
Chapter 1

Swords clashed as the screams and wails of men fighting on a battlefield could be heard all around. This was what Hoffen had awoken to. His wide eyes took in his surroundings, it was a typical battleground with swords and spears stabbed in the ground with mean fighting.

His eye caught a certain person who was riding his horse into the fight. He had golden blonde hair tied into braid and deep red bangs at the front with crimson eyes such as his. He wore silver armor with a crimson cape blowing with the wind. He mowed down enemies upon enemies with his sword which allowed his allies to storm in and fight the rest.

Hoffen witnessed the battle with such awe, the person was slicing through the army like a hot knife through butter. Soldier after soldier fell to his sword as he rode to victory.

"A magnificent sight, is it not?"

Hoffen snapped his eyes towards the voice and saw the very person who was mowing down on the soldiers. When he took in his surroundings, he was now in a huge hall befitting of a king. The person chuckled a bit seeing the child's expression.

"I am King Richard, the Lionheart, or as you have probably heard, your ancestor."

Hoffen looked on in shock, the very ancestor he had been told of the day before was right in front of him.

"Hmm...you are still too young to be even in contact, but this shall do."

"H-How are you here? Where am I?" Hoffen asked with a shaky voice.

"I am in your mindscape, probably because of the sacred gear that you were born with." Richard answers calmly.

"Sacred Gear?" Hoffen asked confused.

"I am sure Ms. Vivian will answer that question."

Hoffen then gasped.

"You know who Ms. Vivian is?"

Richard just chuckled, "Why don't you ask her, I'm sure she has all the answers."

"Then why did you meet me?" Hoffen asked confused.

"Well...I got curious. Also, I also wanted to know who my descendant is after all!" Richard said with a wide smile on his face.

Suddenly, the surroundings started warping, which greatly scared Hoffen. He turned towards Richard who gazed at Hoffen with a sad smile.

"W-What's happening?"

"Ah, I believe its time for you to go."

"Will I meet you again?" Hoffen asked with hope in his eyes.

"I am sorry, Hoffen. I don't think we may be able to meet again." Richard said with a resigned smile.

"No! I want to meet you again! You are the only family I have left! I can't lose you!" Hoffen exclaimed as tears filled his eyes.

Richard had a golden aura around him as he began floating.

"Hoffen, I shall leave you my most prized possession, my sword, in your care. Remember me every time you use this sword."

A brilliant longsword then floats towards Hoffen as the golden aura increased.

"This is my sword's blessing, The Sword Of Forever Distant Victory, Excalibur Confirmo! With this, you can use the abilities of Excalibur with any tool you hold. "

Hoffen looked on with awe filled eyes, the sword then shone a brilliant crimson and then was absorbed into Hoffen.

"Remember this, Hoffen...

...Even the bravest of us loath war, and those who long for it are the most dangerous! But when the blast of war blows in our ears, imitate the action of a lion. Leadership, confidence, nobility, courage, strength and grace should be the ways of a true Lionheart!..."

Hoffen woke up breathless, sweat clung to his face as he calmed himself down. He saw Jeanne still asleep, snuggled into her pillow. He then got off his bed and went towards the window, it was right at the break of dawn.

After doing his morning cleaning up, he went and woke up Jeanne. It would be time for breakfast soon. After waking her up, he went towards the dining hall where the rest of the orphans were present for breakfast.

"Good Morning Hoffen!" Jeanne chirped. Hoffen greeted her back with a smile. After breakfast, the sisters had left the orphans alone, giving Hoffen and Jeanne a chance to leave and meet Ms. Vivian.

"Hey Jeanne, lets go. Ms. Vivian must be waiting for us!" Hoffen said excitedly to which Jeanne gained a wide and excited smile. They soon sneaked their way out of the orphanage and ran towards the forest. As they ran, they sound found themselves in the clearing.

"Ms. Vivian! It's me Hoffen!" He called out as he excitedly looked around. Jeanne just tilted her head in confusion and followed Hoffen in looking around. He then felt a pair of arms wrapping around him and a soft cushiony feeling on the back of his head.

"I have arrived, my king~" A melodious voice whispered into his ear startling him.

