

unknown_20281 · 漫画同人
126 Chs

Chapter 64

The ninth essence of Kabbalah shines brightly.

Its guardian angel, named Gabriel.

"Calling from the void, the transparent angel of the sea, land and air is here—"

"Executed by the pattern Enoch, Sahriel—" is.

Chapter 108 It's simply a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

[To be honored by the power of the country, all of them are owned by you, love to the world, and sincerely wish. ]

[I burn a five-pointed star in front of me, and a six-pointed star behind me. ]

[However, with the will of God, the seal of the Lord will be revealed here——]

The melodious chant was wrapped around Su Mu's side.

After all, this chant is indeed somewhat iconic, and it can be clearly heard that it is an extremely powerful attack.

If it is heard by the fallen angel, then it is estimated that a strong person from the fallen angel will immediately come forward to stop it.

The fallen angel's lair, hell, is indeed in an empty stage at this moment.

However, it doesn't mean that you can be bullied like a little girl tied to a chair with clean clothes.

After all, it is a big family that can compete with demons and angels, and it still has a background after all.

[Link, dominate! ]

[Protect me with this circular formation, generate warmth, and light the fire of defense! ] "Two Fifty Zero"

[Fortunately, Angel of Righteousness! All creatures on the earth are very happy for you to rule! ]

Su Mu closed his eyes and chanted loudly.

Following his voice, the ninth element "foundation" in the body trembled slightly, as if feeling joy.

The guardian angel of the ninth elemental foundation is Gabriel, and the spells he performed at this time were naturally related to Gabriel.

[Of course all disasters, do not come near me! ]

[Because no matter where I am, I am guarded by holy angels! ]

His eyes opened suddenly, and with Su Mu as the center, a violent energy began to radiate.

At this moment, in the space called hell, the red sky above which should have been empty, suddenly appeared a bright moon and a sky full of stars.

At this moment, the entire hell trembled for this sudden change.

On the surface, hell, the base camp of the fallen angels, is actually not much different from the human world.

Schools, hospitals, residences... Not only fallen angels, but also hybrids of fallen angels and humans, as well as pure human beings, live here.

Among them, there are strong and weak.

However, at this moment, all the fallen angels or humans couldn't help raising their hands and looking at the starry sky that had never appeared before in the sky of hell.

Then, before they have time to react.

The dazzling light is centered on the full moon, forming a huge circle of light, expanding outwards in an instant, and finally disappearing on the horizon at the edge of the night sky.

Various luminous lines appeared on the inside of the light wheel, like various complicated marks.

Magic Array.

In addition to the huge size of this magic circle, every light spot that constitutes the line is another magic circle. At a glance, billions of magic circles are neatly arranged into a huge magic circle.

At this time, even if someone reacted and wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Su Mu's chant has entered the final stage.

[Spotted Clothes—]

[AGLA (the Lord is eternally powerful)! ]

[Here comes the ruler of the sun! ]

This magic circle has a well-known existence. It is a mythical angelic technique mentioned in the Old Testament.

The wide range of attack and the great destructive power are definitely a real world-destroying level. If it really shows its power, then it is a genuine art against civilization.

It symbolizes the function of Gabriel in the Bible.

Sound the trumpet of doom and announce the coming of the day of judgment.

[The spirit is the majesty that rises from the mountain, and the golden clothes are like the shining sun. ]

[YODHEVAUHE (Yaowei)——]

[Here comes the Holy Angel of Eden! ]

A cruel smile appeared on Su Mu's face.

He raised his hand, leaned forward slowly, and then slammed it down.

"Rocket Rain!"

The human world, Kuo Academy.

Kirkball had a sneer on his face and held the spear of light in his hand.

Even under the siege of several enemies who are equivalent to higher-level demons, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.

On the contrary, every time he made a move, he made several girls in danger.

However, in this kind of battle, several girls from the demon force were unbelievably unharmed.

And the two girls from the church...not so lucky.

They were also quite depressed in their hearts, why when they attacked them, Kirkball's offensive was obviously more hot and fierce.

Even with the help of his comrades, he almost lost his ability to fight because of his injuries.

"You guys, how long are you going to play me?"

Suddenly, the pressure felt by several girls suddenly eased.

But it was Kirkball who suddenly stopped his movements and stopped in the same place, with unidentified ravings in his mouth...

Several girls were suddenly puzzled, and they didn't know what Kirkball's sudden words meant.

In fact, it was the experienced ten-winged fallen angel who noticed the sight that fell on him from nowhere.

He really realized that his actions at this time were actually in the sight of the leaders of the three tribes including Sazex, Azazel, and Michael.

The reason why he was able to execute his plan without hindrance before was actually under the arrangement of these people.

