
Chapter 6

"Good Morning. My name is Hoffen Lowenherz. Pleasure to meet you all.", Hoffen said pleasantly and then bowed his head respectfully. The rest of the students in class stared at Hoffen with curiosity and awe in their eyes. Seeing the whole class silent made his companions snicker and Hoffen's eye twitch.

"*Ahem* Yes. The rest of you, please introduce yourselves.", The teacher said as she blushed in embarrassment. Arthur then walked up and bowed slightly.

"Good Morning. My name is Arthur Pendragon. Pleased to meet you.", Arthur said with a gentlemanly smile that made the girls squeal in delight and boys hate. Arthur could hear Hoffen's muffled laughter from behind him as a vein pulsed on his forehead.

The girls then stepped up to introduce themselves much to the delight of the male students.

"Good Morning! My name is Jeanne De' Orleans! Really nice to meet you all!", Jeanne said with a shy smile on her face. The boys could be seen gawking at her while the girls cooed and squealed seeing her cuteness. (Jeanne-sama is cute when shy!) As the boys ogled her, they heard a slight cough and gazed at Hoffen. They immediately went silent seeing the downright murderous glare he was giving them. Akeno giggled slightly before stepping ahead.

"Good Morning. My name is Akeno Himejima. Please take care of me.", Akeno said with a perfect 'Onee-san' smile. The boy ogled her as usual until stopped by Hoffen's even more murderous glare and the girls looked at her in admiration.

"All right. Thank you. Please take your seats and we shall began the class.", The teacher said as the 4 of them sat at their desks together. The day then went on, as boring as ever. Jeanne had a hard time concentrating due to her dislike for studies. Hoffen knew almost everything taught except for a thing or two while Arthur and Akeno sat seriously.

Soon, the lunch break came and went by and the last class was over. Hoffen and the trio were talking as they left when they were stopped as they felt a certain aura coming off of Hoffen. Avalon had reacted, that means an Excalibur piece was close by. The four all nodded and quickly made their way out, not noticing the cyan eyes glaring at them.

As they made their way out, they saw two people with white cloaks walking outside the gates. Hoffen seeing this, sprinted towards them both and stopped them.

"Hello there!", Hoffen said as he stared at them with a wide smile on his face. The two cloaked people just stared at him before one of them piped up.

"General Hoffen!", One of them said in a delighted voice making the other tense hearing the name. Hoffen chuckled hearing this and gestured them both to follow him. Jeanne, Arthur and Akeno then caught up with them a while later as they made their way towards the base.

"So, may I know the name of your partner, Xenovia?", Hoffen said as he gazed at them with a smile. The cloaked persons then pulled down their hood revealing two young ladies. The one named Xenovia had blue hair with a green fringe and brown eyes, while the other had chestnut colored hair and purple eyes.

"Lord Hoffen. This here is Irina Shidou. She was sent from the Orthodox Church and has the Excalibur Mimic.", Xenovia then turns towards Irina and gestures towards Hoffen and speaks. "Irina, this is Lord Hoffen. The one I had told you back at HQ. He is my futu-"

"Ah yes. Xenovia is a friend of mine. A really good friend.", Hoffen interrupted her with a strained smiled as he felt two pair of eyes staring at his back. He then turned towards Irina. "Tell me, have you ever heard of the Haven Of Ro?"

Irina hearing this nods and slowly speaks up, "Yes, I heard it from one of my training partners. She said something about a new faction that was helping out people in need and protecting innocents from supernatural issues, mainly helpless strays and other figures.", She said with a finger on her lips.

Hoffen nodded with a proud smile on his face, "Umu! You have heard correct. All of us here is a member of the Haven. We are going to our base in Kuoh. We shall talk more over there!"

Irina stared at Hoffen and his group in awe and respect in their eyes. All of them had proud smiles on their face as they chatted while walking.

~Haven Kuoh Base, Kuoh~

Xenovia was nervous. Like, 'I want to have a baby with Hoffen, but I don't know how' nervous. She had first met Hoffen during a stray hunt and they coincidentally bumped into each other. The stray was being pursued due to it possessing highly confidential information. In other words, the stray had found out about the death of the biblical God and was now being targeted by the 2 churches and Hoffen.

During the fight, the stray flew into a fit of rage and blurted the secret out. Causing major shock to Xenovia whose entire life was based on serving the Church and God. She had went into shock and had to be taken in by Hoffen until she snapped out of it.

She had further questioned Hoffen and his group about the supposed truth, devastating her. Hoffen saw an opportunity here and went for it. She was a natural wielder of Durandal, she had willingly told so when questioned on her identity. Xenovia was then invited to join Haven Of Ro- after hearing the truth and her life goal being literally stamped out, she joined in.

Her mission was to stay as a part of the Church and relay information on movements, any big incidents and the whereabouts of the Excalibur pieces. She was also given a side task of recruiting members which so far, was hard due to the brainwashing done by the Church and Sigurd Institute.

Now, she was nervous because she was informed of the goal of Kokabiel and the chaos that may or may not ensue. Irina was told so and was shaken hearing how she was being used as cannon fodder. She has yet to be informed of the death of God. She was still loyal to the Church but now she was rethinking her stance after seeing how the Haven operated.

"Xenovia, you have really done a great job so far. Your mission is done. You will be a member of the Round Table after the whole Kokabiel fiasco is dealt with. For now, keep acting as the member of the Church and speak with the Devil Heiresses.", Hoffen said as he pats Xenovia's head as she blushed softly at the gesture.

"Lord Hoffen. What do you want me to do now?", Xenovia asked as she nervously fiddled with her cloak. Hoffen silently chuckled seeing the ever stoic Xenovia be so cute and shy.

"Take today off. You can go out tomorrow and meet up with the devils. On a second thought, I and Jeanne shall accompany you. It would be amusing to see the devil heiresses face on seeing us.", Hoffen said snickering at the thought. Xenovia nods before going out of Hoffen's office with a small skip in her steps.

'Heh~ How troublesome.'


A/N:- Herro! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Its a bit short, so I hope you all don't mind.

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