
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · 漫画同人
116 Chs

Chapter 102 - Aru!

Strolling through the Mahora Academy, Issei gotten the attention of few student see his unique and charming looks. The place was enormous that could even be called a labyrinth at how many places you can find yourself if no one to guide you. Issei mange himself with the map and his senses that encompasses the whole place.

It wasn't even called a town but rather a city with many buildings and shopped opened up that was part of the academy. He went and brought some souvenir in case when he returned back to his world. Afterward, road rain usually found in European country. In fact the whole place centered around their architecture.

"This seem pretty nice though their mana is truly limiting…."

Issei could easily feel that the magical energy was far different than their own. The magical energy in the surrounding was more alive and need certain ways to mold it but Issei could still easily manipulate it without chanting. He found chanting made it easier to cast the spell but redundant when fighting someone else.

Though they able to counter it by performing a pactio which Issei thought quite the interesting system and curious how it is function. He will be able to replicate it without problem thanks to his eye.

Nevertheless, chantless was still better but it was unfortunate that the current time is around the flip phone and bulky computer era. Issei thought of placing his business once again to introduced and improved peoples living.

He wonders why the time travelling person he sense hadn't tried doing just that. However, Issei still wonders what this person wish to change in the past since both of them perhaps had similar circumstances. He'll never know unless he directly went and find that person. Issei walked until he find himself food chart inside of the road train.

'Ah right I hadn't anything for several days after being unconscious. The aroma of the food seem appetizing.'

Approaching the food cart he could already people stares due his foreign looks. He can clearly hear them asking if his a transfer student or model enrolling at their academy. The girls intently stared at him who took notice cause them to blush. Even what worlds their always fan girls towards pretty boys which remind of him of yuumi who posed as a man.

It made chuckled every time he saw the fan girls grumble when they found out she was girl but some was into that. He then saw a cute fat girl wearing a apron and the owner of the place as she arrived at Issei table. The air around her was full of serenity and peace.

"Hello are you new in Mahora? It's my first time seeing you here."

Her voices was oddly adorable and doesn't seem to be charmed by Issei appearance. Though, she does still acknowledge that Issei is a good-looking person.

"Yeah I had a little accident recently and my mind a bit fuzzy but smelling the delicious aroma calmed my mind so do you have any recommendations for new people?"

She gave a quick nod got to cooking while Issei waited for his food began looked at his status and put it aside since he unsure if choosing a job would cause a sudden influx of energy that would likely result in getting unwanted attention. Though people might investigate him but he'll kill them if they become a threat.

"This feels quite peaceful....I wonder if I could used that world tree a point to connect with the heaven system."

Issei looked at the enormous tree that could be easily seen by anyone even what area you are in. It was small compare to the world tree in his world but still gigantic compare to normal trees. He needed to build another tower to encompasses different regions of the world to protect it. If he were able to do it then he'll be able to guide and gain strength in the process.

Moments later the cute fat girl arrived with a steam bun in hand and hot bone soup that tickles his nose from the aroma. He could clearly see the passion in the way she presented the food.

"Here you are please enjoy and don't worry it's free since your first time customer."

"Are you sure, ms?"

"My name is Satsuki Yotsuba."

"Ms. Satsuki I think it would be unfair for other people if I were to taste your food for free. Please let me pay for it."

"No, thank you seeing you taste my food and enjoying is enough for me. It makes me happy making for people happy through my food that why I dream of making my restaurant."

"I see that is quite admirable dream and I wish you the good fortune to succeed. Thank you once again for this meal."

She nodded giving a smile then went to another customer as Issei stared at his meal. He took the meat bun and ate it that made him impress from the taste despite being only a meat bun. Issei had tasted many meals in his lifetime and this one unique, to say the least.

"Look there's a fight going!"

Issei eyebrow rose to look in the direction seeing a tan-skinned and short yellow hair young girl wearing a school uniform surrounded by what seems to a bunch of delinquents. He observed the fight seeing as the young girl was oddly calmed even smirking even though surrounded.

As a veteran fighter, she was a person well trained in close combat. Her formed appeared to Chinese style with both soft/Internal and external/hard style of martial art. He watched as one of the delinquents which were high school martial art club written on the shirt went for straight have which is foolish.

The young girl redirects his fist then while the guy's wide open elbow strikes him in the abdomen instantly causing him to pass out. She proceeded to move the next target instantly performing a one-inch punch sending one of them flying towards the rest of its friends. Issei could sense the young girl was using Ki to strengthen herself which be around the middle-class devil.

'If Sairaorg had student then this girl takes the cake. Her strike and ways of combat are quite amazing for a human girl at her age.'

Issei finished his meal placing the bowl of soup at the table while he approached he girl who was busily fighting the delinquents. The students didn't even notice him walking and avoid the body flying towards him. He made sure those people flying descended safely. They weren't bad people anyway and only like fighting.

When he got close enough instantly did a first strike the young girl was able to evade then tried to strike Issei but he twist his body spinning around to strike her head. She instantly felt the threat flip down then did a straight kick at Issei who took a hold of her feet surprising her.

"Who are you-aru?"

The young girl tilted her head finally noticing the person wasn't part of the club or anything. She could see that the person in front of her was an expert fighter being able to catch her kick effortlessly. Issei let go of her feet seeing it was impolite to just started at her skirt. He was thankful his uncontrolled perverted mindset is gone.

"Call me Issei and I was just watching you fight decided to but it in. Your quite skilled for your age and dare I say your prodigy."

"Thank you-aru. Your pretty strong to beable to take my attacks!? Do you know how to used Ki -aru?"

She was curious as her attack had reinforce with Ki but didn't even leave scratch at Issei hand who blocked instead of redirecting.

"So you know how to use Ki as well but you're control is still amateur. How about we spar since it's going to be great exercise after a amazing meal."

Issei looked at Yotsuba giving a thumbs up appreciating the gesture. The young girl grinned excitedly to fight someone different than his friends.

"Alright -Aru. Oh my name is Ku fei -Aru."

"Cute name. It's nice to meet you Ku fei I hope you can give me a decent fight."

Ku fei blushed a bit for being called cute but Issei use it as a distraction and instantly vanish. She quickly avoided Issei a full roundhouse kick then tried to attack his wide-open bac but he used his other leg to perform a back kick only grazing Ku fei's chin.

She took a few feet back to analyze how to try and at least hit Issei yet even much she tries he was too unpredictable. It was to be expected since Issei studied every martial art known to man and had the sharpest sense when it comes to fighting.

Nevertheless, Issei is amazed at how expertly able to keep up with him despite only being only human. He wasn't using anything besides his martial art and was still strong enough to destroy a small mountain.

"You're strong -Aru. I can't get an opening even how much I looked -Aru."

"Don't worry for someone like me, I am amazed you able to evade my attacks. Let's see if you can handle more."