Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc
System Text
'Ddraig Mental'
"Ddraig Vocal"
"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."
[Starting Split]
With a flash we reappear in a vibrant white room, a massive window casts morning light throughout the whitewashed bedroom, white walls are almost blinding, and a white reflective tile floor brightly shine up at us. The white ceiling formed an arch, and a little over midway up the walls was a thick blue border with gold edges. In a few places around the room are arch-shaped bookshelves attached to the walls.
The night gown wearing girl in front of me freezes as I glance around slowly.
Her bed is absolutely massive with a long chest at the end of it, behind me is a desk, and above me is a fancy looking chandelier.
My hand snaps out, stopping the jab of a rapier with my finger tip.
I look to Neo. "That makes me three for three for people attacking me immediately after summoning me for the first time. When you go on contracts, I'd suggest being prepared to block at least one attack at the bare minimum."
The mute girl rolls her eyes.
"Who are you and-" the white-haired girl begins, only to pause as the events preceding finally catch up to her. "Oh... did... the summoning actually work?!"
"Correct. My name is Gaius Decarabia. Lord of both the Decarabia and Malthus clans and in this case your summoned devil. That's Neo. An intern. She's just here to observe today."
She silently waves a hand.
"So, miss, what can I do for you today?" I smile brightly. "Anything you want can be achieved... for a price."
The girl gives me a flat stare. "And what price is that?"
"Typically, monetary wealth." I shrug.
"No souls?" The girl asks with a raised eyebrow.
"That practice has been outlawed for a couple hundred years or so..." I respond easily with a charming smile. "You can't have a sustainable infrastructure if you murder everyone who ever reaches out to you."
"Mhm..." The girl slowly drawls.
"You are awfully calm about summoning a devil to do your bidding." I point out idly, my smile falling slightly. "Normally it's 'oh my gosh' what are you?! What's it like to be a devil?! What do you do in your day-to-day life?!' Not just a mere 'Mhm'."
"Oh. No. I am aware you are archaic evil creatures, but if my father is going to play dirty, I must stoop to a level below him." The girl frowns, keeping her face impassive.
"Well, you are misinformed." I point out slowly. "Devils are certainly on average more evil than humans, we aren't irreversibly more evil, we are just connected on a deeper level to the seven deadly sins. There are certainly innocent devils, but even those are the slightest bit manipulative. But then there are devils which are worse than the worst that humans and faunus have to offer."
"Also, 'Archaic'? We might follow a typical 'medieval-esque' nobility class system, with titles like 'Baron' and 'Arch Duke', but we don't light our mansions with candles." I huff as I place a hand on my chest. "But we have gotten off topic. What, pray tell, did you father do to get you to consider summoning something which you assumed to be an overtly evil race that takes souls as payment for any task you ask of them."
She pauses for the briefest of moments then looks up with a glare.
"All of my life... I have been under his thumb. A mere pawn to raise his social status. He forced me to tirelessly train be a musician when other girls were playing house. When other girls went to school and was making friends, I was being home schooled and groomed into a perfect 'wife' for whoever I would eventually marry... all my life... all I have ever wanted was freedom. And... last year I thought I had finally got it... I was set to study in Beacon. I had completed all of the frankly ridiculous trials my father placed in my way, but..."
"He lied..." She whispers, eyes locking to the floor. "He lied to me... he never intended to ever let me leave Atlas... yesterday I found out that he took away my title of Schnee Heiress and arranged for me to marry one of Atlas' greatest huntsmen... purely so he could get a discount of twenty percent when he hires them to protect shipments."
"A mere twenty percent?!" She snarls, suddenly extremely annoyed. "I am worth forty at the MINIMUM!"
"Are you mad at your father for lying, or for marrying you off for less than you feel you are worth?" I question with a deadpan stare.
She lets out a small wrath-filled hiss. "Sorry, I am not the type of girl to break down and cry when things aren't going my way... I just get really annoyed. My temper is reaching its end with my family. My mother is drunk at all times- not that I really blame her considering who she married, my sister is never around, and my brother has this smug aura that irks me to my very core. He gets it from dad. And my father-"
She lets out a long sigh, brushing a hand through her hair as she looks back at the floor this time, she does actually seem a little distraught. "My father has been pushing me so far... I... don't want to marry yet... I am barely into my adulthood. Even more so I don't want to marry him."
"You know... this is starting to give me a feeling of déjà vu." I blink slowly.
