
DXD: Master Shooter(up for adoption)

What a life, a normal person, dying as they did a good dead. His last breath was taken in consideration of others. A compassionate person. “What bullshit!!” Someone shouted, the normal person, he was simply walking from school to his house when he accidentally tripped one a rock. His falling body pushed a kid out of the way of a car which then proceeded to turn him into mincemeat. Sure he loved fame, and love, but what is the use of it when you’re dead, you can’t. he was going to whine some more when he was suddenly approaching with an offer he couldn’t refuse. (This is a fanfic, that means I do not own Highschool DxD, I do not own any mentioned franchises. I do this for fu. and to get my head off other things. )

DaoistLvbLz6 · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter 4

I was pulling a small desk out the room. Thanks to my increased strength from the system i could easily pull the the desk out. I then forced it to the balcony and then I lifted it up. I then pushed it off the side of the balcony. It slowly started to fall down, it built up speed before it finally slammed down upon the zombies.

[ Defeated 3x Zombies +60 EXP ]

It was pretty good, considering I barely did anything. Sure I moved a small desk, but that was it, no danger in anyway. The horde was now down three zombies and it also seems around five of them were injured.

I then remembered something. I went to the kitchen and looked around. I then found it, a set of kitchen knives. The finest projectile weapons I could use in this world. I went to the balcony and then readied a knife. I pulled it back and then flexed my arms before I threw the knife.

It flew down upon the zombies. It then struck one of the zombies right in the head. The knife was implanted in the head of the zombie, blood started to spurt from the wound before it fell to the ground dead.

[ Defeated 1x Zombie + 20 EXP + 1x Rotten flesh ]

I finally received a loot item from a monster. I went to look at the item in my inventory, checking out the description.

[ Zombie Flesh: The flesh of a zombie, tastes bad and is poisonous. Can be used as materials or for rituals. ]

A decent item, but not very useful, tendons might have been more useful, since people seemed to have made strings from it. Though I have heard that it takes a long time. So probably not. I grabbed the other mnives and started throwing. The knives all landed on the heads of a zombie. This was somewhat easy due to the fact that over half of the area from the surface was a zombie head.

It didn't take long before he somehow managed to reach level 3. This was after destroying an entire horde of zombies. But thanks to him accuracy with his throwing he got the throwing skill.

[ Throwing:

Level: 2/100

The art of chucking an item at another person from afar. Thus keeping a distance between you and your target.

Increases throwing speed

Increase speed of projectile

Increase damage of projectile

Increase accuracy when throwing

Decrease stamina used when throwing


I really like this skill. It will insure my safety. I then started to climb down the balconies before I reached ground zero. During the time I tried to look for anything of value, but it seems almost nothing was as valuable as what I have on myself. I plucked the knives from the head and placed them in my inventory.

I started to roam the small city street I was in, no other zombies were in the area. I searched everywhere. But nothing. Before long I reached front of a school. I went in, the doors were unlocked so I was able to just pull it open.

I went through the entire school, it was mostly empty. No one seemed to be in the school. I went through the hallways, the classrooms, the cafeteria, and other places the school had. I raided the place of what few items I had left. From the corpse of a person I took the helmet they had, it was a motorcycle helmet. I lowered the visor and it felt much better now that my one sensitive eye didn't transmit what was equivalent to a flash light right into me.

And this was in a dark and cloudy setting, in a normal place I would probably have to wear sunglasses. I found the bones of some creature. It sure which type it was but it was somewhat large, the bone itself could probably be used as a club or the like.

I found a pair of leather boots that I took and wore. I found some gloves that had leather sewed onto it. Making it better for protection and durability. I was in the hallway when I saw someone standing on the other side.

"Hey." I said, as I did a sense of dread filled my heart. Every part of my body said that I shouldn't have done that. That I shouldn't have broadcasted my location to a potential threat. It turned around and I saw it. It was a zombie.

It was wearing some decent clothing on it. It seemed that the zombie used to actually survived in the zombie apocalypse for a while. It wore tight clothing with hard leather sewed on it. It left barely anything exposed.

I took the knives I had from my inventory and readied them. The zombie started to charge my way. Using observe I found a good idea of what it was like.

[ Surviver Zombie:

Level: 7

Health: 720

Strength: 18

Endurance : 14

Vitality: 25

Agility: 17


Senses: 0

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0


"Fuck." I said to myself. It is quite powerful, and didn't have a specific weakness. Large brutes or tanks often are slow so you could chip away at it. Faster ones are often fragile, normally not everything was good, even if there are gaps in the stats.

I threw my knives at the zombie. I threw a total of seven knives. Each one seemed to have dealt decent damage. Around thirty damage each. It was decent I guess. Before long it reached me. Thanks to my skills it was pretty high, but because of its endurance and its armor the damage was lowered.

I took out my bat and readied myself. Once it was in range I swung the bat, it hit the zombie right at the head. But this only caused it to stumbled a bit to the side.

It quickly recovered from this and lunged forward. I side stepped while it was in mid air, I then struck it right on the leg. Causing the landing to become a tumbled. While it was down I struck the zombie right on the head, but this again only caused a bit of damage. I checked my progress and was not impressed.

[ Surviver Zombie:

Level: 7

Health: 420

Strength: 18

Endurance : 14

Vitality: 25

Agility: 17


Senses: 0

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0


Not even half the health was dealt with. I jumped back, creating distance between us, I then took three baseballs I found out and started to pitch them.

