
Chapter 17 - Azazel, Guest of Honor

"I have to admit, Koneko, the bunny outfit suits you well."

"Touch my ears and die, Akeno..."

Rias sighed as she heard her fellow devils bickering among themselves. She wasn't keen on the idea of wearing these bunny outfits inspired by American standards of 1970s adult materials, but she felt it could have been worse; that trend of 'reverse' outfits could have made it worse.

For reasons beyond her, Riser had decided to throw a 'sexy' party in particular to Azazel, a Governor General to the Fallen Angels. When Phenex discovered that he was as much a pervert as him, he decided to throw this shindig with Azazel as the 'guest of honor' while Rias and the other girls act as servers, in more ways than one.

"Rias, is there a particular reason we're dressed like this?" The crimson haired devil's attention turned to face Xenovia, seeing the blue haired girl standing in a blue version of the attire suited for them.

"Other than a reason for Riser to remind us where we are in his world? I doubt it..." Rias sighed.

"I see." Xenovia tugged on the cleavage of her outfit, a studious hum coming from her lips. "That's disappointing. I thought it was a sign of our levels of horniness."

"...What are you-"

"Because bunnies like to mate and breed. And I thought that was his implication with me."

Rias ran her palm over her face. "Of course..." As Xenovia went on to try and use that fact as a pickup line to the male guests, the Gremory girl stared at the middle of the room, where Phenex and Azazel were having a hearty chat. The Fallen Angel was sitting in a throne made especially for him, all to appease his ego and get in good graces with the Governor General. Rias felt as though she had to deal with things in a manner similar to Odin at another party some time back; she needed all the help she could get in reaching her freedom from Riser, and Azazel was just another piece on the chess board she needed on her side.

"So, when are you going to make the moves on Azazel?" Akeno asked in a teasing voice.

"Hopefully when Riser isn't looking," Rias bemoaned, "although it's not as though he's going to just offer me up like he's done several times prior."

"He's still pretty important to the plan," Koneko reminded him, "besides, I'm pretty sure he's got an eye for you one way or another."

"What makes you so sure?"

"The fact he hasn't taken an eye off you." Koneko nudged in the direction of the throne, with Rias and Akeno seeing that the Governor General was indeed staring in their direction. He was smiling all the way through Riser's dialogue, yet despite the repeated nods he gave to the blonde devil it didn't seem to sync up with the end of a sentence or thought. Though they were distant from the middle of the room, it was pretty obvious when he was looking out the side of his eyes. "And trust me, as cute as you guys might think I look, I don't exactly fill this thing out the same way."

Koneko went off to serve more of the guests, anticipating her tiny frame to get groped by them in their drunken state. With it just being Akeno and Rias, the black haired devil nudged back in the direction of Azazel, seeing their husband waving the crimson haired one back over. "Knock 'em dead," Akeno said with a nudge to her friend's shoulder.


Begrudgingly, Rias approached her husband and Azazel, aware that most eyes were on her with every step she took. She ignored them, as her gaze was solely on the guest of honor, whose lips curled in as she grew closer. "Azazel, I'm sure you're aware of Riser's wife, Rias," Riser said as the crimson haired devil grew close."

"Quite," Azazel said, giving a nod to the girl as she took a slight bow, "I've had talks with her brother in the past. I've heard quite a lot about you from him, you know."

"All of them good things, I'm sure..." Rias said, trying to keep something similar to a smirk on her face. "But it is a pleasure to finally meet with you in person."

"Likewise." Azazel grinned, getting a look at her cleavage as she remained bowing for a few seconds longer. He chuckled, "She certainly seems to have aged more than the last time he had shown me pictures of her." Rias blushed at that, trying not to break her otherwise hardened expression. "So she's your offering for the evening, Riser?"

"But of course!" Riser said. "It only seems fair for the guest of honor to have a lovely woman to have his time with, wouldn't you agree?"

