
Chapter 14: Resolve

Chapter 14:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

{___} - Internal Voice(s)

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Jin's eyes scanned the room until he had found what he was looking for, a pillar, one suitable to rest his back upon as he contributed absolutely nothing to the ongoing conversation. 

(Ahhh, perfect.)


(I jinxed it, shit.) 

Hardly surprised that he was present, Sona decided to take the liberty to approach the exhausted Fallen Angel. 

"So, you're still alive?" 

"That I am, disappointed?" 

She scoffed as she readjusted her glasses. 

"Maybe a little." Her remark scored a light chuckle out of Jin as the tension seemed to ease between the two. 

She glanced towards the three leader's discussing amongst themselves with a confounded expression, to which Jin followed in suit. 

"I doubt the same applies to you, but for most of us what's happening here truly is the thing of dreams." 

"Is that so? That's good then." 

Her brow rose as she turned back towards Jin.

"How so?" 

"The world runs on dreams. If you guys have any chance at achieving peace, this is it." 

"You guys? Hm?" 

The [Gold General] groaned as he dipped his head. 

"My bad, if we." She nodded approvingly as Jin leaned back into his pillair. 

"Any problems with my sister?" 

"Mm, nothing major." 

"Then there was something minor?" 

"You're probably better off asking her for the details, I got the impression that I wasn't meant to spill the beans." 

(To you, specifically.)

"Jin, you should know by now that I detest having things hidden from me." 

"Don't we all? But when the people above say no, it means no. The same probably doesn't apply to you, but a grunt like me can't do much to sway their decisions." 

Though he didn't realize it, Jin had sequenced together the perfect string of words to tip her off. Sona despised being alienated by virtue of her standing. 

"A grunt huh? I doubt a grunt would be invited to an event like this." 

He shrugged with an aloof expression on his face. 

"I just happened to get my name all over the previous mess." 

"And what about your con—" 

"Sitri-san?" All of a sudden, she had become completely still, as if she were frozen in time. 

He waved his hand in front of her face, but she remained unresponsive.

(Huh? I don't remember activating [Twice Critical]. The hell is going on?) 

"Oi, Oron!" He called out to his assistant, but as he turned his head he too was in the same state as the Sitri Heiress. 

"Hyoudou, that half-vampire [Bishop], where is he?" 

"Gasper? Buchou left him with Koneko-chan, don't tell me—" 

The Governor-General nodded reluctantly as his eyes peered out of the window. 

"[Forbidden Balor View] —the Sacred Gear with the power to stop time. It looks like whoever those guys are, have gotten a hold of it." 

As Jin walked up to the window, an impressed whistle left his lips as he looked at the sight currently unfolding. 

Hundreds of magical circles had embedded themselves in the sky, dark-robed magicians poured out of them as they attacked the guards from all three factions. 

"But, some of us are still able to move?" 

"So it would seem, us leaders are probably resisting their efforts with our sheer might. And I'm guessing Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina's Holy Swords are shielding them." 

"What about me?" 

"Both you and Vali are probably being protected by your Dragons." 

Albion's host scoffed as he pointed towards a certain individual. 

"And him?" 

Other than the already informed Serafall, everyone's sights focused on the man with a chrome-colored gauntlet attached to his hand. 

Azazel groaned as he knew he would have quite a bit of explaining to do. 

"He also has a Dragon of his own." Slightly startled by the abrupt onslaught of stares, Jin responded with naught more than a flimsy wave. 

"Crow." Xenovia in particular, seemed especially peeved that Jin had kept a lid on it. 

"Azazel." Sirzechs remarked. 

"I know, I know. I'll explain everything after, but first can we deal with these guys?" 

"If you'd like, I could just kill them alongside that half-vampire. That would solve this whole predicament, no?" 

"Don't even think about it." Issei clenched his fists together as he shot a scowl his rival's way. 

"Oh, did I strike a nerve?" Vali mocked. 

