

When the notification is gone, I immediately informed Jean about it and hid to a big rock near the place.

We saw a gigantic butterfly that is beautifully colored in purple but it specifically shows that it is a boss as for it was surrounded by demonic butterflies and evil worms.

A team of 5 people tried to engage with the boss and was defeated due to lack of coordination, everything was a mess and their skills cancels out each other.

One of the rock manipulator luckily hit the boss using a boulder crash and it somehow hurt the boss. The minions are enraged and attacked altogether.

As the battle prolonged the manipulators was able to get of a hold of how they are able to use their skills. The water manipulator was able to build a water prison for the minions to bind them and was finished by the wind manipulator using wind slicer.

It was a really great battle when suddenly the boss screeches and the manipulators were left in a dream like state. Jean immediately followed up with a fire pillar to attack the boss while being busy with the other manipulators.

Everything was burned down by the fire and the boss was in agony. When the boss is almost dead the system notified again, do you wish to devour the moon butterfly?

I was utterly confused as to why it did popped out again, as for I thought it will only work on dead monsters but then again I press agree button in thin air. The stone that I picked suddenly lit up and I threw it to the boss. The stone pierces the boss head and fell to the ground.

The manipulators was able to recover from the stun state that they are in and asked what happened. We did introduce ourselves and stated what we saw.

After the devouring process is done, I was able to get a notification.

"Congratulations, you've level up. To check on your stats press your right thumb."

I did check what will it show and a screen populated my eyesight.

Name : Shane Cross

Level : 2

Class : Vagrant

Title : n/a

Health : 50/50

Mana : 60/60

Strength : 7

Vitality : 6

Agility : 5

Intelligence : 8

Wisdom : 6

Luck : 10

Unassigned points : 5

Additional Skill

Poison Apprentice

3% chance to inflict poison


Allows you to fly temporarily

mana cost : 15 per second

I noticed that the screen looks like a stats screen in an RPG game. Is this perhaps my power? Game system?