
DxD: MOB reincarnation

A story about someone who got reincarnated in DXD without cheats, without rob and without system. no OP WARNING: Mc has limited knowledge of the story. He has not read all the story of dxd.

X_1995 · 漫画同人
41 Chs


After some times, I was again in the room of the school club with my clothes destroyed.

"Whoa, mom is going to kill me." I said a little scared. Kiba, that bastard started laughing again. It was not funny, this was a life and death problem for me.

"Well then, what do you think? Am I enough as a sparring partner?" I said sighing.

"For me you passed, but we still need to ask the president." said Kiba.

"Yes, you passed." She said smiling a little." But I would prefer if you two would refrain from fighting to that point."

"Are you sure? I felt myself grow more trying to beat him. I guess battling only against weakling is no good." I said.

"Were you such a battle maniac?" She said a little shocked. "I guess if you fight a little further from the building and Kiba is okay with it, I could allow it."

"Good I have still a lot of techniques to try." I said

"Well then you need to wait for me to heal. Just one headbutt and I could feel my internal organ get damaged inside my body. What is made your head of?" He said.

"Clad with touki? Pretty much harder than steel, ahahah."

"I would like to fight against the other if possible." I said. "What do you think? Maybe I can teach Toujo some of my techniques if you grant me access to some magic books. The others too."

Hearing my proposal, Koneko stopped eating and seemed a little irritated. 'What? Has she some problem with me?' I thought.

"Maybe later." Rias said.

"Ok then. You have my number. Call me when you need something. Bye everyone." I said as I started heading toward the door.


Rias- side

"What do you make of him Kiba?" I asked him since he was the one to fight.

"I think he is pretty honest. I could feel it when I traded blows with him. Every blow had his everything behind." He said. It seems like he left a good impression on our Kiba. "If it wasn't for the fact that he was not really used with fighting a sword user, I would have probably lost instantly. I think he must have fought only brainless monster all this time, probably that is the reason he made such a proposal. Honestly I felt myself grow when fighting too. If it can make me stronger I would not mind fighting him again."

"It's a shame that he did not want to become part of the peerage. And you Akeno, are you okay? I can refuse if you want. For Koneko too. I can see that both of you are not really comfortable nearby him." I said.

"It's okay Rias. He just stepped on a part of my past that I did not want to dig up. It was not his fault." Said Akeno. Koneko nodded too.

"Well then. It's decided. After Kiba recovers I will call him and we can have this exchange of information. I doubt that he can contribute much though." I said.



After that I went back home. I was really tired today. Hadn't talked with someone for a very long time, but this was necessary to gain information and power. Learning about magic should help me when my ki recovers. I could learn more about this world too, since my knowledge was limited at this point.

I was lucky and managed to avoid mom. Finally in the safety of my room, I started thinking about the fight I had today. I started replaying the scene on my mind and realized something. The move ,when I had hardened my muscles to the extreme, was really similar to iron of the six style. Maybe I could try reproducing all the styles since my body was already on the superhuman level.

If I don't remember wrong, there should but still shave, moonwalk, paper art, finger pistol and tempest kick. I think it should help me improve my battle style.

And so, the next day, I came back to the forest. I was bringing only destruction to this place now that I think about it. It's okay, someday it should flourish again, if I don't advance here again.

The first technique I wanted to try was tempest kick. The principle was very simple, just kick with all your strength in the direction you want to cut and you should be able to create a sharp wave of wind that cuts everything on your path. I tried first without touki, but it did not work. I just created a shockwave, nothing was cut. Then I thought about it and while reinforcing my whole body with touki, I tried kicking again. This time it really did work. Maybe that was the trick, reinforcing the body with some touki and concentrate the remaining energy on the leg. I kept trying again and again, until I realized that around me there were no more trees.

The next one was finger gun. This too worked. It seems that if I apply touki in the right percentage I can really reproduce the technique of the navy six style from on piece world. The problem started when I tried reproducing shave. I remember that it said that I should try kicking ten times in an instant to make high speed movements. I could not grasp the rhythm and timing needed to use the technique. The same was for moon walk. The surprising thing was that paper was not so difficult to reproduce, after all I had a perfect control of my muscles.

