
Chapter 1 Episode 0: Prologue

Waking up within a clinic Myreum feels sore all over his body, it's as if he had been hit by a train or truck. Though the metaphor would no longer work for his pain seeing as the world he had currently been residing in had neither of said vehicles, checking his own body he sits in shock as the memories of what had happened in his latest dungeon expedition was more gruesome and ended with himself losing a leg.

"How is this possible? My leg, i remember clearly i lost it trying to take the boss's kill for myself.. Even though i tried so hard to finally make it up i was on deaths door, so how is it that im still alive?" He begins questioning himself as a nurse comes walking in too check on him, almost shocked at the fact he sat upright when he seemed bedridden mere moments ago she rushed to check on his status "Your not in pain or anything are you sir?" She asked

Myreum shook his head and faintly smiled at the nurse trying to reassure her that he was okay, once she had that confirmation she rushed to let the doctor know that the man was awake and moving around. Being left alone in the room the man would brush his hand along his leg to make sure it wasn't some sort of magic prosthetic, he continued to investigate his own body before accidentally opening a status window by pressing his fingers onto his wrist. "What in the hell? are these.. my stats?" Reading them he ended up feeling rather gloomy about the situation, strength and stamina at a lowly five, intelligence at a seven charisma at a three and agility at a four, what shocked him was how his defence was somehow at a solid fifteen which was the highest stat he seemed to have.

Further investigating his list he noticed another section of his window and tapped it with his index finger revealing the new page

'Quests for the new Hunter'

'Sin of Wrath: Kill an opponent with maxed out hatred towards yourself 0/1 : Reward Wrathful Bonus- Increases base stats against an opponent that hates you depending on how much they hate you, from 25% too 75%.

Sin of Lust: Successfully persuade one-hundred people of the opposite sex to either party up with the you/give the hunter better prices (shops only)/ or to simply go out with the you (Does not have to be dates) 0/100 : Reward Lustful Gaze- Any whom meet the you're gaze feel somewhat closer too you giving a 65% increase to persuasion attempts and increasing you're charisma by ten

Sin of Pride: Reach a rank of triple S and prove yourself too be the strongest among other hunters by increasing stats daily and defeating strong opponents to gain more experience 0/1 :Reward Buff of Pride- All stats increase by 100% when proven to be the strongest hunter in the world, if you are ever defeated by another hunter the buff will disappear and the challenge must be completed again

Sin of Greed: Own a total of one hundred thousand platinum coins to your name, proving that you are greedy enough to horde a stash of coins even dragons would be jealous of 1/100,000 : Reward Greedy Bargain- For the cost of five hundred platinum coins revitalize yourself to full health/stamina/ and mana.

(1 platinum=100 gold 1 gold=100 silver 1 silver=100 copper)

Sin of Gluttony: Prove you are a glutton, eat one-thousand meals or read five-hundred books too sate your gluttonous appetite for food or knowledge, only accounts for food eaten or books read since getting this quest 0/1,000-0/500 : Reward Gluttonous Devourer- You have the ability to steal an opponents skill once you take their life, alternatively allows you to obtain knowledge at an increased speed and gives a chance to create new spells on the spot, aswell as the ability to gain a 50%Strength boost aslong as you are well sated (Full of food)

Sin of Envy: Show your envious side by killing someone you really hate, or are incredibly jealous of. 0/1 :Reward Potent Envy- Gives a 50% stat increase towards those around you whom are envious of your strength, whether they hate it or desire to be it.

Sin of Sloth: Sleep for just over five-hundred hours without getting up to leave the building you have been resting in or going to do a daily quest, exceptions to going to use the restroom and going to get food and drinks 100/500 : Reward Sloths Invasion- A highly potent sleep spell for you to use against your opponents having a 100% chance to send them to sleep, giving full control over those who have fallen asleep due to this skill to you making them mindless soldiers'

After checking through all of those quests he was filled with questions, the one circling his mind the most was "What even is this? quests to get stronger? And their quests of sins?... Looking at this one of sloth.. i was out for four days?!?" explaining the window more closely he could tell he was not dreaming this nor imagining it, it was the real deal and it even told him how long he stayed in the clinic. "It'd be ashame to lose the progress on that quest, but i don't think i can rest here for the full duration of the requested time.. So i should probably postpone that until im in a position to do these sorts of challenges"

Taking a moment to scroll down and check the daily quests Myreum seemed interested to do these ones but believed he would be pushing his physical capabilities to even pull off one daily activity

'Daily Quests'

' 250 Push-ups :Rewards 4 strength points 2 stamina

250 Pull-ups :Rewards 4 strength points 2 stamina

500 Sit-ups :Rewards 5 strength points 3 stamina

10 Km run :Rewards 6 agility points 3 stamina

30 minutes of martial art training (With or without weapons) :Rewards 8 strength points 4 stamina (Bonus- Learn a new combat style)'

Astonished by the rewards for such simple things Myreum decided he would do these daily quests as soon as possible, though even with the daily quests it would take atleast around a year to make it to triple S potential, he was however commited and proceeded to start with the pushups than and there.