"The man my father wants me to marry is more than double my age and already has six wives! I don't want to be the seventh!" The girl exclaims.
"Really feeling that déjà vu." I comment.
"That contract I found told me that my wildest dreams could come true if I desired them enough... and, well, I desire to be free from my father." The Schnee finishes.
"So, what? You want us to kill him or something?" I let out an amused huff as my eyes stray to my companion. "Neo, get the garrote."
Her smile grows as she holds out a hand, a line appears in front of her hands, two handles appearing on each end of the illusionary wire... which has probably become a lot less illusionary recently.
"What?! No! Don't kill him. As much as I hate him, he's still my father!" The girl gasps.
"Pfft-" I quietly laugh. "Oh my god, I'm just messing with you."
Neo smirks and nods repeatedly, causing the wire to disappear with a noise akin to shattering a window and for the white haired girl in front of us to let out a sigh of relief.
"So what do you want us to do with all this?" I question slowly "Kidnap you?"
"I-" the girl pauses blinking slowly. "I guess it would technically be kidnapping if you look at it in a certain way. But I am an adult. I should be free to make my own decisions."
"Your father will literally not stop looking for you across Remnant, you know that, right? Plus, the White Fang would see your hair and immediately target you and execute you on camera or something to get back at your father."
"You... can't do it?" The girl whispers quietly.
"I said he wouldn't stop looking for you across Remnant." I repeat.
The girl pauses as Neo looks to the side of my head, giving me a half-lidded 'Really?' Stare.
"What... do you mean?"
"Well, Devils technically aren't from Remnant, I am the creator of the only dimensional crossing system. I could very easily hide you within Earth, our original dimension."
"You live in a place called 'Dirt'?" Weiss flatly questions.
"Yep. It's pretty calm. No Grimm. No aura. The civilian and supernatural parts are kept separate. The only problem are the numerous factions around and the tense cold war we have with a large majority of them."
"Hm." The girl hums.
"You are acting FAR less impressed than you should... do you know how hard it is to pierce the veil between dimensions?! Even GODS can't do it!"
"Okay?" The girl states.
I rub my temples. "Alright. No need to get mildly irked at you."
"My offer to you, is to take you to Earth. You'll have to basically start from scratch, but you'll be free from your father for a considerable time."
"Can I go back?"
"Well, the fact that I have figured out to slip between dimensions is a little bit of a secret right now. We plan to create some form of transit system eventually, but for now only the few I choose can cross the dimensions. Ferrying you across each dimension would be... admittedly a little tiresome, but I am going to be traveling back and forth anyways. I will not make a trip for you, but I will allow you to tag along whenever I want to go here or back to earth, sound good?"
"And what would I need to offer you?" Weiss asks with a raised eyebrow a cautious frown on her face. "This sounds far too good to be true."
"Eh, I was thinking about asking for you to become a devil?" I shrug, causing Neo to facepalm.
"And what would that entail?" The girl questions slowly.
"Well first, your Aura will be a little... finicky... Aura is a really diluted form of magic... your Aura will be replaced by Demonic power which is a lot denser than Aura. You won't be able to create any of aura's classic 'soul shields' until you get a handle on it, but when you do, your aura enhancement and more importantly your semblance will be far stronger."
"You want to improve my Schnee family semblance... further..." The girl questions with a blank expression. "Well, that was the excuse my father gave to me about marrying that one huntsman alongside the twenty percent thing."
"You'll also be able to live for several thousand years, you'll grow stronger, faster, and more durable. You'll grow wings that let you fly?"
"I'll grow wings." The girl states. "Like a faunus?"
I look to Neo.
Two massive black bat wings appear from her back
"They are fully retractable, so you can really just choose to use them when you want them."
I poke the crook in Neo's wings causing the girl to flinch and slap my hand away, a blush on her face.
The sensation is probably akin to touching her bare back.
"They are a little sensitive, though." I note.
The girl's wings disappear back into her body as she continues to glare at me.
"You've listed only good things... tell me the bad." Weiss mutters. "I am aware of the business tactic of downplaying flaws. I won't fall for it."
"Well, you'll have some minor discomfort when you first turn, your senses will be pushed to eleven so you'll probably have a day or two where you struggle to sleep, then back on Earth you'll feel mental pain whenever you- or someone nearby says the words 'God', 'Jesus', 'Christ', or prays in your vicinity, plus you'll also feel pain when a cross touches you. But that doesn't really function in Remnant as there's no heavenly system here."
