

As with any sort of game, although they may be "open-world" and "freeplay", a player can never truly do ANYTHING they want. Only what the game makers have planned out, despite how comprehensive.

For example, you can't reach into your apothecary bag in Skyrim, roll some random herbs into a piece of paper, and light it up...

Although a strange example, it is accurate nonetheless. However, in the world of Skyrim connected to Raven Oscar's multiverse, it is like any other world.....anything is possible.



I shut the door leading to the Pelagius wing harshly, before leaning back against the recently closed door with eyelids tightly together. I needed a minute to recover from that whole experience...

'Of anyone I've ever created, Sheogorath has to be the most exhausting to conversate with...' I breathed a sigh of relief before I pulled the Wabajack from my waist, looking closely at the engravings of the weird stick.

'Hehe.....I have many regrets from my playthrough days, going around the different holds while causing a little havoc will be fun. A runaway high-elf?.....was there such a thing before?...'

I smiled slightly while making my way back towards our assigned room....just before I entered the room, however, I stopped as a person even more exhausting to talk to than Sheogorath came to mind...

'...hmm, yep, defiantly... Xu/Bushi from The Four Nations was much more annoying and exhausting.'

I solidified my conjecture with a firm nod before entering the room to rest, I had a big day tomorrow, and channeling your inner chaos isn't an easy thing to do, I need energy for what's to come.


The next morning, after having breakfast, I cast a few illusion spells on the spies outside and my own guards before sneaking out of the castle. Before I 'rebel' from the Dominion and start out on my own, I'll do something to help the Dragonborn a little before he starts his whole 'safe the world' journey...I'm going to disrupt the war a little. These Stormcloaks are losing ground, I just need to hurt the Imperials a little...

I jumped from building to building under [Invisibility], eventually scaling the closest tower near the castle's barracks. I reached the ledge and used an altered [Telekenesis] spell to levitate slightly, landing firmly on the guard's walkway, commonly patrolled on a tight schedule.

My steps were silent as an assassin, and the nearby guard walking away from me heard nothing, even as I crept up behind him. I flexed my hand while walking leisurely, blue vapor gathering to form a corporeal dagger...

[Conjure Blade]


I shoved the ethereal dagger through the unexpecting guard's neck, he was lazy enough to skip wrapping the chainmail piece around his armor joints today, so it's his fault I could take advantage of him....at least, that's what I told myself while shaking my head. I think I just have a bone to pick with all guards in this world...

'Hmm....with these keys, I should have access to the barracks. Or I can use the secluded manhole leading to the prison cell wall to gain access to the prison?....yep! That's the move...'

.....(Scene Break).....

The various prisoners in the Solitude's hold were going about their normal bleak days, living out their sentencing. However, one by one, the prison cells opened after a key, out of nowhere, flew into the locks on the cell doors, waiting for the inmates to reach through the bars and twist.

None of the prisoners knew what was going on, but they were confident this was their chance....'JAILBREAK'.


"HOOOORAHHH!!!..." Just like that, a tide of criminals was going to emerge from the inner hold, and fight their way through the city.

....(Scene Break)....

Two guards were conversating while guarding the prison exit...

"So there I was, just recovered from my debilitating knee injury while looking at this "Ebony Warrior" guy the size of three men. Dave, let me tell you, I looked this man dead in his optic nerves, then I says to him....B{{{ITCCCCHHHH, Solitude is under my protection, you better watch yourself now..."

'Dave' looked at his fellow guard aghast..." by the divines!... did you say that though? You called him a b]tch?"

The first guard looked uncomfortable after being questioned...."ye, ye, yes! I said I did, so I DID!"

"Wow, that's awesome Richard. I don't think I could be as brave as--"

*distance screaming men*

"Wait, do you hear that?.... Sounds like it's getting close-AHH"


The prison door blew open with many men and women running out wielding various magics and looted weapons.....this was a JAILBREAK!!