
Chapter 8

Issei could be seen walking towards a restaurant with 2 other people in tow. One was Saji Genshirou, pawn of Sona Sitri and the other was Koneko Toujou, sole rook of Rias Gremory.

"Why are you calling me out?", Saji asked as he followed Issei.

"Indeed. What are you planning?", Koneko then asked as she suspiciously glanced at Issei.

"I called for Saji, so why is Koneko here?", Issei asked nervously as he looked towards Koneko. She then put Issei in an arm lock.

"I followed you because you were acting strange."

"THAT HURTS! I GET IT! I WILL TELL YOU!!!", Issei screeched as he tapped out.

Issei then explained his plan on much to their shock.

"Nope! I'm going back!", Saji said as he prepared a 'Nigerundayo', but Koneko held him back. "Why me? Isn't this a problem for you servants? I am a stray servant! This has nothing to do with me!", Saji screams as he tries to escape.

"Don't say that. I know that, as a devil, you may be able to offer us help.", Issei said as he tried to convince Saji.

"Stop kidding! I have no reason to help you guys! I'd get killed! Killed by the student council president! That upper class girl of yours, Rias, is both serious and gentle! But mine is only serious!", Saji yelled as his face paled imagining the consequences.

'Yeah, I don't know what to think of Buchou now after what Hoffen-san said yesterday.'

Issei thought with a frown on his face.

"Ill help as well. For Yuuto's sake you know?", Koneko says with a determined look and a fist to her chest.

"What!?", Saji said shocked as he glared at Koneko.

"Please keep this a secret from Buchou. Also, I don't want Asia to get involved with this.", Issei warned.

"Buchou must be opposed to this.", Koneko said with her usual monotone as Saji just looked on in shock.

'Feh. Like I care.'

"So this is about confirming our interests to those of the friendly parties first, and listening to the Devils' words second? Our relationship might worsen after this negotiation, but I have to bet my life on this.", Issei says determinedly.

"As such, Koneko should drop out as well. Saji can run away when things get dangerous.", Issei continued on.

"Is that so? So long.", Saji murmured as he started walking away only to be grabbed by Koneko.


"But the negotiation might still succeed, right? We'll be needing your assistance when that time comes.", Issei said as he sweatdropped.

"Stop saying such crap...I'd be dead...Dead already...", Saji murmured pitifully .

"I won't run away for the sake of my companions.", Koneko said resolutely.

~Haven Base, Kuoh~

After calling Kiba and sending Saji off to call later, the three went to look for Hoffen's base. Now, Issei, Kiba and Koneko could be seen panting as they stood in front of the Haven Base. They were deep inside a forest after they has spent rest of the day trying to search Hoffen with the help of Koneko and her familiar. They could just stare at the base in awe.

'Its a fort! A goddamn fort I tell you!', Issei thought as he stared at the base in shock.

"Well? Let's go!", Issei said as he marched on towards the gate with Kiba and Koneko behind.


A loud voice roared from on top the gate. They looked up and saw a lot of people who were glaring down at them with their weapons ready. Issei, Koneko and Kiba stood there stiff seeing the number of people here.


The same voice roared shaking the devils out of their stupor. Issei then stumbled forward as he swallowed his nervousness.

"Um...I am here to meet with Hoffen Lowenherz-san. We had met earlier and I would like to negotiate with him!", Issei said as he nervously stared at the guards. One of them then went inside to call for Hoffen while the others still stood on guard. After an uncomfortable and tense 15 minutes, the guard returned with Hoffen in tow.

"Hmm? Issei? What are you here for?", Hoffen said staring at the devils curiously.

"Hoffen-san, we would like to negotiate a deal with you. It's regarding the Excalibur pieces. Would you mind hearing us out?", Issei said nervously. Hoffen just stared at them for sometime before nodding and letting them in.

~Hoffen's Office~

In the office, Hoffen ,Jeanne, Akeno, Arthur, Xenovia and Irina were sitting on one side while the devils were sitting on the other side.

"So, what was the deal you were talking about?", Hoffen said as he rest his chin on the back of his hands, looking bored.

Issei then turns towards Xenovia and Irina and starts, "Aren't you both here to get the Holy Sword back?"

"I told you about that just recently.", Xenovia answered back.

"To be straight forward, we need your help in destroying the holy sword.", Issei said seriously as they looked at him in surprise. Issei then suddenly felt a huge amount of pressure on him as he slowly fell to the ground kneeling.

"You want to destroy the Holy Sword you say? Why is that exactly?", Hoffen said as he raised his aura to completely overlap Issei. Koneko and Kiba instantly got up and went on guard. They were going for Issei when Akeno and Arthur stood between them aiming their magic circles at them.

"W-We n-need it to d-d-destroy i-i-it for K-Kiba's sake! He s-s-s-suffered b-because o-o-of the EXCALIBUR!", Issei said shakily as he tried resisting the pressure. Hoffen just stared at him blankly hearing this.

"What? The hell are you talking about? He suffered due to the Holy Swords Project. Why would he suffer due to the Excalibur?", Hoffen asked dumbfounded hearing the downright stupid reason. He then turned towards Kiba after gesturing towards Arthur and Akeno to back off.

