
Chapter 3

Hoffen along with Arthur, Lint and Artoria had set out to find the mad exorcist. According to the intel they received, the exorcist was roaming the Red Light District for over a week killing officials from the Church and Devils alike indiscriminately. Hoffen had teamed up with Artoria while Arthur had gone off with Lint.

"You know that Cao Cao is planning something behind your back, right?", Artoria said as Hoffen sighed tiredly hearing this. This had been reported to him by Georg. He was acting as a double agent between Cao Cao and him. He had reported that Cao Cao had been angry at Hoffen for allowing other supernatural beings asylum in their faction.

The last straw was when he had taken in the Nekoshou population that were fleeing from the Devils after the fiasco between Kuroka and Naberius. He had interfered and drove back the devils when he received a distress call from them. After he had taken them in, the Nekoshou's had pledged their loyalty to Hoffen, greatly increasing their numbers.

It also got the attention of the Kyoto Yokai faction under Yasaka. They themselves allied with Hoffen. This delighted Hoffen as another potential ally would do good for his own rising faction. With 3 major faction's support, they could grow without much fear.

*Lord Hoffen! We have found the exorcist! He has barricaded himself in the abandoned Church to the west of your position.* , Arthur's voice sounded through a magic circle over Hoffen and Artoria's ear. They both then sped their way through the alleyways and reached the abandoned Church. Avalon within Hoffen resonated feeling the aura of Excalibur Blessing wafting from inside the Church.

"Listen up. We may not know what he has hidden inside the church, so enter cautiously. Incapacitate him, do not kill him. Clear?", Hoffen said with authority as the others nodded.

"Lord Hoffen, I and Artoria will enter through the roof, while you and Lint enter through the front. Since you can erect barriers, you can enter upfront and distract him while we pounce him from above. And Lint can provide support if needed.", Arthur said as Lint nodded in agreement. Hoffen nods and then gestures at them to move out.

Lint and Hoffen cautiously made their way towards the broken gate inside the compound. While Artoria and Arthur teleported on top of the church. They then gesture at Hoffen to move in, not seeing any trap.

"Exorcist! Surrender yourself now. We don't need to fight. Come out without your weapons down!", Hoffen shouts while releasing his aura to intimidate him. Lint stood ready with her holy sword, Ascalon, at his side. She had a purple flaming aura around her, due to her sacred gear, Incinerate Anthem.

"HAHAHAHA! You think I will just come out you fucking upstart! Think again!", a deranged voice screeched back from the church making Hoffen wince. He sighed and turned towards Lint and nods at her. She then lowered her sword and stretched her hands towards the door. Searing purple flames generated and flew towards the door, completely burning it down.

"I ask again, Exorcist. Step outside with your weapons down.", Hoffen once again said firmly gazing inside the dilapidated Church. There was some scuffling noise before a person rushed outside. The exorcist had silver hair like that of the ones from Sigurd. Red eyes glowing ominously as he had a deranged smile. He slowly sauntered his way towards Hoffen who stood calmly observing the person.

"Ho~ Is that Lint? What a surprise! Lint! It's me Michael! It has been long hasn't it!?", the man said cackling madly. Lint just raised her eyebrows unimpressed at him.

"Michael was it? Hmm...Oh! The moronic asshole that deemed himself the strongest Exorcist when you acquired Excalibur Blessing yes?", Lint said snickering while Hoffen shook his head. Michael then sneered in rage hearing the mocking tone in Lint's voice.

"Funny coming from you, sister of Freed! Where is the bastard anyways? Killing or raping some nuns or devils I assume! HAHAHAHA!", Michael said cackling madly. Lint winced hearing the name of her estranged brother. Hoffen seeing enough, activated Avalon and summons Arondight, the sword on par with the Excalibur.

He then charges towards the exorcist swinging widely as it shone bright with light coursing through its blade. The exorcist hastily brought up Excalibur Blessing and barely blocked the swipe. Hoffen then kicked Michael hard in the gut making him skid back and slump forward. The Excalibur piece then shone brightly before it flew towards Hoffen's outstretched hand. A golden sheath with blue designs appeared which absorbed the piece. Hoffen's aura intensifies after absorbing the piece.