"Lovely indeed..." Azazel said. Rias continued to feel like nothing more than a prop, aggravated by Riser's continued use of her to get into better dealings with people such as the Fallen Angel. Frustrating to a degree, it was at least a way for the devil to get her own bargains in, hopefully much better than what her husband could offer.

"In that case, we should see you to a room..."

"No need," Riser said, grabbing Rias's shoulder before she could walk off, "this is all that you'll need to please Azazel; him, his chair, and you."

"Out in public, why didn't I see that coming..." grumbled Rias.

Riser left Azazel and Rias by themselves, with the blonde devil heading off to schmooze with other guests. Left alone with the Governor General, Rias sat atop his lap, grinding away at the Fallen Angel while he took a good long glimpse of her cleavage. The breasts bounced about enough that he felt they would spill over the strapless bunny outfit, thus exposing her nipples when it occurred. At least when she was with Odin it was a bit more intimate thanks to being behind closed doors, but now that she was out in the open for pleasure's sake, it didn't have that same feeling she thought it would.

"So, are you enjoying the pleasantries my husband has brought out?" Rias asked, pushing her chest out to get close to Azazel's face.

"For the most part," Azazel hummed, staring at her bountiful bust, "although if I'm being honest, for as good a party as he can throw, I've become aware of Riser's reputation in the devil realm pretty easily."

"Oh?" Rias asked. "I suppose with how much power he's amassed lately word would spill to the other species."

"Especially after your marriage," Azazel said, placing his hands over Rias's ass, "and your brother has been pretty opinionated on the man."

"Should I gather that impacted your own thoughts on Riser?"

"You could say that," Azazel shrugged, "though he doesn't seem all that redeemable a man in the first place. So fixated on himself and nothing else. I'm sure you can attest to that."

"Considering the position I'm in on your lap? Quite." Rias sighed, as Azazel's bulge under his pants bumped against her groin. "I've been working to get out of this lousy marriage for some time, so I did hope that you would be interested in assisting me."

For the first time, Azazel wore a serious expression as he cocked his head to look behind Rias. He was able to see Akeno being groped by a few male guests, with one especially pushing under the crotch of the attire to get a rub at her clit. "Let's just say your friend back there is the daughter of a friend," he admitted, "and I do want to make sure that she's safe."

"I can relate to that sentiment," Rias admitted, rubbing her crotch over the bulge with a harder press, "although I feel that about all of the girls under my peerage right now."

"Speaking of under, do you suppose we should get down to the nitty gritty? You know, just so your husband doesn't think we were plotting something?"

Rias nodded, removing herself from the seat of Azazel's pants. While she grew used to being in this scenario, public or not, she still had her frustrations towards it. Still, she knelt between his legs, helping him remove his pants to get at his cock. She stared on at the rod the Fallen Angel sported, silently amazed by the length he sported. It was nowhere near Riser's shaft in size, but compared to when he would expand his dong to punish her and the other devils, it was quite satisfactory to fit in her holes.

As she brought her lips onto Azazel's tip and pushed down the length, Rias thought about how long it had been since she ever had to perform such a public display. She felt it was the farewell before they returned to school, with her hope at the time to plot against Phenex. That said, she kept her gaze on Azazel and his cock, sucking off the Fallen Angel while she ignored the rest of the party as they watched her perform before them. Most others were fixated on her peerage as they served the guests, but in that moment the crimson haired devil and her oral skills were where everyone gazed in awe.

She bobbed her head against the shaft, hearing Azazel sigh as he rested his head back against the throne. His hand soon reached for her scalp, petting her long hair as the crimson haired devil gave his erection plenty of oral attention. Her saliva began to spill out of her lips, coating the lower portion of his dick in her drool. It worked out well for lubrication, as it made fitting the cock down her throat easier, even if the bulge it made strained on her from the inside.

