
Chapter 19 - Lengthy Return of Leviathan

"What do you mean Katerea survived?! I was there, Azael practically vaporized her."

Riser had taken Rias, Akeno, and Koneko from his mansion to a meeting room that the crimson haired devil was all too familiar with. She had acted as a secretary to him on occasion, her naked body on display as a potential benefit for those purchasing Phenex's products. The immortal devil did so for the sake of a special announcement, as it had only been minutes since the deal he made with the former Leviathan had been sealed.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Riser said, chuckling in spite of the leers given to him by his three main brides. "Apparently when everyone else had been so distracted, she managed to sneak off and hide away until the timing for her to come back had been just right."

"Just right for what, exactly?" Akeno asked.

Koneko was right there with them, ready to unpin her cat ears from her hair. "Spill it already, asshole," Koneko said bluntly, "our patience is wearing thin with this particular surprise."

"Why, to make a business deal that would help her recover quickly," Riser said, bemused by the responses his wives gave him, "she also asked for shelter, which Riser was more than happy to give her, on some small conditions."

"You...are aware that she's become a fugitive now that you've acknowledged her," Rias said, already knowing the response she would gain from her husband.

"Correct! Hence why the business dealings had been done under a pseudonym. Nobody would have been all too suspicious of Apex Predator."

Rias almost wanted to palm her face from such a remark. "Why...no, I ask this again, with as much anger as I can deliver: WHY? Katerea is part of a faction of people looking to reclaim their old glory taken from them in the last war! You shouldn't be making bargains with a woman like her! You should be reporting her before anything gets worse and we rekindle those old battles!"

To which Riser responded with a shrug. "That's hardly Riser's problem now, isn't it? He barely has enough time to balance his duties between the two families he has become apart of."

The more Riser refused to do anything, the more all three wanted to punch him. In the days since they lost the rating game and married him, they hadn't felt such rage, something that made their blood boil so immensely that their veins almost visibly throbbed with fury. Rias felt it the most, as any means of Katerea regaining power could have a domino effect on the rest of their society. And with Sirzechs having become so beloved in his role as Satan, she couldn't stand to see any harm befall him in particular.

But they couldn't let their anger shine through. The long game was still at play, and with Ddraig as their last resort, they had to at least wait until he was fully charged for battle. Besides that, what Riser had to say next would certainly keep them in their place.

"Do not forget that Riser still has plenty of power over you," he said, "and it would not only be the Gremory family that Riser could tarnish with a bit of false evidence, but the members of your peerage as well. So it may be best that you keep Katerea's presence to a hush for now."

After a pregnant pause, Rias went back to her seat, leering at Riser with amplified anger. She took to her seat, exhaling as she hid an expression of failure behind her crimson locks. Even though they could barely.see the shame, Akeno and Koneko really felt for their king, wishing they could get out of this situation soon.

A minute passed before the door to the room opened, with Katerea coming in with a trenchant draped over her. She flipped her hair back over her shoulder, as if to put a little glamor into her first appearance. "Rias, it's been quite some time," she said, leaning into the crimson devil for a peck on the cheek. "Mm, and you taste just as good as you did last time."

"Stuff it…" Rias said under her breath. She recalled the first time Riser tried to do business with her, thinking it would be undone soon enough. But the fact she had to try and bare it now showed her that there were still some things they had to undo in their plans for freedom.

Katerea hummed as she heard Rias's request, only to have a smarmy grin on her lips. "Don't worry, I'll be stuffing some holes, all right," she said, "but be happy that none of them will be yours."

The other girls had curious expressions until Katerea disrobed, showing off her naked body. The cock Rias became familiar with hung right there between her legs, slowly rising up as she kept her gaze on the three naked devils. "No, you're just here to observe while I treat your peerage to my meat." Looking at Akeno and Koneko as they squeezed their legs in, she clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Only two, Riser? I thought she had more…"

"Apologies," Riser said, "Riser had already assigned his other wives to other servants before this meeting. They were the only ones available."

Sighing, Katerea rubbed her clit until her mushroom tip until she was able to grow into a full erection. "Then I'll just have to make do." Swinging her long staff into Koneko's face, she slapped the crown against her cheek, only to rub it from the follow-through having such impact. "Now suck on it, little kitty! And you, clean my balls!"

While hesitant, Akeno and Koneko did as they were instructed, with the petite neko-devil pushing her lips over the thick crown. Trying her best to shove it into her mouth, Koneko found it difficult to do, thankful that the Sparrow spell had been in place over this long period of time.

Akeno had an easier time with the scrotum, big as they may be. She stuffed the sack through her lips, though she hacked away as Katerea tried to squat down in her face to force them deeper. Things grew messy for the half-angel as it forced her spit to pump out of her mouth, while making things Heloise for her friend.

Rias watched silently as Koneko tried to push every inch of Leviathan dick down her throat, only to be left gasping for air and pulling back. Her time to observe was interrupted when Riser grabbed her by her wrist, dragging her away from the action. "They're not the only ones that are about to have fun," he said.

Surprised by her sudden push down the entire length of the rod, Koneko was taken by surprise that her throat could bulge out like that, only to realize her king had put the spell under them to assist in surviving the reaming that would come from the Leviathan. Aware of this, she was able to pump against the member with more ease, prompting smoothness against Katerea's skin while her throat bulged out with the girth. Meanwhile, Akeno kept sucking at the balls, using her tongue to tickle away at the salty skin, sniffing in the musk of the older devil. She kept from touching herself while pleasing her, unwilling to let herself be aroused by someone who had threatened to destroy the current devil regime just months back.

