
Chapter 63 : Civil War

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Chapter 63 : Civil War

Seeing that it belong to her clan, Rias was smiling from ear to ear eagerly awaiting for her love interest that she still hasn't given up on.

While Murayama and Katase and a little bit of Chelsea were still at awe at seeing it.

But they were all surprised as from it emerged three people. Two were girls that looked a lot alike.

Though they immediately identified Grayfia, while another girl was mystery. though the third person was none other than Issei Hyoudou.

But what made all girls mad, was seeing their love interest holding hands with a girl that was a mystery to all of them except to Grayfia and Issei.

"ISE, ISSEI, HYOUDOU, WEAKLING, PERVERT!" Those were the shouts that he was greeted with making him sweat a little while the girl that was holding his hand giggled a little bit at their outburst.

"I figured that you were popular with ladies but this much, ufufuf I didn't know, looks like I have competition hmm?" Lucy said as he put her head on his shoulder making a lot of girls get angry at what she was doing.

"And who are you? And what do you think you are doing to my Ise?"

Rias asked as she flared her power making her baby blue eyes turn pink as her hair started to way in all direction and her aura to disintegrate papers and a small part of her desk.

Issei just glared at Rias and her stupid attempt at being possessive over him, but before he could do anything Lucy tighten her hand into his and let him know that she would do the talking.

Grayfia for her part just went to make some tea for all of them since she knew what would happen. She just didn't want to witness what was about to happen.

"Ah, yes I thought you looked familiar from somewhere. Now I know, ufufuff you are that Sirzechs little sister.

Should have guessed, Issei dear didn't you say that she would be your soon ex-master?" Lucy used in a mocking tone wanting to see Rias' reaction and boy was it priceless.

Hearing the way this mystery girl talked about her and her Brother made Rias beyond furious but she was soon put in her place when Issei stood in between the two girls while releasing his aura making them both a little stiff.

"Lucy, as much as I would enjoy for you to put her in her place that would need to wait. Why don't you introduce to other before you let hell lose?" Issei softly spoke to her as he put a hand on her shoulder making her relaxed.

Nodding, she stepped to the side of Issei and properly introduce herself making all of them in shock even Issei.

"Hello, and sorry for that heiress of Gremory house. My name is Lucy Lucifuge-Hyoudou, heiress of the House of Lucifuge. It a pleasure to meet you all."

Lucy introduced herself with a smirk on her face seeing that their reaction that was priceless again. All of them were in shock at what she told them.

Though only one that was not in shock was Grayfia, she was giggling at what her sister was doing.

"W-WHAT?" Was all that they could ask at hearing her statement.

"It's like I said. My name is Lucy Lucifuge-Hyoudou. Younger sister of Grayfia Lucifuge now Gremory and lover of Issei Hyoudou."

Rias couldn't believe what she just heard. Issei had a lover now? And it was none other than Grayfia's sister, who she didn't know even existed.

The trio, consisting of Murayama, Katase, and Chelsea were also in shock. They would never have imagined that Issei would find a lover. And that said lover would be so much beautiful.

They all knew that they had lost this war. As the girl in front of them outmatch them in all aspects.

Lucy was without a doubt is very beautiful, her figure and her porcelain white skin along with her curves gave them a clear message that they had no chance in Hell or Heaven at winning Issei's heart.

Though they were surprised when Lucy saw their looks at her and gave them a wink before returning to stare at Rias who was now beyond furious.

"What do you mean Grayfia's sister?! I never heard about you?!" Rias shouted at her feeling a strong urge to disintegrate the silver haired girl in front of her.

"It's like I said. I'm her sister, and I would be grateful if you lower your tone before I make you do it little spoiled princess." Lucy said in a cold voice that made them all flinch a little.

"Why..." Rias started to say but Grayfia cut her short before Lucy will freeze her for good.

"What Lucy say's is true. She is my little sister. And you don't know because until only yesterday, Lucy was almost unreachable to everyone that wasn't me and after yesterday, Issei.

Though I would like to remind you Rias that Lucy is way beyond your level of power as she managed to fight and survive during the Civil War so I would watch what I say if I were you."

Grayfia instructed Rias but to her luck, she didn't listen.

"I don't care what or who you are. Hands off my Ise or I will blow you away you fucking slut!" Rias yelled, but little that she knew that she just released a demon that was sleeping deep inside of Lucy for a long time.

Instead of getting furious, Lucy just started laughing hard holding her stomach at her insult. She is going to enjoy this and now that Rias made the first move, she knew that Grayfia won't get between them.

"Hahahahaha...now that's funny, I'm a slut because I'm with a man I love and he loves me back.

Hahahaa oh oh oh this is going to be fun. Issei love, please don't stop us, I would rather not hurt you in the process.

That goes to your three friends also." Lucy said as her eyes started shining dark blue making Grayfia sigh and moved to stand near Issei, with the trio moving close to Issei for their safety.