"Ms. Vivian!" Hoffen turned around and hugged her in happiness. Vivian returned the hug with a soft smile on her face. Meanwhile, Jeanne looked on with a slight pout at being left out.

"Ms. Vivian! This is Jeanne, my most precious person!" He said as he pulled himself out of the hug and gestured towards Jeanne.

"Good Morning Ms. Vivian! My name is Jeanne de Orleans!" Jeanne said with a small smile on her face. Vivian's smile widened as she looked over the girl.

"Ooh~ So this is the Jeanne you were talking about, Hoffen?"

"Mhm! She is my bestest friend in the orphanage!"

Jeanne just smiled widely and nodded. Vivian then cupped Jeanne's face and looked closely into her eyes.

"Hmm...you look like someone I knew...say Jeanne, if you had to choose between a spear or a sword, what would you choose?" Vivian asked.

"I would choose a spear! I can fight the bad guys from far and support Hoffen!" Jeanne chirped happily!

Vivian's eyes widened, "If you had to choose between the powers to wield immense strength or the power to support your allies, what would you choose?"

"Hmm...I would choose the power to support! So many people would be helped! And I could help Hoffen if he ever needs me!" Jeanne said with an excited smile. Vivian was now astonished.

Vivian then narrowed her eyes, "Luminosité..."

"...Eternelle..." Jeanne answered back, who was now suddenly in a trance. Vivian then smiled widely and hugged the girl. Hoffen just looked at them confused at the word exchange.

"Ms. Vivian? What were you talking about?" Hoffen asked as he tugged at her sleeve.

Vivian then gazed at Hoffen and the at Jeanne, "Hoffen, like you, even Jeanne is a descendant of a very well known and kind woman!"

Jeanne and Hoffen got excited knowing that. Jeanne was happy to know more about her family.

"Really! Who is she related to?! A hero? A medic? An angel? Or could it be another queen or princess?" Hoffen rambled on in excitement. Vivian giggled at the child's amusement.

"Jeanne, you are related to a famous hero from France, Jeanne D'Arc. She was considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War. She used her weapon, a spear, Luminosité Eternelle, to heal her comrades and form barriers. Unfortunately, due to her being a woman, her actions were considered as heresy and she was executed."

Jeanne was in awe and sad in hearing her ancestors history as well as her sad end. Hoffen saw this and hugged her.

"Can you believe this Jeanne? We both are descendants to heroes and can soon train to become as strong as them!" Hoffen said with a wide smile. Jeanne nods as she buried her face in his shoulder. Vivian looked at them both with a soft smile on her face.

"Hoffen, Jeanne, before I start your training, let me tell what this world truly is..."

With this, she explained the supernatural world, the existence of the biblical factions, the Norse, the Vedic gods and so on. She told the tale of the Great War fought by the 3 Factions, the Angels, the Devils and the Fallen Angels.

She explained about the losses on each side, the death of the 4 Devil Kings, the death of God which shook them both to the core as the very religion they believed was in Christianity. She then explained the workings of a Sacred Gear.

Sacred Gears, also known as God's Artifacts, are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by the Biblical God. The original God of the Bible created the Sacred Gears as part of his system to enact miracles on Earth. Many influential people recorded in history is said to have possessed a Sacred Gear.

"So that means Jeanne and I have sacred gears inside of us?" Hoffen asked.

"Yes, you both have sacred gears inside of you. I have no idea what they are but it will show up as you train." Vivian said as she ruffled his hair.

"Yes! We shall train! After we are strong, I will marry you in return!" Hoffen said proudly to which Jeanne had a mortified look on her face.

"WHAT!? You are going to marry her!?" Jeanne asked as she shook Hoffen back and forth.

"Umu! If you want, I will marry you too Jeanne!" Hoffen said with a wide smile to which Jeanne passes out. Vivian just looked at them both in amusement and shakes her head. She then sprinkled water on Jeanne waking her up.

"You two, no more dillydallying! Lets begin your training!"

"Yes Ms. Vivian!"

"Umu! Lets do this!"

~Time Skip~

It has been 5 years since Vivian had started training the two heroic descendants. Their training in swordsmanship, magic potential and physical training was all done by her. The children themselves had huge potential due to their lineage.

