
DxD: Testament of Desires

In a tragic twist of fate, Aiden, an ordinary Earthling, loses his life while attempting to save a little girl from an accident. However, death is not the end for Aiden; it's merely the beginning of an extraordinary journey. Overwhelmed by regret and a desperate desire for redemption, Aiden pleads with the universe for a second chance at life, not just for himself, but also for the little girl he couldn't save. Touched by his earnest plea, the universe reincarnates him in a world that's a fusion of various anime universes. In this new world, Aiden makes a solemn vow to reach the pinnacle of power and become the strongest being. As he embarks on his quest, he unravels the mysteries of this unique world, encountering and charming various heroines along the way. Join Aiden on his thrilling adventure as he navigates through his past and present, and discovers how the ghosts of his past continue to influence his present. Will he be able to overcome his past mistakes and achieve his goal? Embark on this journey to find out! *NO NTR and NO YURI* Image credits goes to 9tailedkitsune.

ZYREX_01 · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Races And Their characteristics

1. Hero :- 

After the reawakening of the God Tribe, and then the birth of the human race, the Gods bestowed powers and blessings to a select group of humans in order to combat the approaching demons, which became known as the Hero Clan. As both heroes and demons continued to battle against one another, the demon race attempted to invade the Human World in order to invade the God Realm, causing a conflict that would become known as the Great War.

During the Great War, Jin Toujou, a young man whom the Hero Clan viewed as the "Strongest Hero" even at fourteen years old had defeated multiple high-class demons across the battle. There were people who said that Wilbert, the "Strongest Demon Lord" chose to pull back his troops in fear of Jin's combat prowess and monstrous strength earning the nickname "War God".

Soon after the Great War ended, Basara Toujou, who was hailed as a genius even at a young age (unbeknownst to them, he is the child of Sapphire, then carried to term in the womb of Raphaeline) started his training with the other children. However, this all ended after the hero named Saito Ooba, who wasn't satisfied with the current peace between the Heroes and Demons, went into a shrine where the demonic sword, Brynhildr lay dormant and attempted to wield it to battle the demon race.

Abilities and power :- 

Members of the Hero Clan possess abilities different from that of humans. Heroes undergo unique conditioning as children, displaying superhuman abilities able to rival that of demons, as well as being able to heal from even serious injuries in a short span of time than normal. There are others who are also proficient in various weapons and magic which is based on their personal preferences or talents.

There is also a natural custom for most humans to receive blessings or form pacts with various spirits as shown by Kurumi; forming contracts with unique weapons like Aiden who wield Brynhildr and Yuki who wields Sakuya, and Takashi Hayase who wields Byakko, a God weapon that contains one of the four Gods. After gaining these weapons, Heroes has shown to be able to summon them in their hands at will and manifesting silver armors on their bodies, which seem to release their power the more armor that covers their bodies.

Among the Hero Clan, there are rare combatants, who have been able to use Ki, which is abundant on the Earth, but their numbers are few as the heroes instead uses on the Four Gods. Shiba, a skilled ki-based fighter is able to sense things such as killing intent and presence things that are also related to ki letting him predict the attacks of others.

2. Human :- 

Largely residing in the human world, Humans are the most common species with the largest population in the series. After the Great War had exhausted all Three Factions, the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils all had to rely on Humans to continue their generation.

The Khaos Brigade's Hero Faction consists of humans that are descendants of heroes, and each has either a Sacred Gear/Longinus, Holy Sword, Demon Sword, or any combination of the three.

There are also the Magicians, Humans who have learned Magic from other religions or factions. It is said that the current Magic system used by the Humans was developed by Merlin Ambrosius, the legendary wizard from Arthurian legend. Some of these well known Magicians are Georg, Le Fay Pendragon, Lavinia Reni and Walburga. 

There are also Humans who have been artificially created for certain purposes. The Sigurd Institution were a group who were trying to create the "true descendant of Sigurd" and succeeded with the creation of Siegfried.