"Enough, we're trying to make peace here, remember?" 

Jin scratched his chin as he watched more and more magicians appear out of thin air.

"How did they even manage to break through the barrier in the first place?"

"Someone seems to have connected it to a gate, effectively disabling our transport circles in turn. Not bad." 

Jin's eyelids narrowed as he noticed something hurling towards him from outside. 

(What are those beams they're shooting out from their hoods? Oh well, my gauntlet should be able to block it.) 

"The nerve! I'm the only one allowed to be a Magical Girl here! ✰" Serafall needed nothing more than a wave of her hand to deflect the onslaught of projectiles headed towards the room. 

"Those magicians are far too weak to do any real damage to us, the problem is that they have the half-vampire." 

"Let me go, I'll save Gasper." Issei stepped forward with Ddraig primed and ready in his hand. 

"Hm? I appreciate the courage, but going on your own might just create more people in need of saving." 

"I'll go with him." Kiba stepped forward with [Sword Birth] clasped between his palm. 

Azazel nodded before turning towards his [Gold General]. 

"Just to be safe, Jin, go with them." 

"Eh?" He pointed to himself with a confused look on his face. 

"This attack is obviously coordinated, which means they should be well aware that there are Devils here. There's a chance that they might've taken 'measures' if you know what I mean." 

(Tch, I was planning to slack off whilst they did all the work.) 

"Looks like I'll be tagging along, Ddraig." 

Neither of Gremory Devils seemed comfortable having a Fallen Angel around them, especially Issei considering his history with them. However, orders were orders. 

"Uh, my name's Issei." Nonetheless, Jin didn't have much of an "intimidating" aura to him, so he was able to at least make an attempt at conversation.

"I'm Jin, don't worry, I won't be in the way." He offered his hand to which the Welsh Dragon nervously responded in kind. 

"I remember you from back in the church. Do you have a name?" On the contrary, Kiba showed little interest in being as amiable. 

"I guess you're the silent type. That's fine, I don't judge." 

"Before you go, take these." Just like the one Jin had, Azazel tossed three more bracelets towards the trio. 

"These are?" 

"You'll be able to enter [Balance Breaker] for a limited amount of time with them. Use the extra one on the half-vampire, it should help him keep [Forbidden Balor View] in control." 

They looked at the ornaments in awe as they swelled with newfound respect for the Governor-General. 


"Issei, do you remember what I told you about Gasper earlier?" 

"I do." 

"Good, unfortunately we can't teleport you guys to him. So you'll have to fight your way through." 

"Wait, Gasper is still in the old building. Doesn't that mean we'll be exposed while we're trying to get there?" For once, Issei had actually taken the time to consider the situation. 

"Don't worry! Levi-tan will shield you from those imposters! ✰" 

"Well, there you have it." 

"I should be able to help out with that as well." Jin smiled as his wings sprouted from his back, causing Kiba to step back out of reflex as the clasp on his sword tightened. 

"Er, I appreciate the offer but are you sure those wings will be able to deflect their attacks?" 

"Relax, they're tougher than you'd think." He shot a reassuring glance their way as the two seemed rather unimpressed. 

"The three of you should get going, the longer you wait, the stronger his [Balance Breaker] will become. It's possible that we won't be able to resist it at some point." 

"Gasper's Sacred Gear is that powerful?" 

"It is. Now go, don't keep him waiting." 

Issei nodded affirmatively as both himself and Kiba rushed out the door, with Jin following behind them. 

"Issei-kun, I'm going ahead." With the help of his [Knight] piece, Kiba accelerated past him leaving the Welsh Dragon with the Fallen Angel. 

They continued to sprint in silence until Jin felt a chill run down his spine, which would soon turn into a tingling sensation on the top of his head. 


"Wha—" He pushed Issei's head down as steel-like feathers shot from his wings into the necks of the emerging magicians from above. 

