
Chapter 127 : Mind Corruption

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Chapter 127 : Mind Corruption

"Issei, my love, I know you are worried… I know you want to stop this… but we've agreed to this… and we need to be strong for them… And besides… they might pull through this and actually survive this…" .

She even began to hold his hand, and held it firmly, wanting to channel that hope she has to Issei, which to certain degree worked.

"I… I know… It's just… they are doing this because of me… if they are killed in battle… it would be my fault… but… if you think they'll survive… then… they'll survive…" Issei said, slowly forming a smile and lovingly kissed Lucy's cheek.

Soon, the Kendo duo began to attack, this time it was more co-ordinated, which did catch Asuna and Ingrid off-guard for a bit as well as pushing them back.

But after their advance, they were at a stand-off, as their swords clashed, and each put pressure against each other, wanting to overpower their respective opponents.

This however gave Murayama the perfect chance to use one of swords abilities.

She slightly smirked and began to close her eyes, channelling some strength before whispering the 2 words "Mind Corruption" before and pushing on her advance and pushed the 2 Valkyrs back.

Issei's group cheered and supported the Kendo duo whilst the gods watched with disbelief, even Issei couldn't contain his happiness and shouted his support "That's it girls! Keep it up!".

Asuna got up, and began to growl with anger, angry that they were overpowered by the likes of 2 schoolgirls.

Ingrid however remained calm and stood beside her "Asuna! Remain calm and focus! We haven't lost yet!"

They nodded and began to advance forward once more, though while Katase launched forward, Murayama smirked and watched carefully at one of her unsuspecting victims.

Soon Katase clashed with Asuna, but were surprised to see their battling partners not by their side, nonetheless they're focusing on their own battles.

Ingrid, however, isn't faring well. She tried to stand and move forward towards Murayama, but ending up dropping her sword along with her posture and placed both her hands on her head.

It seems her mind was corrupted and was struggling alone.

"No… NO… NOOO! Wh…. What is this!?" She asked herself, wanting to know why and how this has happened.

Murayama chuckled with a dark tone and slowly moved forward. This even prompted Issei's harem and the gods to watch carefully.

Even Thor began to clench his fist and growled loudly "What has she done to Ingrid… It must be that damned sword of hers! Father! End this now!"

Odin diverted his attention to Thor, though with a stern look in his face.

"Keep out of this! Ingrid needs to prove herself and fight this curse alone! If you so much as undermine this situation, you will not be hearing the end of it!"

Thor couldn't contain his anger any longer, even swiftly arm himself and made an attempt to interfere.

But that amounted to nothing as Arnett stood in front and pointed her scythe in front of him. "Thor… Don't make me do this… stay back…"

Thor narrowed his eyes at Arnett as well as his father and his fellow comrades, all before he sighed in defeat but made a promise to the gods watching.

"So be it… but if that girl ends Ingrid's life… her life ends as well…"

As the internal conflict was deescalating, Murayama chuckles as she slowly circles Ingrid, enjoying the sight of Ingrid on her knees, struggling and weak.

"Not so tough now, It's a shame really. I was looking forward to seeing you go all out"

Issei and his harem were watching with shock and awe, amazed and sacred at the sight of Murayama.

Whispers of worry and concern were circling amongst themselves, wondering how and when did Murayama have her dark side, and did Katase know about it.

Soon, Murayama raised her sword, all her power built up and ready to unleash her strongest attack, but the build-up was brought to an abrupt end as Katase was sent flying, colliding with Murayama and knocked her to the ground.

Asuna took the opportunity to snap Ingrid out of the state, running to her and placed her hands on her cheeks and gave her some encouragement needed.

"Ingrid! You need to snap out of this! You can't let that schoolgirl defeat you! We need to do this for Odin! We need to do this for ourselves and our pride!"

Ingrid showed signs of fighting off Murayama's curse, her grunts and growls made sure of it, but small whimpers were heard as well of submission.

"I… I am trying! Argh! But… It… It's…!" Asuna continues to encourage Ingrid the best way she can. "That's it! Come on Ingrid!"

Katase and Murayama got up, this time with smirks on their faces, knowing that they can fully take advantage of the situation.

With that, they've grasped their blades firmly and tightly, charging up their swords, and made their charge towards the 2 valkyr.

Asuna watched on, and for that moment life was hanging in the balance, she knew she couldn't fight alone.

If they have a chance of fighting back, even win the fight, she needs to quickly snap Ingrid out and fast.

Asuna faced Ingrid, placed her hands on her shoulders and begged her to come back "Ingrid! This could be it! We could die! Snap out of it! They're coming! INGRID!"

The end was almost certain for the valkyrs, the Kendo duo were close and ready to make their brutal strike.

However, Ingrid, saw the danger, suddenly snapped out of her degrading state and swiftly swung her blade and blocked the duo with all her physical strength.

Asuna gasped and rolled back, incredibly surprised to see Ingrid having that strength to fight back. "Ingrid!?"

The onlookers were amazed and surprised, seeing that Ingrid has actually snap out of that state and continued to on fighting, even risking her own body and weapon to defend Asuna.

Thor even showed a small grin, pleased to see Ingrid showing more strength she has than Murayama at that moment.