Appearance :- 

If a glimpse of humanity you wish to see, just take a stroll to your trusty mirror and behold the finest specimen there be! 

Power and abilities :-

Almost all Humans are recognized as being the weakest among all the races around the world in various regards such as physical abilities; some lacking the same powers as species from the Three Factions. However, some of the Humans through training such as Exorcists and famous Heroes have trained themselves to be able to match supernatural beings.

Some Humans can attain special powers through strict training or received blessing from powerful beings such as the Gods. One of the examples being the Five Principal Clans, supernatural power users from Shintoism able to manipulate Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) their clan represents, undergo spiritual training, as well as their Clan Heirs becoming the hosts of the Five Sacred Beasts. Another example being Vasco Strada, an Exorcist who trained himself to achieve Holy Fist.

There are also some Humans who, rather than descendants, have inherited the "Spirits" or "Souls" of deceased Humans, usually heroes and historical figures. Examples of these individuals include Jeanne, Heracles, Perseus, Connla, and several other characters. The exact details of whether this influences their abilities, or how they are aware of being inheritors is unknown.

Due to the Biblical God, Humans are the only species able to be born with Sacred Gears (even if only half-Human), however races such as Fallen Angels from Grigori can steal them from their hosts using a special ritual, resulting in the host's death. Humans who master their Sacred Gears to some extent can defeat High-Class Devils and monsters, on the other hand, those who have Longinus Sacred Gears can potentially fight against God-class beings.

Some rare Humans are born able to wield either Holy or Demonic Swords, which are powerful weapons capable of defeating beings such as High-Ranked Devils and Angels. Based off the swords in question, Humans are also afforded unique abilities such as Caliburn, which granted Arthur Pendragon spatial manipulation.

Due to their declining numbers, as well as seeking powerful servants, Humans are often sought for reincarnation using Evil Pieces and Brave Saints (it is more centered around Christian believers). Humans attains all the same powers as Devils and Angels, in addition to maintaining their Sacred Gears, as well as still maintaining their traits in wielding Holy and Demonic Swords. 

Humans can also learn how to use Magic through researching the Demonic Powers of Devils, using their own rules and formulas to cause and control supernatural phenomena; instead of using their imagination and the power to create such as Devils. 

Most of the Humans who are capable of using this are referred to as Magicians, who often forms their own organizations to research and increase their magical knowledge. Magicians also forms pacts with Devils for protection and knowledge in exchange for a Magician's knowledge and techniques. As such, Magicians making a pact with famous and powerful Devils is considered a mark of status among them since it will bring them great fortune and success.

3. Demon :- 

The beings banished from the God Realm for some unknown reason in another dimension, which has become known as the Demon Realm and would soon become the opposite of their "sacred" counterparts become known as the Demon Race.

Their hatred and desire for vengeance against the Gods, as a result of their exile, would soon result in the start of the battle, which would soon become known as the "First Demon-God War". Both sides soon enter a state of hibernation in order to recover from the damage which was caused by the battle.

After awakening, the ancient demons created the magic known as the Master-Servant Contract in order to prepare for the next battle against the God Tribe. After the birth of both the humans and Hero Clan, the demons would soon begin a battle against them in the Human World that would soon last for generations.

Among all of the Demon Lords, the demon who would become the next Demon Lord named Wilbert is hailed as the "Strongest Demon Lord" compared to the previous ones. But, unlike them, Wilbert desired peace in the Demon Realm and wanted to end their revenge against the God Tribe. Despite Wilbert's desire for peace, another war soon broke out again between both the demons and heroes to rule the Human World in order to invade the God Realm, which became known as the "Great War".

During the Great War, Jin Toujou had gone on a rampage on the battlefield with a number of high-class demons said to have gone missing with some saying that they encountered Jin while on the battle. Like Wilbert, Jin was regarded as the "Strongest Hero" and hailed as a "War God".