'2 down, 5 to go. Soon, very soon shall Excalibur be whole again!'

Hoffen could feel the happiness flowing from Avalon and smiled softly. He then turned towards Michael who witnessed everything with wide eyes.

"H-H-How!? What did you do!? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU THAT!?", Michael screamed in shock. Hoffen narrowed his eyes hearing this. He then appeared before the exorcist and swiftly beheaded him, ending the fight. He then dispersed his sword while sighing softly. Lint then swiftly burnt the body to ashes.

He then turned towards the rest of his group who were standing behind him. He nods towards them and they all disappear through a magic circle.

~Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury~

Hoffen and his group now appeared together in the main hall of the tower. After the rebuilding was done, they had rebuilt and redesigned the tower completely to accommodate even more people.

(Main Hall)

The tower alone was enough to hold more than a ten thousand people. There is an underground quarter too. The Underground Quarter consists of living areas, the Armory, Training Grounds, a library and Store rooms too. The total capacity of the tower could be at a decent 25,000. Hoffen was sure that with such huge increase in numbers, he could easily start another faction.

They had then using the funds they had, bought property after property in Glastonbury and built living quarters to house the increasing number of members. In total, Hoffen had more than 150,000 people under him with 70,000 battle ready. The group, possibly faction, is named as Haven Of Ro (The Garden Of Tranquility in Danish). Any and all being discriminated, tormented, neglected could seek asylum here. There were half-bloods from Roman and Greek pantheons to the Nekoshou's to Dhampirs. Devils and Fallen Angels were heavily scrutinized before they could join the Haven. The devils or fallen that had arrived here were majorly half bloods that were abused or were discriminated against.

(This is how the town looks after Hoffen takes control. Similar to how the Yokai are hidden, the houses are hidden that way.)

As of now, The Haven Of Ro had made an alliance with the Carmilla Faction, The Kyoto Yokai Faction, The Grigori and The Norse Faction. Representatives of each faction had been sent here as an ambassador. Elmenhilde Karnstein from the Carmilla Vampires, a kitsune Yokai, Tamamo No Mae from the Kyoto Yokai Faction, Rossweisse and Brynhildr from the Norse Faction and Akeno Himejima from the Grigori.

The Carmilla Faction, a female-dominated Vampire faction, that was previously in a civil war with the Tepes Faction, a male-dominated Vampire faction. They are a bit more free towards their treatment of dhampirs compared to the Tepes faction. A dhampir, Valerie Tepes, was also sent to the Haven due to her Sacred Gear, Sephiroth Grail, which was going to be used by her elder brother, Marius Tepes. He was using the grail to turn the Tepes Vampires into Daywalkers without altering their purity. Valerie was then saved when she and another dhampir, Gasper Vladi had escaped from the dungeons.

Rossweisse and Brynhildr were two Valkyrie sent by Odin as a representative of the Norse. They both were well versed in Norse Magics and were powerful in their own right.

Tamamo No Mae was a kitsune Yokai and Miyamoto Musashi were sent by the Kyoto Yokai Faction as a sign of goodwill and trust between the factions. With Tamamo being the sister of Yasaka, the leader of the Yokai.

Akeno Himejima, the childhood friend of Hoffen had been sent here under Barakiel's recommendation from the Grigori. There is a cordial relation between Azazel, the Governor General of the Fallen, and Hoffen.

The Haven Of Ro has been increasing it's name and control in the supernatural world. Due to Hoffen's ancestry, he took over the Pendragon Family and it's well wishers. He had contacts within the Grauzauberer, the leading magician organization in the underworld. They were able to set an alliance after Hoffen had helped the Organization after Johann Faust, founder of Grauzauberer, died and his contracted devil, Mephisto Pheles took over.

The strongest and most influential of The Haven are all a part of a circle created by Hoffen to help in monitoring operations and regulating people. This is the Knights Of The Round Table, the original group that Hoffen had started out with. The Knights are the ones that are the strongest members among The Haven.

