
Chapter 90 : Devil Knight

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Chapter 90 : Devil Knight

"You all right Cassie? Did you do this to Freed?" Xenovia asked her fellow church member as Cassie just nodded her head.

"Yeah." Cassie answered in the voice void of all life.

"What happened tell me." Xenovia said as hugged her friend.

"H-He said something that is still haunting me to this day, Xenovia." Cassie said with tears running down her face as she couldn't contain herself anymore.

All that anyone of the Devils could do was to have a sad look on their faces as they saw a powerful warrior woman cry as the mention of her past that from the look of things hurt her too much.

Deciding to help her latter. Issei who was boosting the whole time got near Kiba and put his hand on his shoulder.

"You wouldn't probably need this for him, but it's good if Kokabiel trys to attack you." Issei said as he told Ddraig to transfer some of his boosted power to Kiba.

[Transfer] Ddraig voice echoed through the air as Kiba's power grows.

As he gotten over the euphoria of the power he felt, Kiba turned to Issei and saw him nod as he just smiled and started walking towards the creator of Human Hell that he went through.

"Now that leaves us with you Valper. Hope you said your prayers. Time for you to answer for what you did to me and my fellow comrades. Hope you burn in the deepest pit of Hell."

Kiba said as he walked past the church duo. And towards the man, he hated more than anything in the world.

"Oh, so you are the one that I heard survive. Ah, no matter since you all will be dead shortly. You have 20 minutes before this town is no more."

Valper and Kokabiel laughed together as the others were shocked to the core by what the priest said.

"W-What do you mean no more?" Issei asked as he was dreading the answer.

"You weaklings have to defeat me for the circular to be stopped. That said only you Red Dragon Emperor and Lucifuge heiress have a minuscule chance of doing that. But it would be entertaining to see you all try and fail and for my war to start. Valper, give that blond Knight that."

Kokabiel explained giving them a sadistic laugh as he watched all of them turned white with their eyes wide and mouths dropped down.

"As you wish, my Lord." Valper replied with a chuckle, as he took a something from his robe and trough it towards Kiba who cached it effortlessly.

Though when he saw and felt what was he holding, he started to sob as his dead comrade's energy converted into the spirit form making them visible to everyone.

Making everyone gasp at that. While making Kokabiel and Valper wanna trough up at the scene in front of them.

"Isaiah, you survived!" A voice belonging to a small girl shouted in happiness.

"Yes! One of us is now living!" Another voice belonging to a male said in joy.

"M-my friends, h-how is this p-possible?" Kiba asked as everywhere he looked his was meet the faces of the ones that laid their lives for him to escape.

"We were always there Isiah, you just needed to look past your hatred to see it." All spirits said in a union making it sound like a song was sing.

The site of hundred children surrounding Kiba was something that made everyone there have tears in their eyes, well almost everyone Kokabiel and Valper looked at the scene in pure boredom and the sickness in their stomachs at the mushy stuff.

As the children gather near Kiba they started to sing prompting him to sing with them while they glow brightly.

"Isiah, live for the living and protect them, don't make yourself a vengeful person. You have new friends to live for. We will always be alive in your heart and mind. Get rid of your anger and vengeance."

The children said in a union as they intensify their glow before they all went into Kiba making him glow brightly.

[It's coming Partner, the Knight just entered the league.] Ddraig exclaimed out loud as he knew what was coming.

"What are you talking about Ddraig?" Issei asked as he wasn't sure what his dragon was hinting at.

(What Ddraig is saying is that Kiba just entered a stage where his emotions unlocked his Balance-Breaker, dear.

And it looks like we are about to see something interesting what comes out of it.) Elsha spoke as she was excited to see what would happen next.

"My comrades, my brothers and sisters, I know what it must be done now. I will do whatever it takes to protect them. Kokabiel, Valper time to meet your maker.

Sword Birth, Balance-Breaker! Sword of Betrayed" Kiba shouted making the ORC, Church duo, Lucy and Chelsea widen their eyes while Issei smirks.

"W-What!?" ORC shouted in disbelief as they watched Kiba put his hands forward

In Kiba's hands, a golden hilt materialized with a ruby at the end followed by a long blade that was double edged with blood red line going down the center of the sword point to the hilt, while one side of the blade was pitch dark with the other white as Siberian snow.

It was emitting something that was thought impossible. Holy energy mixed with Demonic making it unheard of.

"This is my resolve Valper, Kokabiel let's see if you can handle it!" Kiba shouted as he charged Valper only to be stopped by someone else who they never seen.

"Now, that looks like a beautiful piece of work Devil Knightt . I'm very impressed, love the colors of it also." A figure in black robe said in a female voice that made everyone shocked.

"Who are you?" Kiba asked as he found that he was unable to push the figure aside even with his new sword.

"Who am I, is not important right now. What is… is that I need to kill one stray and one that defines my masters wish."

The female figure said as she disengaged her sword from Kiba's making him look at her with wide eyes.