After the Great War ended, Wilbert worked with Jin to create an armistice between the Demons and Heroes. In the period following the armistice, there's been an ongoing political struggle in the demon world.

Homeland :- 

The Demons live in the Demon Realm. The moderate and current demon lord factions make up 70% of the forces of the demon realm. The other 30% is comprised of smaller factions and other independent communities that exist outside of the factions.

Ranking :- 

Like the GodTribe, the Demon Race also has its own hierarchical system, which is focused on their strength and overall class.

Demon Lord :-

The Demon Lord (魔王, Maō) is a title that is granted to a single powerful demon, which normally comes from a high-ranking household. Like the Ten Gods, the Demon Lord wields the highest authority in the Demon Realm next to the Demon Council.

Demon Council :- 

The Demon Council (枢機院, Sūkiin) are a group of seven of the highest-class demons, which are referred to as the seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride, which represent their seats. Next to the Demon Lord, they have the highest command. However, the previous Council members were a corrupt group who did as they desired with the Demon Realm with both Wilbert and Leohart making attempts to remove them to bring peace. 

Eight Demon Generals :- 

The Eight Demon Generals (八魔将はちましょう, Hachimashou) are a group of eight generals who like Leohart fought on the frontlines of the Great War gaining several accomplishments and guarded the eight corners of the current Demon Lord Faction (east, south, west, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest). All of them lead their own army and the Demon Council sent them away since it would grant Leohart too much power.

Abilities and Powers :- 

Members of the Demon Race wield inhuman strength, which surpasses that of normal humans and is rivaled by the Heroes. Aside from their physical strength, demons also wield a wide arrange of magic and spells, which all varies based on their knowledge and skills along with their own personal preferences. Among their magic is the Master-Servant Contract, which a number of High-Ranked Demons have been known to use to gain more power based on the number of servants they have.

4. Gods :- 

The members of the God Tribe are among the beings who live within the Divine Realm. In the past, there were beings exiled from the Divine Realm, as a result of certain unknown actions and banished into another dimension. Those beings who were banished would turn themselves into the opposite of the "sacred" God Tribe, becoming known as the Demon Tribe. Due to the demons sought revenge against the gods for their exile resulting in the "First Great Demon-God War", which ended in both sides going into a long-term hibernation and recuperation from damage sustained.

After awakening from their slumber, the God Tribe would soon create the life forms known as humans, which exist inside the Human World. Then the gods would soon bestow powers and blessings to a select group of humans who could fight against the demon race, which would soon become known as the Hero Tribe. Another conflict soon occurred when the demons tried to invade the Divine Realm would soon be known as the "Great War" between the demons and heroes. And since then there has been no report of the gods being seen again afterward.

Since the incident with Shiba in volume 11, The Ten Gods have taken notice of Basara's power. As of volume 12, the Ten Gods have been split into two different camps: One side sympathized with Raphaeline and was against sealing her, to begin with, and even allowed Afureia permission to use her true power to defend Basara if his life was in danger. And the other side was in favor of sealing her and is now engaged in a battle with Jin Toujou.

Ranking :- 

The God Tribe also has its own hierarchical system based on its class and strength.

Ten God :-

The Ten Gods (十神, Togami) are among the ten highest-ranked beings inside of the Divine Realm and wield absolute control among the gods. Despite having a grand rank among the gods, there are rules that even a member of the Ten Gods is meant to follow and would result in punishment as shown by Raphaeline who chose the bear the son of a Hero and Demoness as a surrogate and was treated as a first-class crime despite two other being on her side (three counting Afureia who wasn't a Ten God at the time).

The members mentioned to be among the Ten Gods are Raphaeline, Afureia, and Reginleif.

Powers and Abilities :-

Members of the God Tribe wield powers that are stated to be within a dimension of their own compared to that of other races. Aside from just their combat abilities, gods have shown to be able to perform possessions, disguising themselves as humans, mind control, and memory alteration. Other high-ranked ones such as Afureia, one of the Ten Gods has shown to be able to create dimensional spaces and manipulate time. There are even gods such as Reginleif who has their own unique trait such as fire manipulation.

