
Happiness and Next World?

Raven kept floating in the vast expanse of water that separated two huge buildings, somewhere on the outskirts of Dome City....he kept replaying the happenings of the last hour in his mind...

He kept rewatching the fight, the question... the kiss...

He didn't get any answers but, in the end, he left with some interesting information.....' she was expressing a full spectrum of emotions and was obviously conflicted...I wonder what she will think after mulling it all over for a while? .....I wonder what she did after killing me?...'

After thinking for a second, he channeled Chakra into the soles of his feet and worked his way to a standing position...after being planted firm on the water's surface, he looked around and made several hand seals before slamming his hand down...

Black markings spread out in all directions before taking effect and just like he never existed, Raven disappeared from his spot....he was invisible and undetectable at the moment, giving him some peace.

"Hermaus..." Raven summoned, which was quickly followed by the Daedric God opening his eye from the void...waiting for his master's next words.

"What did Ms. Grey do after she killed me?..."

There was silence, an uncharacteristic silence when Hermaus and Raven talked and this fact caused the man's eyebrows to furrow as he focused his full attention on the god before ordering...

"Out with it Hermaus...what do you not want to relay?..."

After a slow blink, the god began to respond in his resounding voice...

"CrEAtoR...she hAd many.....ThiNgS tO.....SaY..." after the words were out, a smile formed on Raven's lips as he hurried his spy along, wanting to know what the woman who kissed him so passionately had to say after the activity...

"She ReAMaineD StanDINg In THE...MIDdle...Of the Farm aNd thE WoRds sPoken Were ...as FolLoWED...." there was a fluctuation of magic and a dark book exited the void, landing on Raven's outstretched hands.

Raven opened the book to see the full transcription of what Chastain screamed out after she shot him and the content caused his forehead to sweat a little...

NOTE: "Raven Oscar's, now that I know you've been spying on me and most likely everyone else, I want you to know that if you continue to do so, I will track you down, one way or another, and strangle you with my own hands....just to think that you were watching when...UGHH!!"

"STOP WATCHING ME, if you don't, then never approach me again.....on that note, don't talk to me again...I need some time to think...I'm..I'm sorry for shooting you, I was and am flustered beyond what I thought possible at the moment.....please, give me some time..."

But I MEAN WHAT I SAID...GO TO HELL!!!...and thank you again..."


Raven collected himself after snapping the book closed and then turned to Hermaus once again..."Welp, I suppose that's as good of an outcome as I was expecting.....better actually....thank you for your hard work Hermaus, good job as always...."

Just as he was about to turn and leave, he heard the Daedric Dod speak once more...

"CreATOr.....ShoUlD I...ConTINUE My...WoRK As UsuAl?..."

The question caused Raven to pause, but it didn't take long for his voice to ring out..."no need Hermaus, stop watching her...I don't think it's necessary...."

There was another slow blink from the god before he began to fade back into the void...

....."As YoU wiSH...CrEAtoR."


Thoughts of the recent events were quickly put on the back-burner as I have a new world to build.....'I'm truly excited about this one as this will implement a brand new template into my Multiverse...'

I teleported to the void in which my new world will be created....just after I arrived, Vrai appeared as well...

"Greetings once again, Raven..." Vrai was still taking the form of Kaguya, she seemed to like the avatar, and had an excited look in her eyes....she has come to love the creative process and learning about new things, new worlds, and new cultures.....she was fascinated and I could only entertain her as she was very helpful when it comes to creating new worlds fast...plus, she created all of the AI individuals that inhabited my worlds....so having her help willingly is of great help.

"Hello Vrai, you might be excited to hear about this...I will be creating something different than your average 'new world'....I've been thinking about this for quite some time..."

Vrai tilted her head and the fire in her eyes only grew larger as she heard Raven's words..." please, continue....something new is hard for me to find as you know."

"hehe.....well, the world will be like this....." I began to explain my next plan to the ever-curious sentient AI...


"The Blue Star planet is very similar to Earth..."

In many aspects, this statement held, except for the obvious difference in technological advancement on Blue Star as compared to Earth in my previous life...

However, this dichotomy in progress has had many far-reaching effects...

For example, the education system and therefore, the life goals of the next generations.....since technology advanced so quickly and provided everything needed for life, most people received an education in that field....in fact, most of the non-tech related education previously common on Earth are not even available on Blue Star which has left many fields lacking in development...

One such field, for example, is the natural sciences....not things like Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, etc....as they are still quite developed.

But the less technologically applicable fields such as Botany, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Zoology, Astronomy....none science fields such as Literature, Theater, Sociology, etc...

It wasn't that no progress was made, it was simply that experts and teachers in such fields were rare and unneeded by their society so education rarely saw such information...neither did high-level research and related funding.

'How can I fix this gap in the current education system?...' I asked myself after some time after my transmigration, and the answer came in form of what I was currently doing.

'Why not make a 'world' in which people can get a full spectrum education where the curriculum is robust....moreover, information on species, planets, plants, etc....not before known on this planet can be brought to light?...'

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became....'I can bring more to this world than just the greatest media from my past life...I can bring every piece of information over, starting an education reform and advancement in uncommon fields....god knows I've consumed enough academy-centered IPs (anime, manga, cartoons, novels, etc..) to fill a million textbooks or so...'

Thus, the plan to create a unique world where Travelers can learn knowledge uncommon or unseen on Blue Star started....however, this world will have a twist...