At least thats what he decided to do before the nurse came back into the room "The doctor said it will be up to you when you feel ready to leave but advises more bed re-" once she looked down at him already proceeding to do pushups despite waking up mere minutes before she feels a sense of confusion come over her 'Was he really here in a four day coma because he was injured? from the look of things he's perfectly fine, like nothing even happened to him'

"Oh alright than miss, I'll stay for a few days longer so i can get myself back up on my feet and than ill be out of your hair dont worry" without hesitation he went back to focusing on his exercise zoning her out as if she were a third wheel to him and his push-ups

A two days after he had awoken from his short comatose some agents of the Hunter's guild payed him a visit within his clinics room, he was expecting them to come to question him about the incident involving the dungeon but even he isn't so sure how to put it into words other than seriously unlucky for him ans his party

"Mr.Myreum, we know this is rather abrupt but the hunters guild need their answers as too what the hell happened in that dungeon, it was only supposed to be a C rank dungeon yet even the B rank hunter that tagged along with your group doesn't seem to be in his right mind, just what did your party face in those depths?" the first agent asked as he slowly sat down next to Myreum trying not to alarm him, seeing the state of the B rank he worried for the supposed F rank.

"My memory of the dungeon is hazy at best so you'll have to bear with me on this" his calm response shocked the agent, was he really only an F rank? how could he keep his sanity when the B rank needs full rehabilitation just to speak proper sentences again? these questions swirled through his mind as he tapped his finger onto the bedpost

"Even a hazy memory is better than none so we have no choice but to bear with it, tell us the parts you can remember atleast." Sure he shouldn't let the hunters guild know of his window he decided to only tell them about how the boss fight in the dungeon had gone.

"It was going easily at first, everything seemed fine and the boss was weaker than expected so everyone began to let their guards down, once we killed the boss the gate never reopened though.. instead some dark corrupted aura began to eminate off of the boss. the first too notice of course was the B rank so when he sensed the rising presence he swung his blade first thing.. however it wasn't enough and the thing that came out of the boss's corpse seemed to have casted a spell on him.... one minute he was sweating nervously trying to figure out his next move next he was on the floor clawing into his own face, screaming bloody murder... likely the demon casted some nightmare spell or illusion to make him see something horrible, whatever it was only he could see it and it left him haunted and shaken." as he told the two agents about that portion of the story he decided he would shorten it a bit for the men so he didn't have to go on for hours for this.

He told them in detail of the rest of what happened aside from what had happened to himself, saying how they had lost several D ranks lives and even four C ranks stating the boss that had replaced the goblin king was at the very least an A rank which shocked the agents. "Wait than how did you guys make it out of there? if it was that strong none of you should have been able to kill it." the second agent asked scratching his chin

"That much i cannot say, i was unconcious before even leaving the dungeon so i dont exactly know what happened to the boss.. do you mind telling me how many of our group survived?" Myreum asked, he wanted to know how many of his group members were ok. "including yourself and the B rank hunter, only 5 of your 30 man group survived, and you are the only one without severe injuries ontop of that.. one of the others had lost their legs while another lost one of their arms, the third one lost most of her eyesight so we believe they will be retiring since this incident.." Myreum sort of saddened by his answer let out a sigh before shrinking back into his bed

On the other hand the more the agent looked the more he grew curious 'this man doesn't look like any F rank hunter I've seen before, is it possible he got some reawakening?' before he could utter his words about Myreum's current state he looked up towards the agents eyes too meet their gazes "Now if you excuse me i have some business to attend to, so if thats all I'll be heading out" getting up and ushering himself out of the room quickly he glanced back to the clinic wing before leaving the building, on the front doorstep he reopened his status to look at his current progress.


'Strength: 31. Agility: 16. Stamina: 25

Intelligence: 7. Charisma: 3. Constitution: 15'

'Mana Points:117. Stamina Points:135



"I've been trying to focus strength but I'll try to do more agility training so i can even the playing field a bit." As he finishes his sentence he looks up towards the sidewalk and begins to head towards home, deeming he's kept his family waiting for him long enough.