
DxD│A Devil with Three Essences

I died. It was rather unexpected. Well, death almost always comes unexpectedly and ordinary people like me aren’t capable of doing anything about it. However, I wasn’t too upset at my death as I was given another chance to live again. The world I was being sent into is dangerous, with the Supernatural being real, figures of various Mythology roaming about, and individuals capable of destroying the world on a whim. At least I was getting some cheats to help me out. Even better, I got to choose to reincarnate as a Devil. A Pure-Blooded Noble Devil at that. Thousands of years of lifespan, Imagination-based magic, retractable wings, a Peerage of my own, etc. With all of these in my arsenal, if I couldn’t live a happy and satisfied life, form a Harem of beautiful women, and beat the crap out of the assholes like Cao Cao, Rizevim, Hades, etc., then shame on me. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: I do not own the original High School DxD story. This is just a Fanfic I am writing because I love the World Lore and the Cough–! Waifus Cough–!. Also, this is an Alternate Universe. Though I won’t make any significant changes to the World Lore. Additionally, the pacing is somewhat slow in the beginning as I set things up. It may pick up speed, who knows. Lastly, Shameless Patreon & Coffee Plug. I've got an account on both platforms; patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter; You can read advanced chapters there. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keep it behind a paywall forever.

ChaosWriter · 漫画同人
21 Chs

6. Beluga Furcas. Back at Miracle Studio.

A/N_1: Imagine everything written in normal text in "[ ]" as the Narrator's voice.


│1st Person POV of Meliodas│

[Underworld Realm, Valefor Territory, Valerfor Lord's Mansion…]

Yesterday was an enjoyable experience.

The tour, the snacks, Serafall's lap, the plotting.

Now, I was in my room, playing Violin with a book suspended in the air in front of my eyes.

Multitasking at its finest. Playing Violin and reading the book simultaneously through the use of Parallel Calculation.

Anyway, the book was the one Ajuka gifted me. It's a good book that would make Spell Crafting easier for anyone.

Anyone who isn't me that is. Anything even remotely related to magic is extremely easy for me with Archmage.

Even an impossible task like combining the magic systems from different mythology is a piece of cake for me.

Still, the book is a good read.

The Violin, on the other hand, was my birthday gift from Sirzechs and his family.

Apparently, he heard from Uncle Flabi that I loved playing the violin and had even composed my own tune when I was six.

Although technically, I wasn't the one to first compose the tune.

In my previous life, I tried learning how to play the violin after being entranced by a piece of music I heard in a movie.

Even after months of practice, I was not able to reach past the beginner's level.

It seems that even with my previous life's memories locked away, the tune was so deeply ingrained in me that I was able to recreate it.

Knock—! Knock—! Knock—!

"Little Master, Beluga of the House Furcas has come to visit you. He is waiting for you downstairs." Fleur announced from the other side of the door to my room.

Ah, Beluga Furcas. Apart from Morgiana and me, he was the only Devil around my age group present at my Birthday Party last week.

One of the customs that the Pillar Devils follow is that they don't take their child to formal parties, like my birthday, before their 7th birthday.

And I am older than almost all the young Devils who have been born to the Pillar Clans in recent years.

The only exceptions are Beluga and Morgiana.

Morgiana is six months older than me. Her 7th birthday was celebrated on September 19th of last year.

Beluga, on the other hand, had his 7th birthday just last month.

So, as he was the only other male Devil around my age, I tried to befriend him.

The fact that Beluga was also one of Sairaorg's Knights in Canon also influenced my decision to befriend him.

I had no intention of offering him a place in Peerage in the future. There were far better Knight candidates in the world out there.

However, that was no reason to not make connections with someone worthwhile.

I put the violin down and headed downstairs.

I wonder why Beluga is here today.

Sometime later, I entered the living room and saw that Beluga didn't come alone. He brought a girl along, younger than us by the looks of it.

Based on her chestnut-colored hair, I can make a guess as to who she is.

"Hey Beluga. It's good to see you. How are you doing?" I asked as I took a seat across from the siblings.

Beluga greeted me with a smile, "Hey Meliodas, it's good to see you as well. I am doing good."

I popped a grape from the bowl on the coffee table in front of me into my mouth and asked, "So, what brings you here for this sudden visit? And are you gonna introduce the lady with you?"

