

basically a dxd fanfiction with better world building and where mc and every other character isnt a dumb lustful idiot . yeah as you have guessed lucifer is mc (he is manipulator like aizen he will be most powerful after the first arc atleast in his world ) he isnt dead well his clone died read and see how he achieves his goal. read if you like smart and op mcs also weak to strong ones also he will show new devil kings thier place

Neptune227 · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Fall Of AZAZEL and the creation of devil clan

Azazel's Descent:

In the annals of angelic history, Azazel's story was one of love, lust, and unquenchable curiosity—a tale that would shape the destiny of not only the fallen angel himself but also the very fabric of the DxD universe.

Azazel had been a prominent and revered angel in the celestial hierarchy. His radiant wings and noble countenance earned him the admiration of his celestial brethren. Yet, beneath his facade of righteousness, a storm raged within him—a storm fueled by forbidden desires.

Azazel harbored a deep and forbidden affection for Gabriel, a fellow angel of unparalleled beauty and grace. Her presence was like a beacon of purity, and he found himself irresistibly drawn to her. But their love was an affront to the divine order, for angels were forbidden to experience such earthly emotions.

Amidst his illicit love, Azazel became consumed by a burning desire for knowledge, particularly the secrets of sacred gears. He yearned to unravel their mysteries, to understand the source of their power and their connection to the cosmic forces that governed the universe.

Driven by these twin obsessions—his love for Gabriel and his insatiable thirst for knowledge—Azazel delved into forbidden texts and conducted clandestine experiments. He sought to unlock the secrets of sacred gears, to harness their power for the celestial cause.

However, his quest for knowledge and his illicit love did not go unnoticed by the God of the Bible. The deity, ever watchful and omniscient, saw the turmoil within Azazel's heart and the heretical path he tread. In the celestial realms, Azazel's descent into darkness became a matter of divine concern.

Lucifer's Temptation:

It was during this tumultuous period that Lucifer, the Morning Star and future adversary of the celestial hierarchy, extended a clandestine hand to Azazel. The Lucifer clone, created with cunning and duplicity, recognized the potential of Azazel's desires and the knowledge he sought.

In secret meetings cloaked in shadows, Lucifer whispered promises of power and liberation to Azazel. He painted a tantalizing vision of a world where angels could transcend the limitations imposed by the divine order, where they could embrace their desires and unlock the true potential of sacred gears.

Azazel, torn between his love for Gabriel and his thirst for knowledge, was tempted by Lucifer's seductive offer. He agreed to collaborate with the Morning Star, forming a clandestine alliance that would shake the foundations of heaven itself.

Building Territory in the Underworld:

Under Lucifer's guidance, Azazel and his followers began to carve out a territory in the depths of the underworld. This clandestine realm served as a sanctuary for those angels who yearned to break free from the constraints of the celestial hierarchy.

The fallen angels, as they came to be known, forged a new identity for themselves, one that embraced their desires and ambitions. They developed unique abilities and techniques, harnessing the power of their sacred gears in ways that defied conventional celestial wisdom.

Azazel, once a paragon of angelic virtue, now led this rebellious faction with charisma and determination. He had become the embodiment of defiance, challenging the very order he had once served.

The Thousand-Year War:

The celestial hierarchy soon became aware of the growing threat posed by the fallen angels. The God of the Bible, incensed by Azazel's betrayal and the emergence of this rival faction, declared war on the underworld.

For a thousand years, heaven and hell were engulfed in a cataclysmic conflict that spanned the celestial and infernal realms. The fallen angels, bolstered by their newfound powers and the guidance of Lucifer's clone, clashed with the celestial forces.

Azazel, once a loyal angel, now stood at the forefront of the rebellion, his love for Gabriel a distant memory, overshadowed by his desire for freedom and knowledge.

Lucifer Clone and Lilith's Creation:

Amidst the chaos of war, the Lucifer clone and Lilith, the Mother of Devils, conspired to create a legacy that would forever alter the landscape of the underworld—the 72 Devil Clans.

Lilith, with her profound knowledge of demonology and forbidden rituals, worked in tandem with the Lucifer clone to imbue each clan with unique powers and abilities. These clans were born from the essence of darkness and chaos, their strengths drawn from the very fabric of the underworld itself.

Each clan was led by a powerful devil, and together, they formed the backbone of the infernal hierarchy. From the Gremory Clan's mastery of demonic magic to the Sitri Clan's seductive charm, the devil clans represented a diverse array of abilities.

However, their true origins remained shrouded in mystery, and to the outside world, it appeared as though the fallen angels were the architects of this infernal might. Only a select few knew the truth—the Lucifer clone and Lilith had orchestrated this grand deception to further their own agenda.