"Kiba? How did Excalibur make you suffer? Weren't you a victim of the Holy Swords Project?", Hoffen asked Kiba incredulously.

"I was. But it was due to the Excalibur. If the Excalibur didn't exist. The Holy Swords Project wouldn't have happened! MY COMRADES WOULDN'T HAVE TO DIE!", Kiba said with a lost expression.

"Are...Are you stupid? Do you even know what you are telling me?", Hoffen stared at Kiba shocked.

"Stupid? You call me stupid? YOU DARE? WHAT DO YOU EVEN KNOW? WE HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL THE SUFFERING WHILE YOU JUST ENJOYED YOUR LIFE!", Kiba said with a deranged look on him. Hoffen's expression then turned cold as he then charged at Kiba and slammed his fist into his gut, making him heave dryly on the ground. He then roughly pulled Kiba's face by his hair

"You dare speak to me like that Kiba. First you spout utter nonsense, then you say we enjoyed our life? Do you think I would care enough to listen to your sob story? I don't care. You say you're suffering was due to Excalibur? Was an inanimate and broken sword torturing you? Was it cutting your limbs off enjoying your suffering? Was it killing off your family?", Hoffen said as he kept slamming Kiba's face into the ground.

"You BASTARD! STOP HURTING KIBA!", Issei shouted at Hoffen enraged seeing his comrade being slammed. He tried to charged at Hoffen only to be stopped by Arthur again, while Akeno kept Koneko at bay.

Hoffen then turned towards Issei and glared at him, "What Kiba needs right now is a reality check and a mental evaluation because the amount of utter bollocks he is spouting off is angering me."

"Go on! Speak up you stupid trash. I thought better of you but you are just delusional!", Hoffen said as he kept slamming Kiba's face into the ground. The rest of them looked at Hoffen shocked. They had never seen this side of him. He was always soft spoken and gentle, he was ruthless when needed but not so much as he was now.

"Damn it...Damn it all! It was all Valper Galilei's fault you wanker! He was the one who started the project. He was the one who decided to kill you off. He was the one who made you suffer! When this is all in front of you. Why. Do. You. Blame Excalibur!", Hoffen said as he repeatedly slammed his face in.

Kiba's face was all bloody and swollen due to the beating. He was pretty much missing a tooth or two. Tears were streaming down his face as he remembered the suffering and pain he felt along with his friends.

Hoffen seeing this just clicked his tongue before getting up and walking back to his seat, wiping his hand with a handkerchief before burning it off using magic. He then sent a blast of magic towards Kiba which then began healing his face. After the healing was done and everyone calmed. Hoffen spoke up.

"The destruction of the Holy Sword will not be appreciated in he slightest. One of Haven's aim is to collect all the pieces of the Excalibur. Don't ask why. We can help you to retrieve it, but nothing more.", Hoffen said coldly staring at a glaring Issei and Koneko and a downtrodden Kiba.

"Wait, Hoffen! Is that okay?! It's Issei, we're talking to a devil!", Irina suddenly blurted out pointing at them.

"To be frank, this mission is too hard for the two of us.", Xenovia said as she closed her yes.

"I know that! But...", Irina started.

"Leave it for now, Irina. We'll see what we can do. We already have our troops mobilized her in case things go to absolute hell.", Hoffen said as he glanced at Irina. Irina reluctantly nodded and quieted down.

"As such, Arthur and Akeno shall accompany you.", Hoffen said before turning towards them. "Is that okay with you both?"

They both nodded resolutely. Hoffen then turned towards the devils.

"Arthur here possesses the Holy Sword Caliburn. While Akeno is a Fallen Angel possessing Holy Lightning. They both will be enough to accompany you along with Xenovia and Irina. I and Jeanne will stay here and prepare the troops if needed. Now, out of my sight!", Hoffen ordered as he got up and gestured at the devils to leave, who promptly left while being escorted by the guards.

Hoffen then sighed as he covered his face with his hand.

"Sorry you all had to see me like this. Kiba's rambling just angered me a lot.", Hoffen said as he apologetically looked at Jeanne, Akeno and Arthur. They all nod at him understanding his issue. Arthur the left and retired to his room while Jeanne and Akeno stayed back.

"You know Fen-kun? Seeing you all angry and beating up Kiba turned me on, please take responsibility~.", Akeno said as she sashayed her way and plopped herself on Hoffen's lap. Hoffen blushed feeling Akeno's plump rear and thighs.


Akeno held her head as she stared indignantly at Jeanne who was holding a rolled up newspaper.

"Stop or I'll send you to horny jail!", Jeanne said as she raised the rolled up newspaper to bonk her again. Akeno just gigged with a sly look on her face.

"Fufufu~ Is Lady Jeanne jealous~?"

"What's there to be jealous when there is no competition to begin with~?"

Hoffen just stared at the two with an amused look. He then got up picking up Akeno with him who giggled lovingly. He then softly kissed Jeanne first, before kissing Akeno too.

"I love you both so you shouldn't fight much, okay?", Hoffen said as Jeanne and Akeno giggled.

"Come now, let's rest. We have loads of work to do tomorrow."

"Kay Darling~"

"Sure, Hoffen."