Because, for the three clans to truly move towards peace, they still need a certain opportunity.

"The devil and the church work together to defeat the sinner who was trying to start the war, and the sinner was then sent by the fallen angel to solve it."

This is the opportunity that peace needs.

As for his plan to kill the blood relatives of the Demon King...it was impossible to succeed from the beginning.

"How dare you treat me as your pawn, then I will make you regret it."

There was a deep chill on Kirkball's face.


Kirkball raised his hand and gently fanned in front of him, as if he was disgusting the smell of several enemies.

Then, he turned his malicious eyes towards Himejima Akeno.

"This little girl who uses lightning, I see the breath on your body... Could it be a hybrid between humans and fallen angels?"

The voice fell.

Himejima Akeno's face, which was not very good-looking, instantly turned cold as frost.

Cold eyes stared at Kirkball angrily.

"These 2.2 guys, I'm going to kill him—"

A certain middle-aged man who was hiding in the dark had an angry look on his face.

His name is Baiqiu.

Himejima Akeno's father is also the source of her fallen angel bloodline.

"Ah, ah, I remembered, your name is Himejima Akira, right?"

Kirkball had a mocking smile on his lips.

At a certain moment, he could feel a certain look staring at him in the dark, and suddenly became angry.

This made him angry because of being played by the leaders of the three clans, and by the way, he became better.

"So, your father should be that waste of Baiqiu?"

"Shut up!" Himejima Akeno showed anger, "That guy has nothing to do with me!".

Chapter 109 Covenant: The Spear of Destiny

"Huh? You said you have nothing to do with that guy Baiqiu?"

With a malicious smile on his face, Kirkball asked rhetorically, pretending to be puzzled.

"But looking at the energy in your body, it is indeed the blood of that guy from Baiqiu, right?"

"You—" Himejima Akeno bit her lip, staring angrily at the ten-winged fallen angel in front of her, her face full of anger.

"Ah, I understand." Kirkball pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "So that's the case, after all, it's Baiqiu that waste, and his daughter doesn't want to admit her relationship with him, is it normal? Hahaha Ha ha!"

Himejima Akina's face was frosty, and she didn't say a word.

The girl named Himejima Akino is the daughter of a girl from an exorcist family, Himejima Juli, and the twelve-winged fallen angel Baiqiu.

However, for a family of exorcists like the Himejima family, it was an unimaginable humiliation for their daughter to be united with a fallen angel.

While Baiqiu was leaving home on the mission of the Fallen Angel Governor Azazel, Zhu Li's uncle, the current 16-year-old head of the family, Jijima Zhu Huang, sent his subordinates to ask his niece Zhu Li to hand over Zhu Nai, who was born to an inhuman, for punishment.

Himejima Juli was killed to protect her daughter, and Baiqiu, who came back, killed all those who came, but it was still too late to save Juli's life.

She therefore resented her own black wings and fallen angel blood, and hated her father who was a fallen angel.

"Ha, it seems that you admit that Baiqiu is a waste, right?"

Feeling the murderous gaze that fell on him—Baiqiu's gaze hidden in the shadows, the smile on Kirkball's face became even greater.

He was not used to a cowardly guy like Baiqiu.

It's just that, because of the strength gap between the two sides, he could only swallow his anger.

Now, he wanted to belittle him in front of the other party's daughter, but he could only watch it in secret... This made him feel great pleasure.

"After all, he's a guy who can't even protect his own woman. Isn't this kind of rubbish or something? Your mother would be deceived by such a man, what a pity!"

"Shut up! I don't need you to judge my mother's affairs!"

In Akeno Himejima's hand, lightning flashed, and the power inherited from the twelve-winged angel Baiqiu turned into a golden-yellow snake and rushed towards Kirkball.

Kirkball, however, paid no attention to her anger, and slapped the Razer away with a slap.

"Azazel! You let me go! I'm going to kill this guy!"

A middle-aged man who used space magic to hide in the dark, his face flushed red, and his eyes full of anger and killing intent stared at the proud Kirkball.

Although Baiqiu has a weak personality, his deceased wife was offended, and he was humiliated in front of his daughter. No matter how weak his personality was, he couldn't bear it.

Behind him, Asachel with a helpless face grabbed him tightly.

The strong man locks the man.

At a time like this, Baiqiu can't really rush out, can he?

The high-level officials of the three parties were well aware of this matter and watched from the sidelines.

However, for this kind of thing, the little guys below are not clear.

Kirkball's matter will be perfectly resolved without the high-level officials appearing.

This incident will also become an opportunity for the three clan peace talks.

However, if Baiqiu suddenly appeared, then the matter would change!

Thinking of this, Asachel sighed helplessly.