
DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 18

Not even before death, not even the inevitable could sway it from its course. It was something that would rather break before it ever bent and I had trouble coinciding that truth with the what I saw this morning. Of Issei running away from a bunch of schoolgirls that caught him peeping.

It...it didn't fit. That wasn't a Dragon.


A predomination washed over me at the moment. One that terrified me.

What if they were wrong? What if Issei didn't have a Sacred Gear? Will she just let him die then?

"Promise me," I stated, finally breaking the silence, "promise me that no matter what happens you'll resurrect him. Even if you find out that he doesn't bear the Boosted Gear you'll still make him a part of Peerage. If you do, then I'll give you my word that I'll not involve myself with this entire mess."

The Gremory didn't even hesitate, I'll give her that much. "I, Rias Gremory, the Heir of the Gremory Clan, one of the 72 Pillars, hereby swear that I will resurrect Hyoudou Issei into my Peerage, no matter what he's Sacred Gear may or may not be."

...What is it with these Clan heirs and their formality? First Sona and now her. Couldn't they just say a simple 'I promise' and be done with it?

Still, I could feel a little bit of tension leaving my body at her words. I may not like how they're going to go about this, but this was the best I could hope for. If I tried to do anything else I'd just end up making things worse for the boy.

If Issei wasn't going to be revived I would interfere nor matter what, orders or no orders. But considering that he was already being targeted by the Fallen Faction, he would need to join a side if he wanted to live. Heaven wouldn't want him, not unless he completely reformed his ways. 

The Fallen are more likely to kill him, if not directly then through Vali. In the end, his only real choice for making out of this mess alive was to join the Devil Faction and into someone's Peerage.

As much as I hated to admit it, no one watched over their Peerage like the Gremory. No one.

Then there were my own restraints. I couldn't act without thinking anymore. I was a member of a Maou's Peerage and whether I liked it or not, everything I do will have repercussions. It wasn't just my life at stake if I screw up. There is no way I wanted to get Serafall in trouble because of me.

Or worse, as unlikely as it was, sparked a civil war over this incident. Wars had been fought over far less than the Boosted Gear.

I suddenly felt tired. I couldn't stand being in this room with them anymore, I just wanted to get out of here and go home.

"Well, if that's all you wanted to talk to me about Rias Gremory," I said as I began to stand up, an action that was soon copied by the Gremory, Akeno, and surprisingly Kiba. Koneko was already back to eating another plate of snacks she had gotten from somewhere, "I believe it's time for me to get home."

They all walked me to the door, Kiba actually reaching the door before me and held it open.

I turned around and gave the occupants of the room one short wave. "Well, as much as I'd like to say I had a lovely evening meeting you all but I'm afraid I'd be lying. So instead I'll wish you all a good day. Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, Gremory." 

After giving each of them a quick nod as I said their name, I turned and left the room.

From behind me, I heard Kiba say, "Ah, Buchou. I'm going to help Emiya-san get back to the school entrance." Followed by the sound of a door shutting behind me, then footsteps as Kiba quickly caught up to me.


The door shut behind the departing boys, leaving the club room occupied only by the girls of the Peerage.

For a moment no one said anything, and then a light chuckle made its way from the Raven haired girl.

"Ufufufu, Looks like your plan to fluster him failed, eh Buchou. Or should I say 'little pervert'."

"Shut up, Akeno." Muttered Rias, her face turning red at the memory.

"And what did he call you? A nudist? No that's not it. Ah, that's right, a little exhibitionist."

"I said, shut up Akeno," Rias repeated a little loud while her face grew a little redder. She looked down and muttered to herself. "I'm not an exhibitionist damn it."

"Ara Ara Buchou, are you still angry on what he did to your brother?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She retorted while crossing her arms and looking away. "My brother kicked his ass."

"He also ended up looking like a porcupine didn't he?" Akeno replied while cupping her cheek and smiling as she happily imagined the look of agony on Sirzechs's face.

Rias puffed out her cheeks at that, "Nii-san is the strongest." Barely restraining herself from stomping her foot.

Rias held that pose for a moment, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out like a child before she physically deflated and appeared to almost slump over. She looked suddenly looked exhausted.

"Hey Akeno," her voice was so low that it was barely heard even in the silent room, "I'm...I'm not the bad one here, am I? I mean, I'm doing the right thing...right?"

Akeno, seeing her friend in such a state, dropped her smile as she answered. "Well, I'm not sure if I could call what you're doing the right thing but at the very least I don't think you're doing the wrong thing." Then an idea popped into her head as a wicked smile graced her face. 

"However, if you're still feeling bad about yourself I can always, ah, punish you. I know it can make really bad and naughty girls feel good again. I got a paddle and everything."

"AKENO!" her blush this time was simply atomic.

From the corner of the room where she was sitting at, Koneko looked up at them with a disapproving frown on her face before deadpanning, "...Perverts." and returning back to her meal.


Despite walking side by side, not a single word passed between the two boys as they made their way out of the old school building.

"...Emiya-san." Kiba finally said after they were almost halfway through the woods.

"I wanted you to know that despite how it might have appeared today Buchou is not in any way a bad person. It's just that she'd been in a tough position lately, what with the discovery of the Boosted Gears and the possibility of it either rampaging or the Fallen Angels nabbing it from under our noses. 

The Elders threating to take the matter out of her hands if she didn't act didn't help either. Not to mention how desperate she is trying to find a way out of her marriage with Riser. Look, what I'm trying to say is that she really didn't have a choice in th-"

"Kiba," He was interrupted before he could continue rambling on. Shirou stopped in his tracks and turned to face him. He's golden coloured eyes locked onto his metallic grey.

"Some of the most hideous and deplorable acts that were committed by humanity was not out of malice or cruelty, but rather it was done by simple ordinary people who did what they did because 'they had no choice'."

He turned and began walking again but not before tossing one last line over his shoulder, "That doesn't make it any less wrong."

Kiba had nothing he could say to that.


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