Now we can see Hoffen and Jeanne sparring. Jeanne had taken to the spear with ease while Hoffen stayed with the sword. He and Jeanne were able able to unlock their sacred gears while training with Vivian at the age of 7.

Hoffen had a defense/healing type sacred. It generated a holy aura around him capable of healing his comrades and himself and bolstered his natural defenses highly. Vivian had named it as Avalon due to its holy aura and healing ability.

Jeanne had a support/barrier type sacred gear. It formed in the form of a Flagpole with a spear tip. It is capable of forming holy barriers and boost the strength of her allies. Vivian named it Luminosité Eternelle‎, after seeing the resemblance between the lance of Jeanne's ancestor.

They both trained their abilities hard and suffice to say, they were strong enough to fight off a high class devil easily and when they used their sacred gear, they could take on an experienced High Class Devil. Hoffen had also unlocked his ancestor's blessing, Excalibur Confirmo.

~Flashback Start~

Vivian and Hoffen could be seen clashing their swords, it has been 3 months since he unlocked Avalon and their training was increased. Hoffen was panting hard as he swiped his sword at Vivian who casually blocked it.

"Is that all Hoffen? I'm getting bored here." Vivian taunted her protégé. Hoffen just narrowed his eyes and increased his intensity in attacks as Avalon passively healed his injuries. He then dashed at her and brought the sword down with all his strength, unknowingly reinforcing it with magic. The sword gained a golden shine as Vivian widened her eyes. He then brought it down on Vivian, Vivian hastily fell back to avoid the immense holy energy attack.

"EXCALIBUR!" Hoffen screamed as a huge slash of holy light was sent towards Vivian. Vivian's eyes widened as she dropped inside the river as the forest was blown back by the overwhelming energy. Hoffen saw the aftermath with eyes wide. Soon after he passed out as he was out of energy.

Vivian quickly made her way to the kid with Jeanne in tow. They both reach to see Hoffen lying on the ground with the sword clutched tightly in his hands. Vivian just saw everything with awe filled eyes.

~Time Skip~

Hoffen slowly opened his eyes as the fatigue slowly ebbed away. He then sees that his hair was being caressed softly and there was a weight on his chest. He saw Vivian softly smiling down on him while stroking his hair with Jeanne sleeping on his chest.

"Do you know what you did there, Hoffen?" Vivian asked as she stroked his hair.

"I...I don't know Vivian. I just reinforced the sword with magic...well that is what I was trying to do, but then something else happened and the word 'Excalibur' just felt right." Hoffen said as he leaned into her touch.

"That move was used by your ancestor, Richard Lionheart...to think you have inherited his abilities...you truly are blessed, my king." Vivian said as she pecked Hoffen's forehead making him blush.

"Now that we have discovered a new ability, we have to increase your training so you don't lose control over it. That attack could easily kill a high class being." Vivian said as she tittered at Hoffen's astonished look.

~Flashback Over~

Now Hoffen and Jeanne could be seen having lunch with Vivian in the forest. They decided to run away from the orphanage and stay with Vivian. With Vivian's help, Hoffen and Jeanne had been introduced to the supernatural world and as such decided to do small jobs that needed their help in cleansing or purifying evil. Vivian had just received a commission of help from the Himejima Clan, one of the Five Principal Clans, in Japan. They are affiliated to the Shinto Deities and specialize in purifying evil spirits.

They had received it from a client named Suzaku Himejima, stating the need for protection from potential enemies. This confused Vivian as she knew that the Himejima clan never had any major enemy and themselves never but into other factions. She decided to accompany Hoffen and Jeanne to make sure all was right there.

"Hoffen, Jeanne, we are going to leave for Japan today evening. We have a commission from a Himejima Clan member for protection. Make sure you both are ready, okay?" Vivian said as both of them nodded.

Later that evening, Vivian and the duo teleported to their destination. They were surrounded by a yet another forest, but there stood a girl. She had raven black hair and ruby red eyes. She was really pretty for her age. She had a hardened look in her eyes.

"Greetings, Celestial Duo, I have heard a lot about you and wanted your help, my name is Suzaku Himejima, the heiress of the Himejima Clan." The girl said as she bowed. Hoffen took a step and bowed his head in return.