Rias rubbed at her pussy through the fabric of her bunny outfit, getting it nice and wet while she grew aroused from the actions she took. Or at the very least, she gave Riser the impression she was enjoying herself, just so he didn't get suspicious of the pair. While she gave his balls a light fondling, massaging his scrotum while she sucked up the precum oozing from his slit. Azazel sighed, his hands reaching out for the bunny ears atop her headband.

The Fallen Angel used them like handles to pull Rias down on his dick, holding her there in place for a good while longer, He groaned as he felt the crown push hard against the end of her throat, with the tightness evident to him just how deep the Princess of Ruin was capable of. He pushed back and forth on the seat of his throne, groaning loudly so that people could hear his satisfaction from the far ends of the room. Rias's eyes widened throughout the time, waiting for him to let go of the fake ears while she did her best to keep her breath.

The sudden push prompted Rias to pop her lips from the pecker for a moment. After wiping her chin off, she said to the Fallen Angel, "Are we enjoying ourselves?"

"Quite..." Azazel chuckled. "Although I can't lie, I do want to make sure Riser sees that I'm using you to your full extent."

Rias hummed, taking a moment to massage her saliva into his shaft, smoothing it into his skin for a softer experience. "Keep in mind you do have free use of me," Rias said, "so even if I didn't want you to do something, it's not as though I can punish you for it."

"Perfectly fine with me," laughed Azazel, "although I wouldn't mind getting a little taste of you in exchange..."

Rias stood up, slipping her bunny outfit off her torso, though the ears on the headband she wore stayed on. The other guests caught a glimpse of her boobs as they jiggled from the removal, seeing her nipples were already erect. She then proceeded to stand on the seat, her crotch leveled with Azazel's face so that he could dive inside her muff. The Governor pushed in, sucking on her clit for seconds on end before lashing away at her folds, hearing her gasp from how rough he got with her pussy.

"Okay, that's good..." Rias moaned, massaging one of her breasts before sucking her lips. Her chest heaved with every breath she took, making it now her turn to grab hold of Azazel's hair as he continued to eat her out. The crimson haired devil, ran her hands over her pelvis, trying so hard not to get aroused while she let the Fallen Angel work his magic.

But as the entire hall could see, Rias enjoyed the act of cunnilingus, so much so that she pulled Azazel into her crotch, bringing his nose against her clit. Her jaw loosened up, allowing everyone to hear her pant aloud as the Fallen Angel worked his tongue against the tunnel entrance. "Not so hard," Rias hissed, "you're doing it too well…"

"What, you want your husband convinced this is real, don't you?" Azazel asked with a grin. Rias whimpered as she gave him a nod, allowing him to proceed with the task at hand. He resumed tonguing away at her muff, pushing through the folds and pressing into the walls of the canal. The crimson haired woman's eyes rolled back, shivering as she dug her fingers into his scalp. Even in that position the older man had a laugh, knowing that he still had the talents to please a woman so youthful and fertile.

The tongue lashed inside the female devil, causing her hips to swing about for a brief moment. She tried her best to find comfort in her hips as Azazel flicked against her walls, even bucking into his face with her crotch. The other devils showed amusement, seeing Rias being brought so close to the brink of a climax.

But like all good things it had to come to an end, and Azazel brought his tongue out before he made the devil bride climax. She was still a panting mess before her, with sweat dripping off her erect nipples and onto his lap. "Don't worry," he said, giving her breast a firm squeeze, "I'm not going to leave you hanging for very long. Just get to your knees…"

Rias followed along with the request, kneeling atop Azazel as his member pressed against her stomach. She could see just how large it was against herself, imagining how it would fit inside her pussy. "Come on, lift yourself up just enough…"

Doing as Azazel asked, Rias lifted her hips up so that he could guide it inside her snatch, letting it fill her canal after pushing through the entrance. The crimson haired devil wrapped her arms around his shoulders, shivering as she felt him stretch her out to fit the girth. "It's a bit more than I could expect…" she said with a shiver.

"Definitely not the first time I heard that," Azazel said with a grin. "You're on top now, so get to work."

