
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · 漫画同人
57 Chs

The God and the Goddess

[Cloak of Invisibility]


'*I believe you have realized why I said I will give you my protection and the backing of the Shinto gods.*'

Kento did learn from Susanoo that since Inari is the goddess of prosperity and success among many things, she has the ability to predict if a being will be beneficial for the Shinto pantheon or not.

"You saw that I had the potential to be of use to you."

It did annoy him that beings with such power and authority were able to use weaker beings as they desired. But he long since figured that no one was a saint in this world.

The gods were terrifyingly strong but they were not omnipotent. In one way or another, it was possible to defeat them and considering the tense situation between gods of different pantheons, he understood that the gods had to be a little selfish to not become insignificant and vanish.

'I need to change myself a bit or it will be difficult to survive in this world… even if I have strength.'

'*I did.*' Inari did not lie. '*I can understand if you feel like you were cheated on.*'

Honestly, it did feel like that for Kento.

'However, it's not like I earned nothing from it.' Kento recalled. 'Susanoo took me as his disciple, which opens a lot of opportunities to plunder. And the disciple tag of a major Shinto god comes with a lot of authority and respect.'

It was a slow progression but Kento's personality was changing a little. 

He earlier had the move with the flow personality, but now he was of the belief that if someone tries to use someone, they should use them back.

'Nothing is free in this world.' He knew. 'If they are dragging me into this mess, I should get something back from it that is worth the trouble.'

"It does feel a little bad." Kento said. "But you are a goddess and I know that you will not do anything that will bring me harm."

He said, deciding not to cause unnecessary trouble by getting at Inari's bad side.

'I need to figure out this representative issue as well. Before I get swooped into the fights that are being fought by the demi-gods and champions to increase their pantheon's reach.'

Yet somewhere in his heart.

He did want to go against those people.

Not because he was a battle maniac but because of the possibility of plundering the godly abilities those demi-gods and champions might possess.

And there were a few demi-gods that could even go against the gods.

Inari went silent for a while. 

'I cannot immediately jump into a fight amongst gods. I need to start small and doing that will allow me to climb further… And maybe I might get the chance to plunder even a god.'

He had seen what kind of scary ability someone like Susanoo possessed. 

'*You truly are a kind child, Kento.*' He heard Inari's voice. '*It is truly a pleasure to have someone as devoted as you and mother worship the Shinto faction."

Kento felt that it was truly a blessing that gods could not read his true intention. Whether they could not do it for anyone or just Kento because of the system did not matter, as not having someone go through his mind was a blessing for him.

'The flight upgrade was much needed.'

When the flight skill upgraded from A to A+, Kento understood that {Flight} was a skill where even a tiny upgrade meant a lot.

He was able to fly faster than a jet at his top speed while having perfect control of where to go and when to stop.

Movements were fluid with the upgrade.

And just like that, he reached Shinto in minutes.

Landing elegantly and removing the Cloak of Invisibility, he asked Inari.

"Kami Inari, can you give me an idea as to what I can expect from being Kami Susanoo's disciple?"

'*Susanoo is hot tempered but he is also a genius warrior.*' Inari explained. '*While Amaterasu is the strongest after two other Shinto beings, Susanoo is no less. Amaterasu finishes her battles with powerful one hit moves, whereas Susanoo is known for his cunning strategies.*'

Kento did remember that Susanoo always used various tricks to fight his opponents.

'*Hence you can expect to learn various battle strategies, weapons and skill combinations and possibly even a lot about different mythologies and various truths of the world.*'

'I am getting more than I asked for.' Kento felt a bit happy hearing her. 

'*And you have finally reached the place.*'

'So today is the day my training begins, huh?

Under the orange sky of a setting sun, two beings stood clad in armor.

One was a dazzling woman, covered in red. Her vermillion hair soaked in a darker red. Her chest heaved as a tired breath left her mouth.

"How many more?" She asked. "Xipe Totec's believers are not worth wasting our strength against."

Xipe Totec was the Aztec god of spring, seeds and plantations and was said to be the most peaceful out of all the Aztec gods. 

However, the same god had his believers mutilated under his rule from two crazed gods.

Just because he was amidst a meditative coma.

"We came here for information about the feathered serpent, Enyo." 

The one to say this was a man, one riddled with scars all over his body and a frame that was multiple times bigger than that of the woman. 

He carried a massive sword, one that looked like a humongous butcher's knife. 

Corpses piled up as pools of blood formed under them.

"I know, Moros… I know." Enyo said. "But when they do not even fight back… It does not feel like it is worth killing them."

"As long as we find information about the feathered serpent, it will be worth it." The personification of doom voiced. "And Hades asked us to help him in finding a spear."

Enyo looked at the massive being. "What will he give us in return?"

This question made the god smile. "Pain and suffering of others."

This answer immediately put a smile on Enyo's face. "That's what I like to hear."

But she also wondered. "What is so speical about the spear that Hades is willing to contact you? When even Zeus does not dare to request anything from you?"

Moros was the hateful personified spirit of impending doom, who drove mortals to their deadly fate. And this was why most of the Olympians did not dare appear before him.

Whereas Enyo was the goddess of violence, destruction, war and suffering that often fought alongside Ares.

"Because Hades knows what the spear is capable of." Moros said. 

"What is the spear?"

At Enyo's question, Moros showed a feral grin.

"The spear of life and creation –Amenonuhoko."


[[A/N: Read 25+ Chapters ahead on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

We are finally entering the gods arc.]]