The first baseball landed right on the knee. The force of the attack seemed to have managed to break or at least seriously injure the knee as a crunch sounded out when it impacted. The second struck the chest, the armor did not provide much protection from that it would seem. The last strike landed on the face, but the force of the attack bent the body of the zombie back, lessening the damage suffered.

I dashed forward as fast as I could before swinging the bat at the head of the zombie. This pushed the zombie back, I then pulled the bat up and slammed it down. Some of the knives in the zombie loosened and fell off and clanged as they struck the ground.

I then did a large combo attack, swinging my bat like a mad man. Right as the health of the zombie reached fifty however, things changed. The bat struck the side of the zombie, but rather than flesh, it felt like I hit a boulder. The recoil of the attack reverberated through my arms. I jumped back, but as I did the zombie was right in front of me. The arms were reeled back, I quickly raised the bat right in front of me and blocked a strike of the zombie.

I was slammed into a wall. I then tried to strike me again, but it missed as I ducked right under the attack. I tried to strike again, and it did land, but it still felt like hitting a boulder.

It raised one of its fist up and smashed it down. I jumped to the side and dodged the attack. I looked where I just was and the ground had a fist sized crater where it just struck. I used this moment to check its status. As I did my eyes widen and my face started to pale.

[ Surviver Zombie:

Level: 7

Health: 38

Strength: 23

Endurance : 21

Vitality: 25

Agility: 20


Senses: 0

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0


"What the hell, a last minute boost." I said, it had practically increased in power by around twenty or thirty percent and yet that amount was enough to turn the tides of this battle. I looked away from the screen and towards the zombie and found that it was right in front of me. It did a right hook, which I ducked under and I was about to hit it when I kicked me. The force sent me against a wall. I moved to the side and it sent another punch. I used my bat and slammed it at the neck of the zombie. It struck and did a bit of damage. Suddenly I felt so light.

Like I was a feather. Flying across the room. I then realized why I did, I was punched. This one wasn't blocked. I could feel my chest having a small crater where the fist had landed its strike on me.

I landed on the ground, I forced my body up, I could barely breath, my lungs were working overtime and yet it seemed I still couldn't breathe. I used my bat as a crutch and forced myself up. My senses told me death was coming. I moved to the side but the zombie had already blocked that path with its arm which dug halfway into the wall. I then noticed it.

A knife, right in its chest, I said a quick pray to whichever god would accept me before I grabbed the knife and started to push as hard as I could. The knife then started to dig deep. The zombie used this and bit me on my shoulder, thankfully the jacket managed to disperse some of the damage. But I still felt like a hydraulic press pushing on my shoulder. I put everything I had and pushed the knife into the zombie.

It then went limp as the zombie died. It fell to the ground before it disappeared. I fell to the ground, my breathing had slowed down a bit as oxygen went into my lungs. My body felt weak but that was until the system gave me the reward.

[ Defeated 1x Survivor Zombie + 300 EXP + 1 Apocalyptic Survivor's armor set, + 1 Apocalyptic Knife, + 1 First aid]

[ Level Up ]

[ Level Up ]

The leveling up managed to get my level to five. A very good level currently for me. I took the first aid from the inventory and started to apply it to myself.

[ First Aid Treatment

Increase recovery speed of small injuries by twenty percent for 3 hours.

Disease immunity buff applied for one hour.


I then looked at the armor and combat knife given to me. This was because it seemed much better than whatever junk I put on and hoped to keep me safe with.

[ Apocalyptic Survivor's armor set

An armor set made for apocalyptic survivors. It gives the user good protection from all types of attacks while keeping it relatively light.

- 30 damage taken

Set Bonus:

+ 10 damage towards apocalyptic beings


This was actually pretty fricking good. If I had this. Killing the zombie would have been much easier. The damage I took, lowered me to around half health, slightly more. If I had this, I probably wouldn't have even lost a quarter of my health. It was a true shame. I then used the system and equipped it.

I had leather boots, heavy duty leather boots. Not only that but it seems that some thin metal platings were nailed into the boots front and back, making it easy for kicks to do more damage. It also had a piece of metal protecting the… the part that was opposite of the heel.

The pants were a Jean reinforced with leather and metal platings. The metal platings were added to protect the knees, the thighs, and the crotch. The leather parts did the back side of the thigh, the calf, and back part of the knee, and between the crotch. It had two small pouches attached to the side just in front of the pockets.

The shirt was normal but the jacket over it had metal platings over the elbow, the shoulders, the right upper arm. The left one had leather protecting it. More leather padding were added on the armpits, the area around the arms and waist. Seven metal plates seemed welded on to protect the chest and eight pieces on the back. And a left forearm guard was nailed and sewed on.

The helmet was a normal military helmet with metal, leather, and cloth sewed and nailed on to cover the area around the jaws and the nose, leaving only the eye and area around it exposed.

There were gloves that had metal nailed to the knuckles and the back of the hand. The leather seems to only cover the wrist. For some reason.

It then looked at the knife and it was pretty good as well.

[ Apocalyptic Knife

A large knife made from steel and iron. It was handmade and modified for a long time. Thus the knife feels a bit too heavy. The handle seems off. The balance of the weapon is a bit to the side.

+ 35 damage

+ 10 damage to apocalyptic beings


When I took it out the first thing I noticed was the size. It says knife, but it was more like a machete than anything. When I took it out of the sheath it came with I saw that the knife had a bit of rust, the blade seems to have some fixed chips. The handle seemed to be made in an emergency and the weight was towards the left.

I placed the sheath to my side and started to wander the area.