

It all started when most of the Ileostrov Island's population Perished due to a mysterious explosion that occurred suddenly destroying the biggest city on the island. The remaining people left starts fighting to survive the apocalyptical scene while they start finding out some new things during their adventure. Will their findings help them survive or are they going to start fighting one another?

flamelex · 奇幻
12 Chs

Unknown Survivor

"how come?!"

"are we in some enclosed space that time stopped inside?"

Ren starts getting a little puzzled

"i am not sure myself.." she responds getting more gloomy

"i was trying to confirm it when you appeared, but looking at the clock now i am sure"

"The sun isn't rising." they both say at the same time.

A minute of silence passes while they are both puzzled and worried about what's coming next as they both start to realize this isn't just a simple incident. This is the beginning of something far bigger and the homeland as they know it will change.

"Well, i never liked sunny days anyway..i will miss the beach though" Ren jokingly.

"you moron, this isn't the issue about the darkness we won't eve-"

he interrupts her "i know i know.. we won't even be able to survive in this situation without sunlight especially if the electricity goes out"

"NO! that's not it you idiot!! I-I Fear darkness!!!" She shouts as she hides her face.

"huh?!!" Ren gets thrown off by her response

"how absurd!! you gotta be kidding me" he puts his hand on his face as he shakes his head in disappointment.

"well hey, we still don't know if the sun will rise or not.. it's 7 am.. maybe the sun is just oversleeping and will wake up at 9 am or something" Ren says coldly.

Rem bursts out laughing loudly.

he looks at her a little confused "hey that was a lame joke you shouldn't have even laughed"

"i got you, you idiot" she says In the middle of her laughter

Ren gives her the ridiculing look realizing she was fooling him when she was saying she fears darkness.

"and that wasn't a very bad joke actually, maybe you ain't too dull after all Ren" she says trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Whatever." he responds still while giving her the same ridiculing look then turns around looking back at the city analyzing the scene trying to understand what's going on but the fog is dense and the building are covering most of it.

Rem manages to stop herself from laughing and asks him "so what did you see on your way here, Ren?"

"i saw dead people."

"is that all...you saw dead people?"

"i mean i saw everyone dead, Rem"

"what do you mean you saw everyone dead?!"

"you mean it's only us left in the whole city?!!" she says as she starts to panic

"That's exactly what i came here to find out" he says as he narrows his eyes still searching for answers

"..but i guess i am wrong" he says so as he notices something moving on a far away street in the midst of the fog.


"do you see someone?! is anyone alive down there?"

not responding to Rem he looks at the sniper rifle beside him quietly.

"what are you about to do?!!" Rem asks as she notices him looking at the sniping gear.

still not responding to her he gets down and holds the rifle and looks at the moving thing through the rifle scope but he can't tell what it is due to the dim lights and the fog everywhere so he starts zooming in and he manages to see some detail.

it's a girl, but he can't see her face as her hair is covering it but he notices the necklace on her is a familiar one that he saw somewhere before but can't recall exactly and he notices some strange figure behind her.. a figure that doesn't look human. he gets shocked at seeing it as it seems to be getting closer to the girl and she isn't noticing it he instinctively holds the trigger and before he presses it..

Rem kicks him in the stomach tossing him aside

"what the?!!! what did you do that for?!" Ren says in agony.

"you were about to kill someone!! i saw you about to press the trigger!!" she yells at him.

"just shut up idiot! everyone is dead anyway!" holding his stomach with a smirk on his face at the pain he feels as he tries to stand up and he holds the sniping rifle again and aims at the same spot but only to find no trace of the girl or the thing he saw earlier.

he sighs and drops the rifle not knowing if what he saw earlier was real or not

he turns and looks at Rem still agonizing over her kick but smirking at the same time "you sure don't hit like a girl"

"you sure know how to take a hit like a man" she responds sarcastically while thinking he is not hurt due to his constant faint smirk.

"hey, Rem I don't fe-" Ren starts feeling dizzy and suddenly falls on the floor passing out

"Ren!!" Rem shouts as she gets scared and starts thinking her kick did that to him
