
Chapter 20: New Plans

Chapter 20:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

{___} - Internal Voice(s)

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"As you all know, summer break is coming up which is why you'll all need to start planning for your futures. I'm going to hand out a sheet for each of you to fill in, and I expect it completed and returned to me once you return alright?" As the sheets were handed out, Jin only spared a moment to scan the slit of paper in his hands before sliding it aside. 

"You haven't changed at all have you, Jin." Sat behind him was a young woman with pale skin, and long raven hair that touched her knees. Furthermore, her pupils were just as, if not more lusterless than his sisters, almost like an abyss. "You need to take your future more seriously, or else our children won't have a roof over their heads." 

"Can I help you with something, Amou?" His eyes rolled as she was met with his usual sleepy tone. 

"So cold, just call me Kiru like you used to." 

"I'm good, if there's nothing else I'll be going now." He ensured that he appeared neither hostile nor amiable, but as he got up out of his seat she grabbed onto the cuff of his uniform. "What?" 

"Actually, I'm going on a retreat for the summer, you should come with." Jin heaved a deep sigh as he averted his eyes from the familiar look on her face. 

"Sorry, but I've already got plans. Maybe another time." Once more he made an attempt to leave, but her clasp on his sleeve remained firm as she stood up. 

"Is your sister back in town?" 

"Do I even want to know how you figured that out?" 

"It's obvious, I could tell by the scent on your shirt." 

"Yeah, totally not weird or intrusive at all." 

"Are you going somewhere with her? You should take me along." To the extent that he knew her, Kiru's persistence wasn't all that surprising, but that didn't make it any more tolerable. 

"I'm not, but if the two of you want to torment each other while I'm gone feel free." She hummed inquisitively as she finally let go of his sleeve. "Oh, and when you come over to set up hidden cameras whilst I'm sleeping, water the plants beforehand will you?" 

"Will do." She replied with a smile. 

He sighed as he walked out of the classroom, trotting down the hallway on his way to the student council room. "Moshi mosh, anyone here?" He knocked on the door with the back of his hand as he patiently awaited a response. 

His ears twitched at the sound of the doorknob turning, revealing the silhouette of a young bespectacled woman with long raven hair running down to her waist. "You're…" Jin's appearance was understandably sudden to her. 

"Hi there, Sitri around?" His eyes scanned the room as he was met with the mixed expressions of the Sitri peerage, but the woman herself seemed to be nowhere in sight. "Guess not." 

"The President's currently with—" 

"The red one right? Sorry to bother you." He calmly waved them off as he made haste towards the old building. 

(What a hassle, life's tough when you're as good a brother as me.) 

As he stood in front of the door, he could hear faint murmurs coming from inside. However unlike last time, he showed little care for pleasantries, opening the door on his own as he curried shocked expressions from everyone inside. "What? Excited to see me?" 

"Can we help you?" Sona asked dryly, whilst Rias looked on with clear annoyance on her face. 

"Possibly, do either of you have a contracted magician already?" The two turned to each other with quipped brows. "I'll take that as a no then?" Jin reached into his breast pocket and pulled out what looked to be a small black slip of paper, with the letter "G" written at the top.

"What's this supposed to be?" 

"No idea, my sister gave it to me, she says you should rip it if you're interested." Sona's interest seemed to heighten as she glanced at the slip. 

"Your sister's a magician? You could've said something." 

"Hey, I was only told yesterday. She works for Gras- Grau- Graz…uhm." 

"Grauzauberer?" She finished.

"Yes that's the one, she's looking for someone to contract so I thought I'd recommend the two of you. Any takers?" Rias leaned back into her chair as Sona brought the slip closer to her face. 

"One from Grigori, and the other from Grauzauberer. You have the quite interesting family Iwata-san." 

"I guess you could say that." In truth, Jin was willing to give an arm and a leg to get her out the house. Anything to not have to endure her constantly poking at him like some lab specimen. "Do you want to meet her? She should still be at the house." 

"No need, these slips summon their forger should you choose to rip them. I'll definitely have a chat with her once I'm free. Just out of curiosity, is she the younger or older one?" 


"I see. I'm getting the impression she kept this from you?" 

"She did." 

"And that doesn't bother you?" 

"Of course it bothered me." 

"Past tense?" 