"Oh, she is my sister, Bafeel Furcas. She is around a year younger than me."

At Beluga's introduction, the girl stood up and gave a courtesy. I nodded, acknowledging her greetings before gesturing to her to sit down.

At my signal, Beluga continued, "As for the reason for my sudden visit… Well.., you see, I heard that there's a huge domesticated forest behind your Mansion.

"I wonder if there's any good breed of horse raised there?"

"Ah, that's right. The Furcas Clan Trait is Horse Taming." I commented.

There were a few types of horses being reared in the forest. As were other various pseudo-Hell Beasts and a few Hell-Beasts.

All of them were being raised by Mother. It was the main reason why I was even allowed to go into the woods without anyone's supervision.

Mother knew that no Beast raised by her would ever harm me, as they were all familiar with my aura from when she used to take me to visit them when I was even younger.

However, accidents do happen.

The pseudo-Hell Beast Spider that bit wasn't a native to the woods surrounding our Mansion.

Mother was quite perplexed and anxious as to how the spider invaded so deep into the forest without being detected by other Beasts of the forest.

Feeling the situation quite suspicious, she proceeded to raise the security around the mansion a notch higher.

The Beasts were also directed to be mostly on guard and check the forest from time to time.

Even now, two weeks after the incident, the security level hasn't decreased.

I know that the spider's presence was likely arranged by the Afterlife Process personnel to trigger the event that would awaken my memories.

However, there was no way to explain this to Mother and not sound like a lunatic.

And it wasn't like the increased security was harmful to anyone. It was just costing slightly more resources than normal to maintain the various wards responsible for the Mansion's protection.

We are rich. We could afford to lose some paltry resources.

"To answer your question, yes, there are a few varieties of horses living in the forest. There are even a few Pale Horses in there.

"Though they are the rowdiest Beasts in the entire forest, Mother has even forbidden me from entering the part of the forest where they reside."

Hearing my words, Beluga's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Are there really Pale Horses present in your forest? They are said to only reside in the deepest part of the Underworld, in Cocytus." He exclaimed.

Even the chestnut-colored girl beside him was wearing a shocked expression.

I just nodded in response to Beluga's question.

The next second, Beluga stood up from his seat and bowed towards me, "Please, allow me the opportunity of taming a Pale Horse.

"In exchange, I am willing to join your Peerage in the future. Even as a Pawn."

Hoh! He is quite a cunning and courageous fellow.

At first, it seems like he is willing to give more than what he is asking.

After all, once he joins my Peerage, he will be my subordinate for life, as he will be giving up his High-Class rank by doing so.

Even if he rises through the ranks in the future and regains High-Class rank or even Ultimate-Class rank, he will still be my subordinate.

However, the benefits he will be gaining by joining my Peerage are actually very high.

Leaving aside the fact that he doesn't know about my Essences, I am someone who is considered as 'interesting' and 'impressive' by Ajuka Beelzebub.

Additionally, I am going to be the Head of two Pillar Clans in the future, if Mother and Father fail to conceive another child.

One of the Clan being King-ranked. Far higher in ranking than his Furcas Clan which only has a ranking of Viscount.

He will go from being an unamusing Branch Clan member of the Furcas Clan to a Peerage member of the Heir of a King-ranked Clan.

More protection, more opportunity to climb the ladder, etc.

His gains far outweigh the price he will have to pay.

If he really thought of all the possible angles before proposing the deal, then I am impressed.

I let out a chuckle thinking of this.

"Well, I am sorry I can't allow you to do such a thing."

Beluga opened his mouth to say something before I interrupted him with a gesture of hand, "Let me finish.

"As I said previously, even I am forbidden from going anywhere near the Pale Horses. You have to speak with my Mother about something like this.

"Don't worry, I will set up a meeting for you. I can at least do this much for a friend. As for joining my Peerage? We will see about it in the future."

Beluga could only nod in agreement.

The next moment, I stood up and clapped my hands, "For now, let me show you two the other horse-type Beasts, hmm?"

"As you wish, Meliodas. Come Bafeel."

With that settled, the four of us headed out of the mansion and into the forest.

Me, Beluga, his sister Baflee, and Fleur.