In that time, Riser made Rias sit on his lap, grinding against his cock as he shoved it inside her muff. The crimson devil couldn't unglue her eyes from the sight of her friends taking Leviathan dick as Katerea wore a look of satisfaction on her face, grinning as though she cherished the feeling of being pleased by others. It seemed that since her downfall she hadn't been quite so plush since Azazel took her down a peg.

Katerea pulled her cock back from Koneko's mouth, watching strings of saliva come from her lips. "Now that I'm nice and stiff, which of you should I stuff my cock inside and fill their pussy with my spunk?"

"Can we Jan Ken Pon for it?" Koneko asked. "Loser takes it first…"

"I think it's obvious that you deserve it," Katerea said as she pointed at the neko girl, "as a reward for pleasing me so well."

"So much for that," Koneko sighed. She laid on the table, spreading her legs apart as she let Katerea stuff her canal with her cock. Sucking her lower lip, the neko girl gripped the table as she watched her stomach bulge out with the rod, which also stretched her canal out in order to fill the tunnel up. Akeno only observed, though the Leviathan pushed her back to her knees to keep her pleasing her balls while she awared her turn.

Leaning over the petite frame, Katerea grinned menacingly at Koneko while forcing her to take every inch of her dick down to the base. The fluids seeped out of the hole, with the older devil seeing that in spite of her glare, it was coming out in thick strands rather than thinned liquid. "Don't try to hide it," Katerea laughed, "you know you love being dicked like a slut."

"Watch your fucking mouth…" Koneko grumbled. She was taken aback by a sudden kiss from Katerea, stuffing her tongue down in her throat. It was a show of dominance, reminding the white haired devil that she was superior to the rest of them; after all, it took Azazel to take her down, and none of them could even try.

The time it took for Katerea to pump harder before release was short, though to Rias and her husband it felt like it took forever to get to. The former Leviathan forced her hips harder into Koneko so that her dick could bulge all the way to the neko's chest, going over her ribs. When she couldn't bare much longer, the older devil growled as she held the neko close to her, letting her seed shoot out of her urethra, flooding the tunnel with her cream.

Koneko whimpered with her jaw open wide, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling while she was made to take the thick fluids. With her stomach exploding with the substance, the cum caused her to expand until she couldn't take much more. The dick kept most of her reproductive substance plugged in, with most of it oozing out until she was ready to unplug. When the Leviathan pulled back, the neko's legs and toes curled up on the table's edge, her body quivering as her seed flushed out of her cunt, with the kneeling Akeno getting splashed on while she kept sucking on the balls.

Akeno hid her disgust from being hit by the load, with Katerea grabbing her by the ponytail once she was finished. Forcing the half-angel to rest her chest on the table, the former Leviathan used her ass to massage her cock back to a full erection.

"I'm not finished here," Katerea insisted, groaning as she pumped against the busty girl, "you're about to see how I get when I haven't had the luxury of release over time!"

"How is that MY fault?!" Akeno barked, only to be met with a hard smack to her backside. She yelped before Katerea pulled her back with her ponytail. "The toy will be silent!" she hissed into her ear. "There's nothing more for you than to be a pipeline for my cum, so you'd better accept that now!"

Katerea proceeded to buck hard into Akeno's backside, holding her hair as she brought her mouth down to her neckline. The half-angel flinched when her teeth dug into the skin, even though the shaft strained her tunnel to the limits of what it could handle. As Riser's veins pumped against her canal to threaten orgasm, Rias even spotted how the Leviathan's rod spiked against the stomach, punting up against the belly rather than sliding up the torso as it had with Koneko. The crimson haired girl watched as her queen took the full brunt of the crown ramming against her skin, all while the Leviathan grinned with delight.

"Oh yes, your cunt is so good! Riser said you were a delectable treat, and I can see why! Your hole is so tight on my cock! It's going to feel so much better when I dump my load inside you!"

"Go ahead and try…" growled Akeno, hissing as she felt Katerea sink her teeth into her skin. She swore that she felt the skin break on her, with teeth marks being left behind. It was as though she intended to keep her own mark on Akeno, as though she was a territory for the queen to keep and call dibs on when others tried to crowd around her for sex.

Pumping her hips harder into Akeno's behind, Katerea grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed them into her chest, giving her a bit of pain. With the nipples pinched down hard, It pushed her to the brink of an orgasm, though it was the least important matter to the former Leviathan. The half-angel shook as the cum blasted inside her stretched canal, even getting on her toes from how intense it was on her mind.

After Riser tossed her off his lap when they came, Rias watched as Akeno's belly grew out, inflating with cum like a balloon. It soon landed on top of the table, pushing down on part of the edge until Katerea had nothing left to give. The former Leviathan was more than pleased to use the hole for her relief, and patted down on Akeno's neckline to make her shiver from the fact it was right on top of her bite marks.

Grabbing her trenchcoat as her cock deflated, Katerea looked to Rias and noticed how guarded she was over the sights she witnessed. "Was it good for you," she asked, "seeing how it looked to be one of my cock toys?"

"I've been in that position before," Rias reminded her, "I don't have to see it for myself."

"So you think," Katerea laughed as Riser helped her out of the room. "Just remember, I have as much authority to use you as your husband does."

"And Riser will see to it that if any of you or the others get out of line, Katerea will be the one to punish you." With that warning from Phenex, the two left the room, as well as the girls to pick themselves up. Rias let her head rest in her hands, sighing as she let the cum stream out of both Akeno and Koneko.

"Ddraig, how much longer can we wait?" Rias asked herself. "Please, we need you now…"