As their bodies flopped onto the ground, a slight sense of nausea swelled up in Jin held back his disgust. 

(Damn, that's still going to take some getting used to.) 

"Uh, thanks." 

"It's not over." 

Up ahead, a hoard of magicians had grouped together with the clear intent to unleash a flurry of projectiles at them.

Amber-clad beams shot towards the duo as Jin pulled his wings in front of them both, his teeth grit together as what felt like hot iron clashed against his pennon. 


The crimson claw shone a bright emerald as Issei pointed the front of his gear towards the magicians. 

"Move your wings." 

"Don't miss." 

The night-like organs moved apart as a deep scarlet glow emanated from the [Boosted Gear]. 

["Dragon —Shot!"] 

The pupils of the opposing magicians shrunk as a large ball of draconic energy came hurling towards them, instinctively, they put up their defenses in hopes of deflecting the attack with their combined efforts. 

"Idiots." The crow remarked. 

The right choice would have been to retreat, but it was too late for do-overs. 

"I'm not sensing anymore ambushers, no-name probably already cleared them out. But, the real problem is out there. Even though the Leviathan has our cover, if they get up close it's practically a coin flip as to whether they hit us, or we hit them first."

Though he offered no response, Issei listened attentively as they eventually reached the front entrance, where the [Knight] awaited them. 

"Shit, there's more of them than I thought." Jin shared in his fellow Dragons sentiment as a staggering amount of robed-casters spilled from the circles above. 

"Should I use the bracelet?" The Fallen Angel shook his head as his brows furrowed. 

"No, they're just footsoldiers. I don't know when the real enemy will show themselves, but wasting Ddraig's power before they appear might leave us in a bad spot." 

"Then, would you have me do it?" Though reluctantly, Kiba felt obligated to speak up considering the circumstances. 

Jin glanced at the sword in the [Knight's] hand as he deliberated on the offer. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but your Sacred Gear doesn't look all that suited to crowd control." 

"Perhaps, but there's also a chance [Balance Breaker] could remedy that." 

(That's basically a gamble, and normally I'd be all up for it, however this time it's not just my life at stake.) 

Time was of the essence, he had no choice but to make a hasty decision, it was either that or he wouldn't have the chance to make a decision at all. 

"No-name, put on your bracelet." Kiba nodded as he slipped on the silver ornament, tightly fastening it to his arm as the dark-lilac jewel embedded in it reflected his face. 

"Issei, if you get to Gasper, can you guarantee me that you'll be able to deactivate his Sacred Gear?" 

"I'll do whatever it takes to save him." He affirmed. 

"That's not good enough, can-you-guarantee-it?" 

His pupils narrowed as his expression demanded a resolute answer from the [Pawn]. 

"I can." Though he wasn't exactly the face of bravery, if it was for a friend, he'd even give up a limb. 

"Good." Jin pulled out his bracelet and put it on in a similar fashion to Kiba, earning both shocked and confused glances from the two of them. 

(I doubt I'll be able to do much, but I should be able to at least buy a little time before my body gives out. All for the sake of a peaceful future, I guess.) 


"Are you sure?" 

"Relax, I'm well aware that my Sacred Gear isn't a Longinus. Just have a little faith alright?" Though Issei expressed moderate concern, Kiba honestly couldn't care less. 

"Issei, wait until no-name and myself have attracted most of their attention. The Leviathans barriers should be more than capable of protecting you from any stray attacks." 

"Got it." 

"Great, in that case." He turned towards the wielder of [Sword Birth], who responded with an affirmative nod as the jewel on his bracelet grew brighter and brighter. 

Jin's heart pounded as the thought of unleashing his Sacred Gear swelled an unavoidable sense of excitement in his heart. 

(There's no doubt that it'll be incomplete, however, I'm still curious nonetheless.) 


The bracelet tore apart as Jin's pupils lit up with a radiant icy-blue. 

["𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜!"]

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Iguana32creators' thoughts