"Greetings, Lady Himejima. I am Hoffen Lowenherz, this is Jeanne de Orleans and Vivian. Pleasure to meet you." Hoffen said with a strong voice. Suzaku just stared at Hoffen before turning to his companions.

"What help did you need, Lady Himejima?" Vivian asked.

"Please call me Suzaku. One of my clan member, Shuri Himejima fell in love with a Fallen Angel and as such had been exiled from the clan. She now has a daughter who has fallen blood flowing through her. Our clan-head and clan members have been trying to assassinate the family, but due to the presence of the Fallen Angel, they were not successful." Suzaku said with a straight face, anger lacing her words.

"Do we know who the Fallen Angel is?" Vivian asked.

"Barakiel, the wielder of Holy Lightning." Suzaku said as Vivian's eyes widened.

"He is a Cadre from the Grigori...no wonder they couldn't assassinate his family." Vivian said deep in thought.

"As such, I request your help in protecting the family. I fear that if Barakiel is not present, they may take the chance and destroy them." Suzaku said while bowing her head. The Duo and Vivian stared at her before smiling softly.

"Of course. We shall accept your request and protect them." Hoffen said with a soft smile. Suzaku's eyes widened before she smiled at them. Hoffen then turned towards Vivian,

"Vivian, I am sure that I and Jeanne will be enough to protect them." Hoffen said resolutely with Jeanne nodding her head. Vivian smiled at them before nodding.

"Okay then, I shall leave you both here. Protect them and look out for each other. If you have any issues, contact me okay?" Vivian asked as she knelt before them both. They both nodded before hugging her. She then pulled back and teleported away.

"Please follow me, I'll introduce you both to Aunt Shuri. Make sure to hide your objective." Suzaku said as she began walking. Hoffen and Jeanne nodded as they followed her.

They soon reached a shrine where you could hear sounds of a girl playing. Hoffen and Jeanne had removed their armor and were in casual clothing. With Hoffen wearing khaki shorts and a black shirt and Jeanne wearing a black skirt and a dark blue top, she had her hair braided behind her back. Hoffen let his neck length hair flow free.

As they approached the shrine, a lady was standing at the entrance in a Miko (priestess) outfit. She was a beautiful woman who has long, flowing black hair and light brown eyes. Her eyes brightened as she saw Suzaku.

"Ara? Suzaku-chan. How are you today?" She asked with a soft and gentle tone.

"I have been doing fine, Aunt Shuri! How are you and Akeno?" Suzaku said in a happy tone as she hugged Shuri.

"We are fine. You got some visitors with you?" Shuri asked as she eyed the duo.

"Mhm! They both are some friends of mine! Introduce yourselves, you two!" Suzaku said as she gestured towards them both.

"Good Evening Mrs. Shuri! My name is Hoffen Lowenherz. Nice to meet you." Hoffen introduced himself ending with a small bow

"Hello! I am Jeanne de Orleans! Nice to meet you Mrs. Shuri!" Jeanne chirped before bowing like Hoffen.

Shuri giggled at them both, "Ufufu~ Such cuties! Come in, I'm sure Akeno would be happy to have more friends."

The trio then made their way inside the shrine. They saw a girl of their age playing with a doll. She had a face and hair similar to Shuri with purple eyes. She smiled happily and hugged Suzaku happily.

"Suzaku-nee! You are back!" The girl cheered happily as Suzaku returned the hug.

"Hm. How are you today Akeno-chan?"

"I am good, Suzaku-nee? Who are these two?" Akeno asked with curious eyes, but you could see a bit of fear in them too. Hoffen and Jeanne introduced themselves to her, to which she returned the greeting. Suzaku seeing the awkwardness seeping into the air decided to take control.

"Say Akeno, why don't we all play together? I am sure it would be fun!" Suzaku said as they all nodded and began playing. Hoffen and Jeanne enjoyed spending time with them. Keeping their mission in mind, they visited the family everyday.

Soon, these peaceful days would come to an end.


A/N: Chapter 1 for Heir Of The Lionheart. Any issues, doubts or errors? Please let me know!

Suzaku Himejima is a character from the Slashdogs novel done by Ishibumi.

Suzaku is deadly. This are her illustrations btw. I'll post them in the paragraph comment section. Enjoy.

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