"Oh... also you'll basically be my servant until you can rank up to high class and get your own peerage- the thing we use to reincarnate people as devils." I explain. "Also, reincarnated devils are typically seen as lesser beings according to most older generation devils, but those old fucks need to learn to stay in their own lane. They've done nothing that I respect. So why should I care about what they think."
"So you basically want me to be your servant in exchange for you letting me travel between this 'Earth' and Remnant basically whenever I want?" The girl questions. "With a promise of eventually becoming devil nobility."
"And you'll gain access to any other universe I may eventually discover." I nod.
"That is certainly a big thing." The girl slowly nods as she cups her chin. "And I am half convinced to take your offer just to stick it to my father who is incredibly racist. How far does your control over me extend?"
"Oh, it's nothing like mind control. I could technically tell you to do basically anything, but you aren't forced to do it, masters who are... let's call it 'hands on' with their servants against their wishes are seen as social outcasts and typically imprisoned after the last nun torturer... whom I personally killed..."
Neo blinks owlishly and tugs on my sleeve then does a couple signs roughly translating to 'wait what?'
"Oh yeah, Diodora was the worst. Remember how I said we were in basically a very tense cold war with the other factions? This crazy bastard exclusively had nuns and holy women from the church in his peerage. He'd trick them into falling in love with him to get them kicked out of the church for falling in love with a devil, then he'd brutally torture and rape them, turning those innocent girls into nothing more than broken puppets. I'm actually VERY pleased I was the one who discovered that he was doing all those things and had the pleasure of putting him down myself. It put a lot more sanctions on reincarnating other races into devils which was certainly needed."
"You... are telling me all of this, just flat out." Weiss frowns slowly. "Don't you think this will change my decision of if I will join you or not?"
"I believe honesty is the greatest thing. Some devils have certain quirks, some torture and rape nuns like fucking savages. Others have a much tamer lust after their family, weird. But it's not hurting anyone. Some almost religiously enjoy chess, and some become so invested in a culture or media they simply MUST collect every single piece of content they can find, be it books, action figures, posters, or movies... I myself enjoy fooling people with the truth. Lying is just too... easy... I'm practically a saint when it comes to devil bullshit."
"So you'll only tell the truth?"
"Well, of course I lie sometimes, everyone does. But I make a real effort to not do that."
"How old are you?" The girl questions with a raised eyebrow.
"Chronologically, around five hundred and thirty, but biologically and mentally I am around sixteen because I was placed within a 'temporal coma' where my body didn't age, nor was I conscious to mentally mature."
"Do you abuse your servants?"
"Only one. And that's because she's a masochistic pervert and enjoys it." I answer honestly.
"How powerful are you really?"
"That's... a bit of a grey area, actually." I mutter as I cup my chin. "The last time I really unleashed some serious power I was in a pocket dimension that was only a mile wide. My strongest attack rendered the entire landscape into a molten crater... I could probably Destroy Atlas and the city below with a single attack... if not utterly by crashing Atlas onto Mantle."
"Also, can we talk about that?" I question suddenly. "WOW you people are stupid. Why the hell did you float a city over another city? You're cutting off the sunlight for those below. God forbid this city loses power and it crashes into the other city... then there's the fact that you CHAINED the city to the ground, removing the one and only point of having a flying city... mobility."
"If you are so powerful, why are you offering me a place in your peerage? Why did you offer her a place in your peerage?" The girl questions, masterfully ignoring me pointing out Atlas' idiocy and gesturing to Neo who points at her face.
"Ah, you see, that's the interesting thing." I hum. "On Remnant, you don't have magic like we do at home... well, you did, but at some point, in the past, Magic was corrupted... yet you as a race still somehow managed to glean something from it... Aura... aura is completely and totally inefficient, of course. Nothing like magic, but you people have developed 'Semblances', which, while a majority aren't really impressive, a small portion do have the potential to grow into incredible abilities... such as when we work out a way to fix the magic in this world... semblances as a whole will suddenly improve in power severalfold."
"Severalfold?! I thought by 'Far stronger' you just meant like eighty percent or something!" The Schnee heiress gasps.
"Nope. Severalfold." I state. "Neo's semblance was original Illusions with some slight physical elements that shattered even if someone merely brushed against them, but now she can basically just create whatever the hell she wants and allow it to be completely and totally real."