There have also been gods and goddesses in the past who formed contracts with members of the Hero Tribe in order to wield their incredible power.

5. Vampire :- 

Similar to the succubus, the vampires are kin to the Demon Race in the Human World, who was known to manipulate humans and even use them to drink their blood or sometimes even utilized humans to copulate causing a thinning of their ancestral bloodline and some of them even lost some of their special abilities. However, there was a situation where an atavism would occur, then traits that were lost in the past would appear in the current generation.

Though during the historical incident of the middle ages referred to as the Witch-Hunt; the Vatican had sentenced anyone who had inherited demon blood no matter how minuscule to death and those who were just under their surveillance, there were even those framed for crimes they didn't commit. In present day, the remaining vampires that survived the Witch-Hunt are currently being hunted by the Vatican and the American branch of the Hero Clan.

There is also a unique trait among half-vampires, known as "Body Shifting". Half-vampires don't have a set gender and periodically shift between male and female bodies until reaching their eighteenth birthday, then it'll be set at what they have most of an affinity with.

Vampire Lineage :-

There are two known lineages among vampires, known as the "Red Lotus" Remilia Scarlet and "Pitch Black", which are two lineages of vampires known as being the strongest ones in history. Both Nanao Tachibana whose a half-vampire and her mother belongs to the Red Lotus.

Powers and Abilities :- 

Vampires are most known for their Magic Eyes able to induce hypnosis and control individuals' consciousness, which Nanao is shown to be proficient in. Befitting their nature as bloodsuckers, when they want to make someone their servant, they would suck the blood from that person's nape, and simultaneously their blood gets imbued by magic. In short, it's a bit like a master-servant contract with vampires.

Their physical abilities and recovery abilities far exceed that of normal humans making them difficult to deal with in battle even for the Hero Clan.

Vampires can also turn their bodies into bats, mist and other things at will, as well as utilize magic. Vampires also have a unique fang, which is able to give their parents a pleasurable sensation.

6. Devil :- 

Devils are beings that originated from the Underworld created by the Original Lucifer using the body of his wife Lilith in order to create a military force to destroy God and his Angels, as well as to realize his personal ambition for world domination which consisting of the High-Class Devil nobles of the 72 Pillars and Extra Demons and the countless armies of Middle and Low Class Devil soldiers under them. The total life span of a Devil is approximately 10,000 years. 

The Devils were originally ruled by the Four Great Satans prior to their death in the Great War. Following the end of the Great War, the descendants of the original Satans apart from Rizevim wanted to continue the Great War but were faced with opposition by other Devils, most prominently the Bael clan, who assumed authority after the death of their leaders. 

This started a civil war between the Devils with the descendants of the original Satans losing the war and a new government was formed among the Devils. The new government then appoints four new Satans through strength and accomplishment in the civil war.

After the formation of the new Devil government, Ajuka Beelzebub developed the Evil Pieces system to help replenish the decreased armies of the Devils, eventually creating the Rating Games. 

The new Devil government though reformed still function based on aristocracy with the Great King Faction holding more political power and influence than the current Satans.

Appearance :- 

Most Pure-Blood Devils looks the same as Humans, albeit with one pair of black bat-like wings that can be hidden at will. However, those from the Phenex Household instead possesses bird-like wings made from fire. Devils are able to use their demonic powers to appear much younger than their physical age, for example Venelana looks as if she were the same age as her youngest child, Rias.

The are some devils who appears to have the characteristics of creatures and monsters such as members of the extinct House of Vepar being devils who appears akin to merpeople, members of the House of Forneus having the head of a sea monster like an anglerfish, Zephyrdor has pointy elf-like ears, and Roygun has two horns on her head.

