, isn't it? The family she talked about," Alex said, his voice cold and vengeful.

"Family? What family are you talking about?" Arnold asked, confused and concerned as he saw the look of revenge on Alex's face. Alex's expression was chilling, filled with a dark determination.

Alex then saw Ethan and his family in the distance. "I swear, I'll make you pay. You'll all regret what you did!" he vowed, his voice full of venom. Arnold, confused but worried, looked at Alex's face and the intensity of his words.

Suddenly, the horn of a car sounded, snapping Alex back to the present. He saw the building he was looking for and said to Arnold, "Here. Stop the car."

Arnold stopped the car and looked at the building Alex was staring at. "A bar? Why would Alex want to come to a bar?" he thought to himself.

Alex said, "He's here." Alex had come looking for Mr. James, who had betrayed his mother. He got out of the car and walked towards the bar. Arnold, concerned for Alex's safety, followed him.

Inside the bar, the atmosphere was noisy with people talking, the clinking of glass cups, and men drinking to their full. When Alex opened the door, it made a sound, and everyone turned to see who it was. Seeing a kid, all eyes were on Alex, surprised at his presence. Mr. Arnold, intimidated by the big men, followed closely behind.

Alex walked past them unfazed. "Where's he going now?" Arnold wondered.

Alex saw Mr. James drinking heavily, laughing with someone. When Mr. James noticed Alex's cold stare, he immediately dropped his beer and ran upstairs towards the roof.

Alex followed quickly, relentless. Mr. James reached the top of the building, realizing he had no escape. He looked down and saw cars parked below, then turned back to go downstairs, but Alex was already there.

James, shocked, fell and staggered, landing on his buttocks. Alex walked towards him with a cold, determined stride.

"Hey, hey, Alex. Uh, what are you doing here? Uh, look, I know you're looking for me because of your mum. I, uh, heard what happened to her. I'm so sorry," James pleaded, moving back on the floor as Alex advanced.

"I was there with her. She asked me to go because, uh, she didn't want me to get caught too. Yeah, that's what happened," James stammered, desperately trying to justify himself.

Alex extended his hand towards James. Fearful, James shielded his face, but then he opened one eye and saw a key in Alex's palm. "She said I should meet you for this. She said you'd tell me everything I need to know," Alex said coldly.

James, surprised, thought to himself, "Does Mrs. Thompson really want her son to carry out her work? What is this?" He turned back, realizing he was at the edge of the building with nowhere to go.

"Talk," Alex commanded, his voice icy.

James began explaining everything about the key, the warehouse, and how to use it. Afterward, Alex pulled back his hand and put the key in his pocket. James laughed nervously. "You know, for a moment, I thought you were gonna kill me. Haha..."

Alex removed his contacts, revealing his red eyes. James was frightened. Alex walked closer, his gaze piercing James's soul. "You left my mother. You ditched her when she needed you the most. She trusted you, but you misused her trust. You let her face the worries by herself."

Alex squatted down, placing his hands on his knees, his red eyes cold. "From this moment, you're not needed any longer."

Suddenly, James screamed and jumped off the building, landing hard on a car below. He killed himself. A woman outside saw the blood and screamed. Arnold heard the shout and rushed outside, finding Mr. James dead. "Wait, what? Oh my God. Wasn't he in the bar upstairs?" Arnold turned and saw Alex walking down from the bar. He ran to Alex. "What happened up there?"

Alex got into the car. "Let's go," he said.

"What do you mean, 'let's go'? But Mr. James just di—" Arnold was interrupted. Alex looked at him and repeated, "Let's go."

Arnold had no choice. He got into the car, and they drove off. "Alex, Mr. James just died. He was your mother's close friend..."

"He's of no use to us anymore," Alex replied coldly.

"What happened when you met him?" Arnold asked, bewildered.

"He just jumped off the building. He killed himself. I guess he realized he was guilty of backstabbing Mum," Alex said, his voice chillingly calm.

Arnold, shocked, asked, "Wait, what? He killed himself? But how?"

Alex didn't reply. He continued staring out the window. Arnold saw he didn't want to speak and asked, "Uh, we're going home now, right?"

"Not just yet," Alex replied, bringing out a picture of Ethan's school. "I have one more thing to do".

The next day, Ethan's dad took him to school. Clara was on leave because of what had happened...As Ethan got out of the car, he took a deep breath and said, "It's been a while," reflecting on the recent break.

Ethan was in a good mood. After everything that happened and his success in saving his mom, why shouldn't he be happy? He walked to his class, chatting with friends, and enjoying the normalcy.

Suddenly, the principal walked in, catching the students by surprise. Clearing his throat, he said, "Erhem, may I have your attention, please? We have a new student. I'm going to introduce him to all of you."

Ethan's mind wandered. He remembered the last time a new student was introduced. "Time flies, doesn't it?" he thought to himself. "You know, I didn't really get to be friends with Arthur. This is my chance."

The principal continued, "You may come in."

To Ethan's surprise, it wasn't Arthur. It was another kid. It was Alex!

Ethan was shocked, his eyes widening as Alex walked in. The students, especially the girls, were taken aback by Alex's appearance, some of them blushing at how handsome he was. Alex scanned the classroom, his eyes locking with Ethan's.

The principal said, "You may introduce yourself."

Alex, still staring directly at Ethan, said, "My name... is Alex Thompson."

A suspenseful silence filled the air. The presence of Alex, registering at Ethan's school in just one day, was unexpected and unsettling. Ethan wondered how it was Alex instead of Arthur who had come this time. The atmosphere was thick with tension and curiosity. Ethan's mind racing, trying to understand the sudden appearance of Alex and the implications it might have for his life.

Hello, dear readers!

Thank you for joining me for another thrilling chapter. In this installment, we explored Alex's haunting memories and his ruthless determination to fulfill his mother's dark ambitions. The tense encounter with Mr. James was crucial, showcasing Alex's transformation into a relentless character. Now, with Alex joining Ethan's school, the story is set to take an exciting turn. How will Ethan cope with this new threat? What are Alex's plans? Stay tuned for more suspense and unexpected twists.

I appreciate your support and can't wait to hear your thoughts and theories in the comments.

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