(Poseidon POV)
I accepted this job because I believed it would free me from my boredom. But, damn dragon spawns... They cause trouble everywhere. I asked myself where all these high-class serpentine dragons come from... Their aura is foreign to me, but sort of familiar as well.
They are smart enough to rarely appear in front of me, but they constantly harass the workers, when me and the other gods are not around. They destroy the wall for fun and fly away. Sometimes they eat the workers' food, mess with the equipment, and so on. I know it is not possible, but I am thinking that I am losing hair.
(MC's POV)
I was finally ready to build something useful with Medusa's scales, but at the same time removing the nourishment of the dragon herbs that grew above them seemed like such a waste. I took some scales out though, but I nourished the remaining scales with a lot of my mana.
As the mana got assimilated into the scales, the dragonish mana on the area remained the same overall, so the herbs could still prosper.
I could force many things with the scales, like swords, spears, and daggers, but all this seems too cliche. I would forge two legendary weapons, one for myself and another for Medusa.
First I used the sun energy I collected to meld some scales, and fused them into a strap format, in which I wrote in ancient Greek: 'The weight of the sky, shall uphold the law, and enact punishment'. I punctured some punch holes in it. I have already made sure previously that it was all adjusted to my measures. I also made a tree-like image in the end tip, in which I fused a drop of my sap with a scale.
To make the bar, the frame, and the prong, I fused a scale with a piece of wood from a branch of mine. I made the loop with only scales. I blessed the weapon with my divinities, and so my eccentric weapon was finished. Next, I made the pair of weapons I would give Medusa, which was much easier. I fused another piece of wood from the same branch of mine with her scales, making two straps. With more scales, I made two soles.
I carved in ancient Greek on the soles of the sandals: 'Blessed by the moon, it shall be a path-finder and it shall attack with the weight of the sky'.
With this, I created a belt weapon for myself and a pair of sandal weapons for Medusa. It would surely seem weird, but I wore the belt on the waist of my avatar. That's because I felt a bit naked in my chiton coth, which was uncomfortable even if I was very proud of my naked body.
I thought I could create something not an offensive artifact. I dug with my roots until I found sand. I melted the sand until I formed glass.
I trained in glass making until I could make good enough lenses, with which I made optical lenses.
I used some more scales to make a tripod, eyepiece, and optical tube. I wrote some mystical lines about the moon and the sun, and with magical bias, I was able to make a telescope that could see through the whole solar system as precisely and detailed as some multi-billion dollar space probe.
I came in front of Medusa and kneeled one knee:
" My lady, would you do the honor." Medusa blushed, but still lifted her delicate feet.
"The honor is mine."
My cute snake princess finally wore the sandals I made for her.
"I have been a bit sidetracked with some ideas of mine. How had things progressed until now?"
"My lord, lady Selene received some representatives from different pantheons, as they were here more to get a feel about our faction, Selene only dissuaded them with some small talk, and they left some small gifts that are on the inventory.
Lord Prometheus, took the mortals and they built a small village of something he called bricks. It is on solid ground, near the center of our territory, but away from the swamp.
Lord Atlas, being training the mortals in the yard outside that bigger clay building Prometheus called school."
"Thank you, Medusa," I said padding the milf on her head.
"You all did a great job, while I was away. Prometheus could you describe for me how things have progressed."
"My lord I have already instructed the mortals in building their own habitations, tailoring their clothing using some cotton nearby, and some agriculture. We recently started some cattle raising. Previously, we lacked the animals necessary for this. Thankfully, every moon human could deal with the incomplete diet, because of their special powers. But with Lady Selene's support, we could more easily, buy some cattle for our own use. We sold some moon herbs, and now we have some chicken, sheep, and ox. "
The good thing was that with my sky divinity, I could keep the gases on the sky well dosed, so the big ox farm would not let too much methane and global warming..."
"You really thought through this. You did an excellent job."
"Thank you, your majesty."
"I ask you to please excuse me for being a bit absent the following days."
"No problem, your majesty."
"I see that you have been working well among each other."
"Yes, lady Selene has been very helpful in dealing with other pantheons. Lady Medusa has been walking around and supporting everyone as much as she could. And brother, Atlas he has been pushing the recruits to shape in a way that I have to admit I never could."
"I am happy to hear this. I wanna ask you, I heard you have been educating the mortals, how it is going?" I asked.
He really was the titan of forethought, I have to admit he was a visionary, a god thinking of educating mortals was rare to see.