The Knights Of The Round Table now have 10 members. Them being Arthur Pendragon, Lint Sellzen, Mordred, Artoria, Shinmen Musashi, Siegfried, Georg, Cao Cao, with Atalanta and Lancelot Du Lac being new additions. Atalanta is the descendant of the Heroine Atalanta from Greece, she was a huntress and was compared to Artemis. She possesses a swift foot and is a perfect markswoman. Along with the inherited abilities, she possesses the Sacred Gear, Staring Green. A Sacred Gear that shoots out green arrows of light.

Lancelot Du Lac, being the descendant of Sir Lancelot, the greatest Knight of King Arthur. Along with his inherited abilities, he had found his ancestors sword, the demonic sword, Aroundight. While it's holy counterpart, Arondight, was with Hoffen. Aroundight, the corrupted version of Arondight which was born when Lancelot tried to save Guinevere from execution. He is particularly violent, has a crass mouth and is a manwhore.

With such strong people on board with him, The Haven had a 70,000 strong army consisting of Magicians, Humans with Sacred Gears and Yokai, with their powers being scaled from an upper-tier High Class Being to a mid tier Ultimate Class Being. Hoffen was sure that in the coming few years, Ro would be a part of a major conflict, especially with this 'Khaos Brigade' pressing him to join them.

~With Hoffen~

Hoffen sighed tiredly as he went ahead and sat on his throne. He was a tad bit exhausted after absorbing another Excalibur piece.

'Things are getting hectic. The White One has said to have awoken, it would be soon when The Red One awakens too. The Tepes have not yet settled down after we took in Valerie. And Odin keeps on telling me to start an oppai club...what a mess!'

As Hoffen sat in thought he doesn't see a certain fox sneaking up behind him and then suddenly pouncing on him.

"I'm sorry for making you wait, it took me a while to get ready, but I'm now here for you, my Lord!", a pink haired woman said in glee. She wore a blue kimono like dress and had a pair of brown fox ears and a tail. This was Tamamo No Mae.

"Ready for what exactly, Tamamo? I don't remember us going somewhere today?", Hoffen said smiling as he pet the lady's ear much to her delight. Tamamo just hummed in delight and snuggled into him.

"Mou~ I told you we were called by Yasaka-nee! She says it was time to give my report! My Lord, if we leave early, then we don't have to take Musashi with us! Then we can go alone on a date after the meeting too!", Tamamo rambled on while squealing in the end.

"Uuuugh! No more, I shalt renounce my worldly desires. To think I would get attached to you so fast...wait, I need to go cool my head under a waterfall first! B-But , it's not that I hate this feeling! Haha~ I need to understand this delicate swordsman's heart first!", a voice mumbled out. Hoffen and an irked Tamamo turned their gaze towards the intruder (Tamamo's words). She had light pink hair and sky blue eyes. She also wore a navy blue battle kimono with a maroon cloak over it. This is Shinmen Musashi.

Hoffen smiled amusedly at her. Shinmen was a very open and lovely woman. She had her quirks but he cherished her all the same.

"Don't worry Shinmen, I don't mind it at all. You have already been doing a great job so far! It's okay to get attached!", Hoffen said as said lady preened under the praise. Tamamo just puffed her cheeks and pinched Hoffen's arms.

"Yowch! What was that for Tamamo? I pet your ears this time did I not?", Hoffen said as he rubbed his arm to ease the pain. Tamamo just looked away pouting. Hoffen just chuckled before petting her ears again making her mewl in pleasure.

"There, There~. Let's go to meet Lady Yasaka. It's been a while since I met Kunou too.", Hoffen said as he got off his throne with a cooing Tamamo in his hands.

"Ara ara~ Hoffen-kun? To leave me alone and go with these two?", a sultry voice whispered into his ear. Hoffen shook his head and turns towards the voice. It was what people called a 'Yamato Nadeshiko', the perfect Japanese beauty. She had long raven hair that reached her knees, tied into a ponytail with a violet ribbon. She wore a black kimono with red floral designs. She had deep purple eyes and a body that turned eyes everywhere she went.