She smiles brightly and nods repeatedly.
"Now, as I was saying... as of recently, I have been looking for people who might be a 'potential threat' in the case that their semblance is improved. Ten people have been discovered that could pose a potential threat to us... luckily one is dead, so we don't have to deal with his semblance- technically magic- stealing bullshit. So that leaves us with nine... your family, excluding your pathetically weak father, are four of them."
"Is that why you are here, then? To turn me into a devil?"
"Well, to give you the option, yes." I nod slowly.
"And what about her? Why reincarnate her?" The girl questions gesturing to Neo who blinks slowly. "is she one of the nine?"
"Well, I mean, do you see how attractive she is? Eleven out of ten. Easily." I smile brightly.
The girl in question flushes immediately and glares pointedly at the side of my head.
"What?" I question with a smug smirk. "I don't like to lie. So, I won't."
She does the universally understood symbol of displeasure... and flips me off.
"But yes, her semblance improved into something actually fairly powerful, so I'd say its worth it anyways." I nod slowly.
I turn to Weiss again. "Honestly, I don't really care if you're in my peerage or not, sure, I'd like to have you in my peerage, but reasonably as long as you are with a devil, I don't really mind. You have several choices, really, Myself, with my dimensional nonsense. Serafall Leviathan, the strongest female devil, someone who has a very popular magical girl show which is basically propaganda, something you will absolutely be roped into if you choose her, you have Ajuka, the creator of the manner we reincarnate others as devils. He's a scientist by trade, so you should expect experiments. And finally the fourth option, Sona Sitri, the younger sibling of Serafall Leviathan, she's a very serious girl, and her plans of making a school for devils of all classes will get her mocked, but she's a good person deep down."
"I see... can I have a moment to decide?" The girl slowly mutters.
"Sure." I shrug. "How much time do you need."
The doorknob clicks, causing me to abruptly grab Neo's shoulder and pull her close, we are surrounded by an illusion as moment later.
The girl instantly flushes glaring silently up at me as I place a finger on my lips.
We both back away slowly as a portly balding mustached gentleman steps into the room, he wears a white collared long sleeved shirt, black vest, and a cyan tie with black trousers, and black shoes. There's also a large silver pocket watch in his vest pocket. "Miss Schnee, your father wishes to see you."
"Oh... it's just you, Klein" the girl gasps, placing a hand on her chest to calm her breathing.
"Are you quite alright, Weiss?" The man asks as his eyes flicker to yellow.
"Yes... I am fine, Klein." She heiress sighs.
"Are you sure, My lady?" He questions slowly, a concerned look on his face.
"Yes... I'm sure." The girl slowly nods. "it's just... my father has... really backed me into a corner here..."
The man's eyes shift to red as he smirks. "That bloke loves to blow hot air, doesn't he?"
Weiss lets out a quiet reserved laugh as she covers her mouth.
"It's dreadful what he is doing to you, Weiss." The man says, eyes shifting to their original shade, a sad frown working its way across his face. "I wish there was something I could do to help you."
"No... you have done enough... you made my childhood bearable." The girl smiles sadly. "Thank you... thank you so much."
She looks around the room slowly. "I... have decided what I must do."
"Yes, miss Schnee?" The man questions slowly.
"I am going to run away..." She decides.
"Truly?" The man gasps. "But... where will you go?!"
Neo and I quietly shuffle back to the center of the room.
Weiss looks back to the balding butler. "I am going to miss you, Klein... when you go see my father... Just please tell him my room was empty. but when you see my sister... can you tell her I said sorry? And that I hope to see her again one day."
She glances around the room. "If you are still here... I accept."
A bright magic circle appears on the floor, causing the man to flinch, a butter knife being pulled from his sleeve. "Get behind me Weiss!"
"No. it's alright, Klein... this is where I am going." The girl states as she slowly backs into the circle. "One day... I'll see you again. I'm sure of it... but not for a while. I need space."
"Weiss..." The man mutters. "I-"
He pauses for a moment and bows his head. "I understand... I hope you find happiness wherever you are going to."
"Goodbye, Klein." The girl smiles, tears prickle at her eyes.
"Goodbye, Weiss. It was a pleasure to serve you." The man replies with a nod.
With that... the three of us disappear.
I let out a long yawn as I get up from bed, casting a 'freedom of movement' spell to expertly slip from my two Fiancée's tight grip.