My daily life kept going on like this training and trying to grasp martial arts from some anime. I can't complain since this world was an anime before. One day, about 2 weeks after the meeting, Rias called me.

"Hello. How are you? Have your wound healed? If yes, would you like doing some training today." She said.

My wounds had already recovered after one week. So I accepted the proposal and went directly to the old building. Maybe I could talk to Kiba about the technique and copy him when he succeeds. I can complete the technique and get magic information at the same time. It's not a bad deal.

Outside there was Kiba and Koneko waiting for me.

"Hello there Kiba, Toujo."

"Hello Haru. You can call me Yuuto, you know. No need to be so formal." He said.

Koneko just nodded.

"The others are going to come later or we are just going to train with only the three if us." I asked.

"Only the three of us. The President and Akeno-san had other things to do today. "

I was a little relieved at the news. Honestly, I was a little uncomfortable with the half fallen angel. Just the aura was enough to make me nervous.

"Ok then. I will start showing you some techniques to gain my magic books." I said, raising a little my voice.

"For you Yuuto, since you seem to concentrate yourself only on improving your speed, I've got just the perfect technique."I said and then appeared in front of him leaving a little crater behind. I managed to kick only 3 times and still this speed.

He seemed really surprised. Ahahah, it feels like I become some xianxia master playing around with his disciples.

"The principles is very simple. You just need to kick the ground 10 times instantly before attacking. It's simple but still it's not so easy to master. You need to grasp the rhythm and timing right or the only thing you are doing is stomping.

"Only that?" he asked. "Just by doing that I can increase my speed?" I guess it was a little too simple. I mean I do remember heavenly whatever movement techniques but most of the explanations are 'I am able to fly now'.

"Just try it." I said." I've got no reason to lie to you. After all I can get paid only if the exchange is beneficial, right? While you try it I will teach something else to Toujo."

I turned toward her and started talking.

"Can you remind me what position in the peerage you cover, please?" I said.

"I am the rook." She said. If I don't remember wrongly, it should concentrate on strength and defense. So to do a demonstration I activated iron and told her to punch me. After a brief hesitation she gave me a right straight on the gut. It hurt a little but I really did not get any damage from that.

"As you can see this technique improves your defense. It's only problem is that you cannot move in this state. You need to release when you attack." I said.

I then tried to show her how to strengthen the muscle. I did it using a stick and poking the places where the defense where weak. Since I could feel the movement of her aura, it was simple.

In that moment Kiba appeared right before us ,scaring me and Koneko. Don't tell he just did it like that? If so, this world is really unfair.

"Don't tell me you already mastered it?" I said, watching him suspiciously.

"No, I only managed to kick the ground only five times at the same time." He said.

In that moment I understood the feeling of the masters in the novel when their disciple surpassed them with such ease. It was humiliating. But I still managed to get info on how to get better, while saying that I already had mastered it. Koneko is still struggling a little. I think it's because she refuses to use touki.

I kept training with the two of them for now. Rias and Akeno seem to be avoiding me or observing. Don't know since my senses are not as sharp as before. I am officially a first year in Kuoh academy and a member of the club now. It's not like something changed. It's the same but at least I managed to break the ice with Koneko and have a normal conversation. She still doesn't want to use touki though. I don't understand why would you let such talent go to waste. Well, that is something for her to decide, not me.

After one month of training with them, I finally was going to show the result of the training to Rias and get my magic books. Koneko and Kiba had mastered both iron and shave. I made Kiba teach shave to Koneko so that I could learn it, and she taught him iron. I thought it would be faster just showing her the result with a mock battle, so I am facing Koneko right now.

She activated shave and in one moment was in front of me, but still too slow for me. I dodged and kept dodging as if to show off the speed she was moving. Then I decided to attack and released a normal punch directly into her face. She was quick to defend and right after she crossed her arms activated iron. She managed to remain relatively unscathed.

"What do you think? I must say that I did a pretty good job." I said.

"Y-Yes." she said, a little shocked at the improvement.

"Then can I have my magic books?" I said a little excited. With enough knowledge maybe I would be able to spam magic using ki.

"Yes, I'll get them ready. What did you need?" She said.

"Magic about space and fire. Human magic if possible. I want to know the principle behind. If you manage to find books about senjutsu I would love them too." I said.