"Intentional, at the end of the day she's still my sister. I could care less what she is, or what she becomes, she will remain family." She hummed as he offered a faint smile. "Anyhow, she's the one who inherited the brains so I imagine the two of you will get along." 

"We'll see." The conversation appeared to flow seamlessly between the two, causing a certain someone to feel rather excluded. 

"Aren't you being a little selfish Sona?" 

"How so, Rias?" 

"You know I don't have a contracted magician either, a matter like this should be properly discussed between the two of us, wouldn't you agree?" The corners of the Sitri's lips curled upwards as she folded her arms. 

"No, I don't think that'll be necessary. After all, Iwata-san is already connected with our household, it only makes sense that a family member would be better off with us." 

(Connected? Since when?) 

"Hoh, some would call that plain selfishness." 

"It's not my fault you didn't acquaint yourself with Grigori, all I'm doing is reaping the benefits of my own choices, besides, he was already planning on approaching me first isn't that right?" 

(Damn, they communicate fast.) 

Jin let out a nervous chuckle as he averted the Gremory's gaze of scrutiny. "Well, I'm more 'familiar', I guess you could say with the Leviathan than the Lucifer so I just thought it made the most sense. Not to mention she worked with me during the Kokabiel predicament, so she already has my trust." 

"Hoh, and I don't?" He scratched his cheek as she had essentially put him on the spot. 

(Oh come on, I barely even know you. Don't make it personal.) 

"That's not what I mean, but if you want to talk to my sister as well then feel free, ultimately the choice is in her hands, not mine. I don't really understand any of this Devil-Magician stuff." 

"Don't worry, your sister will be in good hands." Sona gleamed, with a victory-ridden smile on her face. "Just to be clear, she wouldn't happen to be a Sacred Gear user as well?" Jin could feel the energy shift in the room as all heads turned towards him, equally as interested as the two women in the middle. 

(Devils really are quite competitive aren't they?) 

"No, she isn't." Though the intrigue of most fissured out, the few who were more well-versed with Jin had their doubts. "If she ends up having one, just put it on the record that I had no idea." 

"I already checked, though your household is quite interesting, no miracles have taken place." All of a sudden, an older man with raven hair and gold highlights appeared in the room, seamlessly entering without making so much as a faint clamor. "How's it going, Jin?" 

(Oh boy.) 

"Governor? I don't remember giving you permission to enter my quarters." Whilst Rias was naturally unnerved by his presence, the Fallen Angel's behavior was hardly a surprise to Sona. 

"That's no way to greet your new Sensei, Rias Gremory." 


"It looks like your brother hasn't told you yet, from now on I'll be acting as the Occult Research Club's teacher-in-charge." He waved as he left practically everyone in the room dumbfounded. "Don't worry, with me on board you'll all be able to get a lot stronger than if you were left on your lonesome. Oh, and I'm sure my [Gold General] here will be of great assistance. Isn't that right?" 

(Aaaanddd the cats out of the bag. Thanks for that.) 

Sona shot a knowing smile his way, whilst the rest didn't seem to know what the hell a "[Gold General]" was.

"Uh, sure I guess." He replied meekly, wanting nothing more than to dart out the room that very instant. 

"Lovely. Sitri, I take it your subordinates are enjoying their new gifts?" 

"They still need some time to get used to them, but I'm sure they'll bear fruit in due time." The Governor smiled as he walked towards Jin. 

"I did a bit of research and I think I've found a suitable mentor for you. A train to the Underworld has been arranged, I'll be there to pick you up first thing in the morning." 

(The Underworld? It looks like it's finally that time. But what's this about a train?) 

"And Oron?" 

"Naturally he'll come with, but I'll be personally seeing to his training. However, in exchange for going through all the effort of finding you the perfect mentor, I have certain expectations I'll need you to adhere to." A magic-circle appeared next to Jin's ear as Azazel privately relayed his words. 

"You can't be serious?" 

"Dead serious." He responded bluntly. 

"Governor, when you say train, you surely couldn't be referring to the one my household has arranged?" 

"Of course I am, preparing two trains would be such a waste. Anyhow, I have a few extra preparations to make so I'll leave you be for now. Make sure you get enough rest, you'll need it." 

"Wai—" Before she had the opportunity to press him, he had already disappeared. However, there was still someone in the room she could hound for answers. 

(Oh no.) 

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Iguana32creators' thoughts