
Chapter 180: Prison

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Chapter 180: Prison

Gulping down hard and calming his unsteady nerves, Issei answered in a scared voice that both other males knew that Elsha was the one that made him that way. "Ummm... I-is it to lecture me about my stupidity at charging head first?"

"Hmm...that is half right, though do you have any more ideas?" Elsha said in a bit calmer voice, that made all 3 males sign in relief for a bit.

"Umm...I might been a bit too close to the edge for Juggernaut Drive?" Issei innocently said while trying his hardest not to pass out by all the blood going to his brain.

"Bingo you idiot! Now that you know why you are here, it's time for you to know just how far you got to it and what would probably happen should you enter what I will show you isn't what happened, but what would, so you really know what happens when you go berserk."

Elsha said as she snapped her fingers releasing Issei from his "prison", before casting a spell and making a huge magic circular at the clearing behind Issei, who was rubbing his nose and trying to get his blood back into his hands and feet.

As soon as he was able to get himself back to normal, Issei turned around to see what Elsha has casted and when he saw it his eyes went wide, his face paled and his whole body started to shake in fear.

In front of him in the magic circular that Elsha created, was Issei in what he questioned was a Juggernaut Drive armor.

Juggernaut Drive appeared very similar to the Scale Mail armor that Issei had, though it gave a lot more a dragonic appearance to it and it looked very deadly with its sharp claws, teeth and tail.

But what made Issei pale and quake with fear, was an aura that it surrounded the Juggernaut Drive armor as the draconian armor roared towards the heavens in signaling his mighty victory, and the death that he left behind the battle.

It was an aura of extreme dread, bloodlust and death, so much so that Issei was frozen an unable to move even a muscle at the sight of the monstrosity that was in front of him. And the images didn't stop there.

After the appearance of the armor, it was the site that left Issei almost vomiting. Death and destruction were everywhere, bodies among bodies of dead, the whole countries destroyed and devastated.

And then the image that made his blood froze and his pale skin to turn paler, while his eyes almost becoming also white.

In the middle of the dead, lay Lucy, Chelsea, Cassy, Murayama, Katase, Ravel, Arnett, Asuka, his parents, and some of his friends that he meet before all this supernatural stuff happened in a brutalized state, some of the bodies were left with a limb or two and some were even beheaded or snapped in half.

Seeing Issei like this, and knowing what was probably going through his head, Elsha stopped the image from further going and place her hand on his shoulder, snapping him from his unmoving state.

"Issei, dear, don't worry this didn't happen and it won't happen. I just showed you what would happen if Belzard and I didn't stop the past users from getting to you. What you just saw is what a Juggernaut Drive does to a user. True in that form, a Sekiryuutei is unstoppable along with Hakuryuukou, it was even said that whoeverentered their Drives first is the winner of the battle. But that is beside the point now. What I'm trying to tell you is that in that form, you have the power of Ddraig at his prime and I mean it, just ask that lazy scale lizard."

Elsha said while pointing at the red dragon, who growled at being called a lazy scale lizard, while Belzard just chuckled a bit before he stepped forward towards the duo getting their attention.

"And with that power comes a great trath to yourself. You see… when Ddraig was sealed into the gear, his anger and his negative emotions were also transferred into the gear and that is what sadly also transfers to the user.

Basics of it are, the more anger and more rage you have in you, the closer to unleashing that horror is.

It also comes with a hefty price; one loses his mind and life. The more you are in that form, the more your life energy is required for it.

Though Elsha found a way to prevent that from happening but in your case, it would be your life that is sucked out to power it.

So, while it is okay to be enraged or to be angry, you should watch how much you put out it out." Belzard said in a sage voice as Issei was somewhat starting to regain his senses.

"I-i-is there any way to prevent me from going into that?" Issei asked in a shaken tone, while Belzard and Elsha looked at each other and then at Ddraig, who seeing the looks of his 2 strongest users sighed heavily.

"Yes, there is Partner, but in other to do it, you would need to do one of the 3 following things." Ddraig said as he lowered his head a bit to look into Issei's eyes who widen again at hearing this.

"And those things are?" Issei quickly asked, wanting to find out so he could work on them.

"First is to experience the Drive itself and survive it. That would be the easiest but deadliest way of the 3.

Second is to learn a lost magic, the Dragon Slaying Magic, that is something I sadly can't teach you, since it requires a living Dragon with an exposure to its aura constantly and eating his magic that will help you a lot, that is easiest but also the longest way.

The final is to bath in the blood of a Dragon King, and that is almost like the 1st thing I said partner, you are in no condition to slay a Dragon King." Ddraig told him in a very serious voice as he made it perfectly clear to his young host that it was almost impossible to stop it.