"Ah, sorry Akeno. But I had to go and meet Lady Yasaka with Shinmen and Tamamo for their monthly report. I would take you with me, but this is an official meeting so I can't. Hope you can forgive me.", Hoffen said smiling at her. Said lady just shook her head and hugged him from behind.

"You don't have to apologize for this you know? I will spend some time with Jeanne-chan while you are away.", Akeno said. Hoffen nods before he placed Tamamo on the ground.

"Milord! It's time we leave. We have an hour before the meeting starts.", Shinmen says with a smile on her face. Hoffen nods before the three of them teleport through a magic circle. Akeno just stood there before shaking her head and moving outside the hall.


Hoffen, Tamamo and Shinmen appeared in front of a huge shrine. On each side of the gate stood the Tengu Guards. They seeing the trio bowed before leading them inside. The compound was beautiful with koi fish ponds present. Hoffen smiled serenely taking in the peaceful atmosphere. They then reach a room where another set of guards stood who then seeing the guest, opened the door allowing them to enter.

As Hoffen entered the room he was met with a golden blur that latched onto his waist.

"Onii-chan! Welcome back! Kunou has been waiting for you!", a childish voice said. Hoffen hugged the girl back and then picked her up and placed her on his hip.

"It has been long Kunou. How have you been?", Hoffen said as the Kunou just happily hummed snuggling into his chest.

"I have been fine, Onii-chan! I now can use fox fire! Look! Look!", Kunou said as she stretched her arm as a blue flame formed over it. Hoffen smiled seeing the victorious look on Kunou's face.

"Mou~ Taking all of Milord's attention all for yourself! Unfair! You already have forgotten about me haven't you, Kunou-chan?", Tamamo said pouting. Kunou's face brightened before she hopped of Hoffen and hugged Tamamo.

"I am sorry! Kunou missed you Oba-sama!", Kunou said hugging the pink haired kitsune. Tamamo smiled before hugging her back tightly.

"Ara? Sorry to keep you waiting. Hope you have been fine, Hoffen-sama.", a melodious voice said. Hoffen controlled his blush turning towards the voice. It was a voluptuous blonde haired vixen with nine fox tails and a pair of fox ears.

"Umu~ I have been fine so far, Lady Yasaka. it's good to see you in good health.", Hoffen said with a straight face. She then dismissed her guards raising red flags inside Hoffen's mind. After the guards left, she gave Hoffen a sultry look and sauntered her way towards Hoffen.

"You don't have to be so stiff around me, Hoffen-sama. We are allies and as such close friends too~", Yasaka purred before she glomped him from the front. Hoffen's eyes widened as his smiled now strained.

"Ha~ah!? Get your hands off him you old hag! Hoffen is my husband!", Tamamo snarled from behind him as she start pushing Yasaka off of him.

"Hmph. Hoffen-sama has defeated me in a duel, as such, I shall be his rightful wife.", Shinmen said adding more fuel to the fire.

"No! When I grow up, Onii-chan and I are going to get married!", Kunou then shouts as she jumps onto Hoffen's back.

Hoffen's eyebrow twitches in irritation seeing the girls fighting like school girls.


"Shaddap you old hag! I don't care if you have those mountain sized globes of fat! Hoffen is mine!"


"Hmph~ You are just jealous that you don't have a body as splendid as mine."


"Yasaka-sama, Tamamo-sama. Please act your age. Hoffen is mine as such, find someone else to pounce on."

"OI! SHADDAP AND LISTEN FOR GOD'S SAKE!", Hoffen shouts finally losing his composure. The girls sit up rigid in fright. Hoffen then clears his throat and goes back to smiling pleasantly.

"Now, we had a meeting, yes?"


A/N: Another chapter done here. Hope you enjoy this. Mistakes? Let me know.

P.S- I feel like I may have rushed this chapter. So if you think I messed up somewhere, tell it quick!

People die when they are killed.

Senju_Tobiramacreators' thoughts