Abilities :-

All Devils have enhanced physical abilities such as superhuman strength, endurance, and enhanced sense such as sight and hearing; in addition to being able to see clearly in the dark as creatures of the night. Devils are able to fly through using their bat-like wings, which are capable of retracting into their backs as if disappearing entirely. They also possess a passive ability called "Language", which allows normal people listening to them to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa. 

Members of the 72 Pillars and Extra Demons, which consist of Pure-Blooded Devil nobles can inherit special innate abilities unique to their clan, though occasionally the children of the members who marries out of the clan into another one would also inherit their abilities, becoming a common practice among the remaining pillars. 

Those from the Phenex has the Immortality, in addition to powerful Fire and Wind-based powers; those from the Bael and Gremory Clan who were related or born to Venelana Gremory (née Bael) has the Power of Destruction; and those from the Abaddon Clan inherits the Hole. 

All of these unique abilities appears to originate from the progenitor of the clan such as the First Bael Head, Zekram Bael. All the Pure-Blooded Devil nobles who don't inherit such powers are looked down upon, even by members of their own family.

Devils also have the ability to cast magic spells, having developed their own system of demonic magic powered by demonic power.High-Class Devils are able to gain peerages, rule over other Devils depending on their family's rank and powers, and can have up to 15 "servants", which are represented by each piece in a chess game (Rook, Knight, Pawn, etc.). 

The High-Class Devil takes the position of "King". Lower-Class Devils are often looked down upon, and usually, serve a Devil of higher authority. 

High-Class Devils also have the ability to reincarnate Humans and other races into Devils through the Evil Pieces system.

Weaknesses :-

A common weakness for all Devils is that they cannot go near/get involved with anything that has to do with the Biblical God, as they will suffer nasty side effects (headaches, immense pain, etc.) They are vulnerable to holy objects such as crucifixes, holy water, and the Bible, and can get killed easily by Holy Swords and Sacred Gears with divine properties, such as Blade Blacksmith and the True Longinus (Asia's Twilight Healing, however, is a notable exception). 

These effects are caused by the system put in place by the Biblical God, which was being kept up by Michael and is now being kept up by Gabriel, and only she has the power to change the system.

They are also susceptible to light which significantly drains them of their energy once hit Also, intense light, such as the light-based weapons used by Angels and Fallen Angels and the light swords used by exorcists, can severely wound, if not kill, a Devil. Devils with higher demonic power, however, can develop a certain degree of resistance to light.

Devils can also be infected with a cold that only Devils are susceptible.The Devil's face turns red and they gain a high temperature along with blurry vision.

7. Angels :- 

Originating from Heaven, the Angels are powerful beings who serve the Biblical God, and have the powers to inflict pain upon Devils/demons and by extension the Fallen Angels, due to their light-based powers. After the death of the God of the Bible in the Great War of the Three Factions, the Angels were incapable of increasing their numbers normally until the creation of the Brave Saint system which allows humans to be reincarnated into Angels. Their power is derived from the faith of God's believers, so it was important for them to conceal God's death. During the peace conference of the Three Factions, Michael explained that the reason for Asia and Xenovia's excommunication from the Church was because of the possibility of them affecting humanity's faith in God which was necessary for the Angels' survival.

Unlike Devils and Fallen Angels, Angels need to purify themselves when making love and both the Angel and partner must undergo a lengthy purification ritual (it takes several hours). They must also need to do it inside a specially crafted barrier and they both must not harbor any kind of possessive feelings while doing it, rather it must be done out of pure love.

There were also traitors in the Heavens who were giving out information to the Khaos Brigade. Ironically, these top-class Angels were able to do so without falling due to a loophole in Heaven's system. These Angels, however, became Fallen Angels after leaving Heaven and escaping to the Khaos Brigade.

Angels have jobs within the Church. These include "Angel Counselling" where they hear the confessions of people who have sinned and forgive them for their sins, naming children at the request of their parents, and regular work from file management to cooking classes and reception.