=+=+=+=< Scene Break >=+=+=+=

│3rd Person POV│

[Underworld Realm, Leviathan City, Miracle Studio…]

"[Beneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree on a small, lush hill, a young 'child' lay, having a peaceful nap with a serene smile on his face.

The 'child' appeared to be less than ten years old, his blonde hair waving in the light breeze.

Suddenly, his brow furrowed as the beautiful dream he had been experiencing was replaced by something incomprehensible.]"

"We cannot be together, Meliodas. Our union is not possible." A pleasant but distressed voice rang out. The owner of the voice was shrouded in darkness, hiding their figure.

"Why must it be so? Is it because you are a Goddess and I, but a mortal? What of it? I am steadfast in my belief that I shall find a way for us to be together, no matter the cost. Do you have faith in me?" A tenor male voice responded.

This voice belonged to a blonde-haired young man with blue eyes, a light tan, and a muscular body. He could be called ruggedly handsome.

The pleasant voice from before, belonging to a goddess going by the blonde-haired man, responded with a hint of desperation in her tone, "I hold my belief in you above all else.

"Yet, there are limits that cannot be transcended, Meliodas. I implore you, listen to my plea. Forsake thoughts of me, and only then shall you have the chance to live a life of true happiness and fulfillment."


The male voice howled in rage and turned away from the goddess.

He began to walk away, his footsteps leaving deep imprints in the ground as an aura of furious power emanated from his body.

Seeing this, the goddess began to let out soft sobs as tears streamed down her eyes.

The young man stopped suddenly and looked at the goddess with a backward glance.

"I vow to you, come what may, we shall be united. Should it prove impossible to be with you in my mortal form, I shall cast aside this mortal existence. No matter how long it may take, I shall seek you out once more, E..re..s…..."

"[The dreamscape changed once again, now showing the inside of a grand throne room shrouded in darkness.]"

The only occupant of the grand room was seated atop the throne. An ethereal presence surrounded the figure, enhancing her already beautiful visage even more.

Dressed in a dark, elegant outfit adorned with gold accents, long blonde hair flowing down to her lower back, her striking crimson eyes that had an intensity to them that could cow the weak-hearted into submission with just a single look, and the black and gold headdress that acted as her crown.

Her form was a sight to behold for eternity.

Suddenly, a melancholic sigh escaped her lips. A faraway look crossed her face as she muttered, "When shall you fulfill your promise, Meliodas?

"I have awaited this moment for an interminable span. I beseech you, Meliodas, do not prolong my waiting any further."

"[In the next moment, the 'child' jolted upright, his eyes widening as he gasped for breath.

"Damn! What was that strange dream?" He asked no one in particular. For a few moments, he just sat there silently, contemplating the meaning behind the dream he just had.

Soon, however, he shook his head and stood up. Taking note of the position of the sun, he started walking down the hill, leaving behind a few words, "I must find Miracle Levia-tan as soon as possible.

"She is the only one capable of breaking the curse that has turned my body into that of a child. That damn Salem is going to pay once I am free from this curse."

A new challenge approaches our beloved Miracle Levia-tan. Who is this man trapped in the form of a child? And who is this Salem he spoke of?

Find out, in the next episode of Miracle☆Levia-tan]"

Clap—! Clap—! Clap—! Clap—! Clap—!

Thunderous applause rang out through the theater as most of the audience stood up for a standing ovation.

One of the front-row seats was occupied by Serafall with Meliodas on her lap.

As the screen dimmed, most of the higher-ranking staff were itching to go forward and talk with Meliodas, only refraining themselves because of the presence of Serafall.

Ignoring the sheep around her, Serafall solely focused on showering praises upon the genius seated on her lap.

"You really are the best, Melio-tan. I can't express how happy I am now…"

'Hehehe~! Keep those praises coming.'


A/N: This was the first time I tried out an old-style formal speech pattern. Such as using 'shall' instead of 'will', using 'implore' or 'beseech' instead of 'please', etc...

If you see any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point it out.

Also, a shoutout to Winter Wolf for providing the idea of Sirzechs gift being a musical instrument.

That's all for today.

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You can read advance Chapters there. I have already posted Four advance chapters there and more will come in the future.

Also, while your support would be appreciated, don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever.

Good day. See ya guys later.