
Chapter 201 : Bastards

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Chapter 201: Bastards

While if you are like us." Arnett paused to gesture towards the girls that killed already and does were Elsha, Cassie, Lucy, Chelsea and herself.

That anger will make you really start or try to kill as you already did it and would be just another one you took.

The point of this is to tell you that when you finally do kill not to take that lightly as it will tarnish you and it will slowly become an enjoyment that will make you worse than even... well I will let you think about it.

Arnett said her piece before she saluted towards Elsha who returned the gesture and walk away towards her unit.

"Oh yeah, and whatever you do Red Dragon Emperor, do not let your anger get to the point of "that". While I do respect you and your power, if it comes to that I will be the first one to attack you and try to kill you.

Be it friend or foe. My concern is my squad and the victory in this battle, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it. Even if it means killing you."

Arnett said as her eyes flashed ruby red for a moment before she smiled and continued towards her unit, and making Issei gulp a bit at the creepy smile he received from the Red-haired Valkyr..

[Partner what Elsha was trying to tell you is that when you make your first kill you will never be the same. You will lose your innocence, your hand will forever be dyed in blood and your soul will forever be tainted with knowledge of killing someone.]

Ddraig explained getting Issei and the Kendo duo to pause in their breathing as this was something that they didn't know.

(While that is true little Issei, remember that there is a difference between killing in battle and just killing in general. In battle, you kill to survive and to keep your comrades alive, not for the sake of killing.)

Belzard spoke surprising all of them since he didn't speak at all since their time at the Norse.

"And where were you this whole time you crazy bastard?" Issei asked as he felt a bit pissed that his teacher in martial arts was nowhere even when he was in his mind.

(Oh that, I had a few things to sort out with some bastards. Nothing to worry about really. Oh, and Elsha I'm proud of you and I wish you all the luck in the world.)

Belzard answered casually making some to fall face-first on the floor while Elsha had her eyes wide as she knew very well what Belzard was referring to.

'So that is why Issei didn't go ballistic when Kolekh was shown and when they were near each other.' Elsha thought as she remembered how Issei was barely controlling himself.

"Well, with that sorted and I do hope you realize what we wanted to say, it's time to position you in the battle lines." Elsha told them as she pointed towards Cassie who looked at her with a question mark above her head.

"Cassie, you are a speedster and good with melee combat, I want you to be on the left flank with Arnett and her unit. When I give you a signal, you are to, along with her unit, enter the engagement and try to force as many enemies as you can to your position if you feel that your position will be overrun you are to ask for reinforcements and I will try to send you some units to help. Understood?" Elsha commanded which Cassie nodded.

Now, Chelsea, I want you to go wide and try to liquidate their artillery, they will prove troublesome if we let them fire for too long. Just a warning, the crew are Chaos Dwarfs that are magic resistant and extremely armored.

They are stubborn as they come, and they are unbreakable, so you will need to kill them to the last, you will receive a unit of hussars to help you in this.

Though do watch for enemy units that will guard them. they will probably be lightly armored but still be careful.Hearing her orders Chelsea nodded with a grin.

"Murayama, Katase...I know this is going to be tough, but I want you 2 to stay and be with Royal Guards unit, I know you want to contribute but, honestly, I don't know how well you will fare in this kind of battle, so try and keep the engagement with the enemy to a minimal okay.

If it's extremely necessary or you spot a weak point alert the unit commander of it and they will deal with it.

Elsha said while it hurt her to say it, it was only for their own good, which the girls understood thankfully.

Now, that leaves us with Lucy and Issei. Lucy, you are to be on the opposite flank of Cassie, use everything you have, and don't hold back at all.

Those bastards are tougher then they look, trust me I know, the same that I said to Cassie is applied to you, understand? on the right flank would be a few units of heavy axe man, try to smash enemy flank and charge into the center when the flank is secure, you will receive a units of Blood Dragons after they finish their 1st charge to help deal with their enemy cav.

Elsha explained getting a nod from the heiress before the Empress turned towards Issei.

"As for you Issei, you will be with me at the central part, while I would like all of you to be somewhere else, this can't be done now. Your job is to support the middle along with me, we will be the main hitters and the prime target for the enemy.

Use anything you can think of except "That", oh yes and if you are going to use that attack you practiced give us a heads up. I would like it if I could at least minimize the losses from Friendly Fire.