Appearance :-

Angels look similar to humans except with them having white feathered wings and a halo positioned directly above their head; the only exception being the Archangel Michael who has golden wings. Also, their power is denoted by the number of wings they have.They are often seen in white-colored clothing, mostly priest attire.

Abilities :- 

All Angels can utilize Light Power that can cause severe damage to Devils and Fallen Angels, which can produce numerous light-based weapons such as spears, arrows, swords, a whip of light, balls of light and light rings, that can be used to grab hold of or restrain a foe with the size/power of a Fenrir pup. Spears appear to be the most commonly used weapons for Angels. Their light-based powers can also be used in different ways, but it is dependent on the individual angels, such as a light barrier or use light to enhanced physical attacks such as punches and kicks. A certain number of powerful high ranking Angels also has special holy abilities unique to themselves, like Uriel's ability to control Holy Fire and Baraqiel's power of Holy Lightning.

Angels also have the ability of flight through their feathered wings. Like Devils and Fallen Angels, their wings are capable of retracting into their backs as if they've disappeared completely.

Like Devils, all Angels have a unique ability which allows them to communicate with different people from around the world without the language barriers. All Angels also have increased physical abilities, such as superhuman strength, endurance, and speed. Angels, like other factions, have their own system of magic and spells.

8. Fallen Angel :- 

Fallen Angels are Angels that have fallen from the grace of God, due to having "impure thoughts" that divert them from the teachings of the God in the Bible. The leaders of Grigori were tempted by human women and had fallen after having sex with them.

Despite being cast out of Heaven, Fallen Angels and their subordinates have been known to occupy churches and use them as bases. However, they go out of their way to destroy all of the religious icons in these churches in the process out of spite for their former leader.

Currently, the Fallen Angels have the smallest population among all Factions.

Appearance :- 

Fallen Angels have an appearance similar to their Angel counterparts with their wings; however, their wings are colored black as opposed to the Angels' white wings. Also, because they have been cast out of Heaven by God, they also lack the halos above their heads. They are also often seen wearing dark-colored clothes, mainly pertaining to the colors black and violet.

Like their Angel counterparts, the power of a Fallen Angel also contribute to how many wings they have. For example, Azazel, the former leader of the Fallen Angels, has six pairs of wings (twelve altogether) which justify his power. This extends to half-Fallen Angels as Akeno gained more fallen angel wings as her power increased. The blackness of the wings of each Fallen Angel is also different. Azazel, for example, has jet-black wings with feathers that have the color of everlasting darkness.

Female Fallen Angels possess seductive bodies in order to seduce men. This trait carries over to half-Fallen Angels, with Akeno's body considered particularly seductive.

Abilities :-

Although they have been cast out from Heaven, Fallen Angels retain the ability to use Holy Power and create Light Weapons. This type of weaponry is extremely harmful and poisonous to Devils. Fallen Angels have the ability of flight via their feathered wings, their wings have also been shown to retract into their backs as if they've completely disappeared. The Fallen Angels can use the feathers of their wings as projectiles to pierce their opponents, with the feathers being as hard as steel and are also capable of using their wings for both offense and defense.

Like Devils and Angels, Fallen Angels have a unique ability which allows them to communicate with different people from around the world without the language barriers. All Fallen Angels also have increased physical abilities, such as superhuman strength, endurance, and speed. One of their known weaknesses is that they receive damage like devils do if they pray to God.

Unlike Angels and Devils, who require the use of a respective Brave Saints or Evil Pieces to replenish their numbers, Fallen Angels can replenish their number of "pure" Angels simply by tempting the remaining pure Angels in Heaven to join them. It is unknown if it works in the opposite direction, where the Fallen Angels can redeem themselves via selfless and righteous acts to rejoin Heaven. They can also increase their numbers through childbirth, as with the case of Baraqiel with Akeno through Akeno's mother.

Fallen Angels, like other factions, have their own system of magic and spells. This includes a method to wipe the memories of large numbers of people.

