
Chapter 184: Tradition

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Chapter 184: Tradition

"Now, Red Emperor, as I was just telling Arnett and Asuna, when you cross the border let them do all the talking. They are familiar to the guards and will have an easier time. Also, when the Wing Hussars appear, try to be as friendly as possible and do whatever they say, after all, you are in their home so you must follow their before I forget,there is a universal rule for East, West and South Slavs, whenever you're given to eat or drink you must take even a bit of it as not to disrespect the host. It's they're tradition so better follow it, though a fair warning, their drinks pack up a nasty punch. " Freya said as Arnett started to laugh.

"That is an understatement of the millennium my Lady,you know full well how Thor and others were after a drinking match against those monsters hahaha..." Arnett laughed along with Asuna, which was quickly joined by Freya who was giggling at the thought of her son's and husband being dragged back to the city by Perun's Royal Guard, some Red Dragon Knights and a few of Wing Hussars, who were grumbling about how they lost a stupid bet and were forced to deliver them back and all that.

But what was the funniest thing was when they delivered them, they just dropped them, like sacks of potatoes and left while swearing a vengeance on their fellow comrades for this.

"Ah, yes that is still something that I'm keeping over his head when he goes out with Azazel."

Freya said stiffing her giggles as much as possible, though she failed miserably seeing the confused faces on the Red Emperor's host.

After calming down a bit, she explained what happened and the ass-kicking that she gave Odin and Thor, which made Issei and his company to laugh while sending Asuna and Freya into a struggle to find breath, while Arnett was on the floor laughing and remembering the scenes that were outside battle her dearest.

Finally, managing to calm down enough, Freya, along with Arnett and Asuna brought Issei and his group to Odin, who seeing his wife and his 2 bodyguards having red cheeks, couldn't help but not raise an eyebrow, which prompted Arnett to suppress her laughter with Asuna to giggle while every so often hitting her in the ribs to stop her, which didn't help at all and only made her laugh even more

"You know what. I won't even bother to ask what you 3 did to have you all so red, but that is for later." Odin said while having a good idea about what was talked, and he was damned sure he didn't want to find out anytime soon since he had a lot of bad luck when it comes to Freya and Arnett.

"Now Arnett, I have a special mission for you, it is important that is done." Odin said seriously, making Arnett stop her laughing to look at the All-Father seriously.

"And that mission is, my lord?" Arnett asked quickly wanting to know what to prepare for.

"The mission is to follow and act as Red Dragon's bodyguard until you reach the East, from there you will get your own team that will be sent to you for the annual Parade, that would be held in the Capital at the red fortress. I received a message from Perun, he wished to put together the most grandiose military Parade ever held. He even invited other realms to come, such as Greek, Roman, Hindu and a few more that would hopefully come. He also said that he would hold a tournament, and the winner of it would receive a Dragon scale armor, made from the oldest dragon scales that they had."

Odin said, making Arnett's eyes shine brightly as her grin slowly started to creep onto her face that slowly started to terrify the old God, as he knew that what he just unleashed onto the world would be a catastrophe. And could only pray that Arnett doesn't go overboard.

"Oh, that would be done without a problem my lord." Arnett said in a sing-song voice, terrifying everyone present even more than her crazy bloodlust grin.

"Um...If I could say something Lord Odin." Issei questioned as he was silent till this moment, seeing as it wasn't is time to speak.

"Yes, Red Dragon?"

"Why would Arnett need to be my bodyguard?" Issei asked a bit irritated at the thought of having someone looking over him.

"Ah, I see what you are asking. Well, to answer your question, you can say it is a tradition that both Norse and Slav faction developed during our time as allies in the war against someone that I really hope you don't ever have to face my boy. It was a decision that stuck after it and become something akin to the tradition."

Odin said calmly as Issei calm himself as he heard the answer of the old geezer.

"Well then I can't complain too much about it."

"Good, since you are scheduled to leave in 2 hours. I suggest you all relax and enjoy the city. Oh, and everything you would want is on me so go and take anything that you would need or want."

Odin said with a calm voice as he smiled at Emperor's peerage that had stars in their eyes as they heard this.

"Are you really okay Lord Odin with us buying a lot of things?" Lucy asked a bit confused as to why the mighty God would do that.

"Well, young Lucifuge think of this as my way of saying sorry for all that we put you through. Oh and Emperor." Odin answered the silver beauty before his attention return to Issei.


"There is someone who would want to have a few words with you. Go down that path and you will find him." Odin said with a bit of anger in his voice as he pointed the road behind Issei.

"Uhh...okay, well girls have fun shopping. I will see you in a bit." Issei said as he started walking away from the girls who waved back as they went the opposite way.