I roll my shoulders and let out a long yawn.
'well, today's pretty packed... the four satans are showing up to get a lay of the land... that'll probably take up quite a bit of my time
I slip on a shirt and open the door, stepping quietly outside and closing it behind me-
I come face to face with Serafall.
"So, what can I do for you today, Sera-tan? And why do you keep breaking into my house unannounced."
"Silly Gai-Tan... it'll be our house soon enough!" The girl cheers. "As for what we are doing today, I am gathering you for the meeting between the three factions!"
"It's today?"
"Yes." She smiles brightly.
"Huh... fuck." I blink slowly. "I need to send my peerage to the underworld, then, so they aren't caught in any potential crossfire."
"You have thirty minutes until the meeting!" She smiles brightly.
"Gotcha..." I slowly nod as I turn and swiftly step across the hallway.
*Knock Knock Knock*
*Knock Knock Knock*
*Thump Thump Thump*
I hear the door being unlocked.
It opens a moment later, the white haired girl glares balefully at me, she has one of those green face masks on, hiding a small scar that goes over her eye, all that's missing is the cucumber.
"What?!" She lowly hisses, her eyebrow twitching slightly as she tries to set me on fire with her mere burning hate-filled stare.
"It is vitally important you get to the underworld." I smile brightly.
"Why?" She asks slowly, eyes narrowing.
"Oh, there's the potential that I'm about to enter a slug fest with dozens of really powerful dudes and I can't exactly worry about you."
"Oh. Alright. That's certainly reasonable... I'll grab my stuff and get this off. Give me ten minute-" she seems to notice the magical girl behind me.
"Is that the magical girl you were talking about-" she begins only to be cut off.
"Hi! I'm Serafall!" The bubbly magical girl smiles brightly. "Your hair is very pretty!"
"Uh... thank you?" The used to be heiress blinks as she slowly closes the door.
Serafall looks over to me. "You didn't tell me you reincarnated one of the Schnees, Gai-Tan!"
Weiss eventually decided that I might be the best option for her. So, she accepted being reincarnated by me as a pawn. I'm not complaining, of course, her semblance is on a level of bullshit that Neo's just can't reach,
She's quite studious when it comes to getting stronger, she was never able to train much back in her old life, so she seems to be exerting her newfound freedom to the fullest.
"I've been busy. Sorry." I sigh while scratching the back of my head. "So, like, are we really going to reveal the Remnant thing?"
"Not unless negotiations are going especially poorly. We all want peace, but if others in our faction do start resisting to protect the status quo, we will lay it out to silence them."
"Like the great king faction?"
The Satan lets out a quiet sigh. "Like the great king faction, yes."
"Mn. Alright. The two stations are more or less finished anyways, the one on Earth's side is nothing more than a couple hotels to house people who are waiting for a train, but I plan for Remnant's side to be basically a second underworld. I'm just waiting on a train and I need to finish a few more security golems. Maybe develop an Ai? I hear that Atlas is working on stuffing souls into robot girls to give them sentience. I might look into that."
"I'd also suggest instead of fully 'opening' Remnant, we just send small 'scouting parties' to set up instead and slowly allow people to bleed in over time." I point out slowly. "That'd also give use far more opportunities to mold Remnant's underworld into something new. Without the influence of those before us."
I let out a quiet yawn and wipe my eyes. "Let's get this over with..."
I sit silently beside Serafall as a tense silence descends on the room.
This is it. Any moment several incredibly powerful fucks are going to walk in here and we'll get this meeting underway.
"Serafall!" A bubbly voice exclaims. "It has been so long!"
The used to be magical girl's calm smile freezes slightly.
An absolutely stunning blonde woman with bright blue eyes and a gleaming ring of light floating above her head approaches the two of us, her chest is... quite large...
I look back over to Serafall.
"Ah... Gabriel." The woman replies slightly robotically, now in a fancy looking green dress with a black skirt. "How good to see you again."
"Serafall." The angel pouts slightly. "You're still not mad about me winning the 'most popular girl in the underworld' contest, are you?"
"You've never even BEEN in the underworld! You should have been disqualified!" The Satan of foreign affairs snaps with an annoyed frown as she slams bother hands down on the table, leaping to her feet.
"I know!" The angel smiles brightly. "I really should have! It's truly a miracle that I was able to be considered the top ten, let alone win it! This truly gives me hope that we will be able to form a lasting peace between our factions! I don't even know how I got entered!"