9. Dragon :-

Dragons are powerful supernatural beings, considered the strongest aside from the Gods themselves, admired, respected, and feared no matter the era. Among the supernatural, Dragons, as an entire race, didn't side with anyone from the Three Factions during the Great War, different from Fairies, Spirits, European Monsters, Asian Monsters, and Humans. 

However, in the end, some Dragons did end up joining the Three Factions, among the Underworld, consisting of Devils and Fallen Angels. In certain cultures and different parts of the world, Dragons are worshiped as Gods.

Dragons are said to be creatures born from a large mass of power, who act based on their desires, acting freely and selfishly, while having a high amount of intelligence. 

Azazel even theorized that the reason that Dragons are so powerful is because their pure thoughts compel them to devote themselves towards their goals, for the Evil Dragons, it would be battle and carnage, even if it meant their bodies would be annihilated too. 

Crom Cruach stated that Dragons are meant to live according to their will. All Dragons have pride in themselves, declaring their titles as a formal greeting or in response to accepting a challenge to a duel between Dragons or heroes.

There have been those who were created by powerful beings, such as Midgardsormr and his clones, who were created by the Evil God, Loki. And then Aži Dahāka, Aži Dahāka II, Ddraig II, and Albion II, who were all creations of the Evil God, Angra Mainyu. 

Aside from that, Dragons can be mass-produced and beings can be turned into dragons by using powerful items, such as the Longinus, Sephiroth Graal, and God of the Bible, who'd cursed Samael into a half-Fallen Angel, half-Dragon.

Dragons love hoarding treasures as seen with both the Dragon Kings, Tiamat, and Fafnir; the former had hoards of treasures, but Ddraig borrowed some of them and lost them to Human thieves after being sealed, scattering them all across the Human World. 

Losing a Dragon's treasure, no matter how small would result in them relentlessly pursuing whoever lost them, as shown when Tiamat hunted down Ddraig and his possessors for centuries, to make them pay for losing her treasures. 

Fafnir has a treasure trove located in the Dragon Range, ranging from famous items, and weapons, sometimes wanting something from his contractor and summoning them into battle using a summoning portal from his mouth.

Male Dragons take a liking to females of other races while hating other males. Dragons are also known to be gluttons who enjoy eating delicious food, whether they are Evil Dragons like Nidhogg and Crom Cruach, or Dragon Gods like Lilith and Ophis,

No matter what, it is a mistake to anger even a Low-Class Dragon, more so one of the Heavenly Dragons or the Dragon Kings. This is because of their Outrage, as shown when the Dragon King Fafnir wielded power equal to or greater than the Super Devil Rizevim Livan Lucifer, then fought Crom Cruach, the strongest Evil Dragon, who surpassed the Heavenly Dragons. 

In the present, almost all powerful and legendary Dragons are either sealed inside of the Sacred Gears, such as Ddraig, Albion, and Vritra; dormant, missing, or dead. As shown by Ddraig, they revert back to an infantile mentality if they do not heal properly as a result of using up too much of their powers.

There is a race of Dragons who require a special fruit, called the Dragon Apple, to survive. All of the Dragon Apples on Earth have been destroyed due to climate changes, with the ones growing in the Underworld all existing within Tannin's territory. He became a Devil to obtain this territory for their sake.

There is an obscure mountain known as the Dragon Range only accessible to Dragons via the Dragon Gate. It allows for harsh training and contains one of Fafnir's treasure vaults.

Appearance :-

Dragons are creatures with reptilian traits. There are two physical types of Dragons: Western Dragons and Eastern Dragons.

The Western Dragons (西洋のドラゴン, Seiyō no Doragon) are a lizard-like creature that stands on four legs, leathery or bat-like wings growing from their backs, and a long, muscular tail.

The Eastern Dragons (東洋のドラゴン, Tōyō no Doragon) are typically portrayed as serpentine creatures that have long, slim bodies with four legs, and without wings.