Rias began to grind away atop Azazel's cock, grunting as it moved around against her canal. The guests could see her face turning red, even from the distance, as she felt the crown rubbing around her cervix. It tickled away inside her, causing the devil girl to rock around harder atop the General Governor. "This shouldn't feel as good as it does…" Rias whispered.

"You're enjoying yourself, right?" asked Azazel, groping one of her breasts. He gave it a gentle squeeze, with his thumb massaging back and forth against the nipple. He pushed it to one side to the other while letting it spring back to the middle, entertaining himself while the Princess of Ruin gyrated atop him.

Riser observed from afar, distracted as another guest talked his ear off. He sipped on champagne while he watched his wife bucking into his guest, seeking satisfaction on the lips of the Fallen Angel. From his perspective, everything was working out, and a deal with him was likely going to follow suit. He just had to wait for satisfaction to hit.

Soon Azazel and Rias switched positions, with the crimson haired devil laying back on the throne while he stood over her, his cock sliding back into her to sheath itself. She was wet enough now that he could glide into her easily,pushing all the way back until he pushed into the cervix once more. As the Fallen Angel pulled back to begin reaming herr, Rias took note of the bulge his tip made against her lower stomach, seeing just where it laid within her snatch.

As soon as he began to plow inside her, Rias groaned loudly, finding herself in the most feral stage of heat while Azazel stood over her. She drooled from her mouth, wrapping her legs around his waist as he began to drive himself harder into her. Fluids began to trickle from her snatch, dripping off the seat and onto the throne, with most guests speaking among themselves about how horny Riser's wife must have been for the Governor General.

"And here I didn't think you'd be enjoying it so much," Azazel said with a laugh.

"Just shut up and fucking fuck me…" Rias growled, her breasts bouncing with every thrust.

Azazel decided to really give it to Rias after that remark, shifting her body on the seat. She was rolled up with her ass in the air, the cock ready to dip back into her pot once again. This time, the Fallen Angel showed his utmost strength off to those watching him, as he drilled his dick down into Rias's snatch. The devil girl grabbed onto the armrests of the throne, with her heels slipping off her feet as she curled her toes in.

Grinning at the girl, Azazel could see how much she was enjoying the dicking, though it was best indicated by the slight gush of fluids that escaped when he pulled up from her cunt. Her eyes rolled back the longer it went on, her skin glistening in the light while the Fallen Angel stood tall over her.

"Fuck! Oh fuck!" Rias cried out, unable to hold her throes of heat back. "Your cock is plowing me hard! Please, dump it in me! Fill my hole with your cock seed! Make me gush all over the place! I need this so badly!"

It only took a few more pumps from Azazel before he did so, dropping his hips into Rias and holding them in place. His balls were caught between their bodies, with enough strain that he was able to shoot into the crimson haired devil with ease.

Rias cried out, wrapping her arms around Azazel as she came, squirting her fluids out against his pelvis and creating a large mess on both of them. The floor surrounding the chair was flooded, creating a puddle that could match a small moat. The Fallen Angel splashed his load against her cervix, letting it flood her canal before it oozed from her hole, leaking out the seed when she couldn't hold much more.

The two were given a round of applause by the others in attendance, including Riser himself. Neither one seemed to care, however, as their eyes remained dulled for a moment following the climax. They did finally recover, dressing themselves back up in due time, though they discussed something over the course of that period.

"…and you would be able to build it?" Rias asked, shifting the cleavage of her bunny outfit to cover her nipples.

"Building it is easy," Azazel said, deciding to keep his pants down, "but the funding is harder. I can't just use Fallen Angel money for something like this, and I'm sort of on a budget for my own funds."

"And I can't exactly use Gremory or Phenex money," mused Rias, "Riser would know in due time."

"Well I can't work on it without something to pay for it. What else are you going to do?"

Taking a moment to ponder that herself, Rias finally answered, "I think…yes. I may know a way for us to get money for it."