Serafall lets out a low growling noise as she glares at the table, slowly sinking back down into her chair.
Gabriel is... rather innocent and air-headed, hn?
"But Still, it is amazing to see you again!" The archangel restates, once more having a serene smile on her face. "I have been watching your show recently and it is really good!"
"Mhm?" Serafall asks with a cautious stare.
"That's it?" The devil questions slowly.
"Mhm!" Gabriel nods.
"Okay." The Satan states slowly, her eyes slowly straying towards me.
Her face becomes suddenly blank as she seemingly gets an idea, a smile worms its way across her face.
"Oh! Gabriel, allow me to introduce you to Gaius! My cute Fiancée!" The black haired girl states while wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close, she rubs her face on my cheek. "We're SUPER close! We make out and stuff! It's super hot... I sort of feel bad that you can't have anything like this, Gabby-Chan~"
I see the angel's eyebrow twitch slightly, her kind smile shifting into an annoyed expression for the briefest of moments. It is erased a moment later, as if it were never even there not even Serafall noticed it, as she was busy rubbing her face against my own.
What... what the hell?
The angel seems slightly strained now that I am listening for it. "That's wonderful! I am truly happy that you could find someone who will love you... for who you are! But... isn't he a little young for you?"
"Are you sure you should be the one pointing out ages when you are more than four times older than myself?" Serafall questions with narrowed eyes.
There's another small twitch in the Angel's face. "Now now, Serafall, we are both aware that first generation angels never age! I've looked like this since I was one day old, and I'll continue to look like this for all of eternity!"
She allows the unsaid 'unlike you' to hang quietly in the air.
"Gai-Tan, is fully capable of making his decisions! He's only a couple years younger than I am, after all!" The twin-tailed girl beams.
"Chronologically, yes. Mentally, considering your maturity... technically yes... Biologically no." I deadpan trying to look dignified as Serafall is being Serafall. "Also, I don't think we've ever actually kissed before."
"Alas." Serafall sighs, completely ignoring my quiet protests. "You wouldn't understand our love. It truly saddens me that you would fall if you even imagined the super kinky sex we have! Let alone actually try to mimic us!"
The Angel's halo flickers for a moment before returning to its earlier brightness.
A Tiny fairy pokes her head out of my shirt. "But you haven't ever had sex with Gaius..."
The magical girl freezes.
Gabriel shakes her head sadly, a deep part of her seems pleased that we haven't done 'the big sex'. "You don't need to lie to impress me, Serafall, I'll always be happy for you regardless!"
The fairy turns to look at the angel, the seraph turning and taking in the Fey's appearance for the first time. "And you. Don't think I've forgotten what your church has done to the fey."
"Vivianne?!" The angel gasps, staggering back with wide eyes.
'Partner. The white dragon is near.'
'Oh. Well look who's back. You enjoy your little hibernation, Ddraig?'
'You weren't doing anything of interest. So, I simply decided on a far more entertaining way to pass the time.'
'hm. Fair.'
My eyes slide to the door as five figures step into the room, the first a tall man with long red hair and blue eyes, the second a man with short black hair with blond bangs and deep reddish violet eyes, the third, a long haired blond man with a halo.
The fourth is a silver haired thug wearing an open leather jacket and pants combo with a chain at his hip.
The final is the red haired man's queen, basically just Sakuya Izayoi.
"Well. It appears we are all here." The fallen angel smirks. "Hey Gabriel, looking hot as ever."
He gives me a nod while glancing to Serafall still cuddling me. "Red Dragon Emperor, sort of jealous."
"Good." I smirk as the Magical girl gets back to her seat and folds her hands in her lap.
"I believe it would be best to start now before any third parties detect that we are all in one place and decides to mount an attack." Serafall states, immediately switching off her childish 'Sera-Tan' persona.
Gabriel moves across the room, looking as if she had seen a ghost, and sits down beside Michael, she whispers something to the arch angel, causing his eyes to bug out of his head and for his gaze to snap to the fairy poking out of my shirt collar.
"Yes. I believe that would be a good idea..." Sirzechs slowly nods as he walks across the room and takes a seat on Serafall's other side. "Let's get this meeting underway."
And thus, the negotiations are beginning...
I hope I can swindle the Excalibur fragments and the holy grail from the church.