Various Dragons come in different colors, from red (Flame Dragon or Ddraig) to white (Albion) to blue (Tiamat or Sprite Dragon). Most Evil Dragons have black scales. 

However, just like most other supernatural beings, Dragons can assume human form to appear normal, and most of them prefer to remain in their human form. Ophis is completely humanoid, but can change both gender and physical age.

Power & Abilities :- 

The abilities of a Dragon differ between classes, their specific races, and in some cases, the specific Dragon. All of them have demonstrated the power of flight and their own elemental Breath (either fire, ice, or lightning). Their Breath attacks, physical attacks, and Aura are noted to be their most basic forms of offense. Dragons often display high durability because of their tough scales.

There have also been Dragons who have developed their own abilities aside from their basic onessuch as Ddraig (Power Multiplication and Transference), Albion (Power Division and Absorption), and Vritra (Power Absorption and Transference).

A frequently seen trait amongst the higher classes of Dragons is the ability to change their appearance to varying degrees. This trait ranges from changing their size (Tannin and his son Bova Tannin) to completely changing their outward appearance (Yu-Long, Crom Cruach, Ophis, Tiamat, Apophis, and Alivian).

Same as God and Buddha, Dragons have an abundant lifespan, measuring in the millennium, some being almost ageless, however, most Dragons aren't shown as aging after maturing or dying unless they're killed. Dragons (and by extension Dragon Sacred Gear possessors) are immune to poisonous mist created from Youjutsu, which is said to be able to work on even higher ranking Devils and Youkai.

Outrage :- Dragons seem to have the ability to enter an empowered state of sorts when they are angered. In this state, physical abilities increase significantly. When Fafnir entered this state, his power was enough that he was able to knock Lilith to the side and bite off one of Rizevim Livan Lucifer's arms. In the Outrage state, dragons will relentlessly pursue their enemies. Ddraig and Albion also entered Outrage mode back in the Great War and lashed out at the leaders of the Three Factions for interrupting their fight.

Magic :- Though not many, some Dragons have the ability and also expertise in using various types and classes of Magic and spells, and often to far more potent degree than any other supernatural beings, higher classes of Dragons can use high classes of magic, and even forbidden spells. Some examples of these dragons are Aži Dahaka; who both controls and possesses one thousand magic skills, Fafnir; which he uses his skills in Magic to willfully open the Dragon gate and bestowed curses, and Apophis; who use his Magic to contain the Holy Grail through his own dimension.

Magic Resistance :- The scales of Dragons are stated to be resistant to magic.

Curse :- Though not all Dragons can use Curses, there are several higher ranking and powerful Dragons that can create and bestow Curses. In particular, those who can use forbidden Magics and spells, such as Fafnir who can use his spiritual presence, Vritra's shadowy black flames that can curse both mortals and supernatural beings, and Azi Dahaka's thousand skills of ancient and forbidden Magic skills.

Poison :- Some Dragons can utilize poison, potent enough to even destroy the souls of their victims. Samael's poison is so dangerous, particularly to other Dragons, that it is heavily sealed. The Yamata no Orochi is also poisonous, but it is inferior to Samael and can be cured by Heaven's antidote. Albion's original ability is a poison capable of destroying virtually all organic matter.

Dragon Gate :-

The Dragon Gate (龍門ドラゴン・ゲート, Doragon Gēto) is a magic circle exclusive to the Dragons. The Dragon Gate allows them to summon another Dragon. While the Dragon Gate insignia can be drawn by someone else, it will only respond when there is a Dragon nearby. It requires 3 or more powerful Dragons to use to forcibly summon another Dragon. A Dragon Gate is required for the process of reaching the Dragon Range.

The Dragon Gate insignia is positioned after the Five Dragon Kings, Tannin, the Two Heavenly Dragons, and Grendel. Each of which is represented on the magic circle by a different color:

A/N :- As the tale unfolds, a variety of species and races shall gradually join the narrative.<q(≧▽≦q)< p>

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