
Chapter 12. Guild invitation and a Night Party.

I sighed out relieved, when i finally entered the camp with the army without reporter noticed our arrival because of commotion of guardian guild.

there is no cassualities from my classmate, so everyone is happy while hugging each other tearfully.

not long after that, emilly came with her guild to escort us. of course that action make the reporter surround us again. but with the help of moonlight guild member and defense army to clear the way.

we succesfully get out of refugee camp and continue our journey to emillia mansion in semarang using some car and along the way i decided to sleep.


' we are currently at unnamed mountain outskirt semarang city, just few minute ago there is dungeon break happened here that killed 13 people.. '

' based on information we get from defense army captain bagas sasongko, seven of them are the bodyguard of guardian guild..'

' the monster that apeared are D rank grey wolf but when they were grouped their rank become C rank.. '

' the grand daughter of moonlight guild has come to pick up a group of student to her mansion in semarang city. based on the information we get, they are her classmate that will spend holliday in her mansion..'

miss reina worriedly stared at the tv news while waiting his daughter who currently calling for his son, heri who according the news their bus has been attacked by monster in their journey for holiday.

30 minutes after that, i wake up from my sleep after i feels that my phone are vibrated. it was a call from my sister after i looked at my phone. so i immediately answer it.

" hello, eri.. whats up..?"

- oppa.. are you okay..? why you take to long to pick up your phone..?.

- eri.. is heri, alright..?

- hey, oppa answer me..

" okey, okey.. don't worry your oppa is strong, so i am alright.."

" you really not hurt anywhere..?"

" don't worry.. that weak monster will not make your awesome oppa to bleed.. so you and mom need not to worry, okay.." after that we continue to chat for a while and they tell me that they going to make barbeque party in their house with eri classmate, so i told them to enjoy themself before i ended the calls.

one hours later, we finally arrived at emillia familly mansion. a big and beautifull villa.

"wooww.. so big.. is this your mansion emillia~san.."

"it's so beautifull.."

" waahh.. what a tall gate.."

" i feel so safe just by looking at this tall gate.." everyone is amazed by the great mansion emillia's family had. we still could see a big mansion in the center with a 5m tall wall surround it.

" its really a tall wall.." i looked at the 5m tall gate of the mansion and the iron gate seemed so hard to defense the attack of grey wolf that i killed. the mansion also has a great garden and a pond like a town park.

" welcome everyone to my familly mansion.. i am happy that everyone has come to spent holliday with me in my house.." emillia greeted everyone to enter the mansion. the maid and scurity were lined up in front of the gate to greet us. it was really a noble sight.

" we also happy to spent holliday here.."

" yeah, we are looking forward to explore your mansion, haha.."

" your mansion is so big, emi... " everyone seemed so happy and they eagerly took their briefcase to the mansion. they seemed has forgoten that just a moment ago they has been attacked by a group of monster.

" everyone, just leave your brieftcase to my house maid.. they will bring your bag to the mansion.. you can take your bag there.. lets just walk arround my mansion for a moment.."

" oohh.. thank you.."

" thank you, very much..." everyone began to leave their baggage and the maid began gather them to the car and bring them to the house.

" it sure great to be rich, right..?"

" yeah.. lets just take picture and put it on SNS.."

" ohh.. thats good idea.. hahaha.."

we continue to walk arround the mansion before we got to rest in each mansion.

emilia has provided us two mansion, each for boys and girls to rest before we have a barbeque party tonight.

" umm, heri.. can we talk for a while.." suddenly emillia called me which made everyone looked at me.

" hmm.. me..?" i pointed at my self to be sure because i don't really hear it.

"yeah, you.. can we talk for a while.."

" sure.." then i followed emillia to some place for talk while everyone glaring at me.

eru and arini looking at heri that just walked away with emilia. while her friend began murmuring something.

" hey, hey.. did you think emillia has fallen for him..?"

"huh.. really.. "

" i hope she don't.. because it will be hard for me to hit him to become my boyfriend.."

" haha.. stop it already.. he will never fall for you.."

" geezz.. you are so mean.."

" hahaha.."

while the girls joking happily eru and arini don't know what to say, before shake their head in surrender.


emillia invited me to have talk in the log cabin inside the park. after the maid poured the tea, she began to talk.

" i heard from eru and arini in the car, that you just saved them and defeated eight grey wolf by yourself.."

" ahhh.. yeah.. it because they attacked me when i tried to get out.. so i think i will kill all the monster that annoyed me..."

" i don't know that in just ten days after you awakened, you could defeat eight grey wolf easily without an injury even i can't do that.."

" i am just a warrior with a tough body, that's all.." i just sipped the tea that the maid give me before cassually answered her.

" umm.. then, how about joining my guild.. you know that i am the grand daughter of moonlight guild, so i am here to invite you to join my guild, how is it..?"

" hmmm.. your guild..?"

" it was a cilacap branch moonlight guild.. my father pointed me to manage that branch as the leader of my guild branch." she looked at the afternoon sky before looking at me with open hand.

" do you want to join me.."

" huhh.. what can i get for joining your guild as members.. ?"

" ahh, please read this paper.. in that paper are written the rights and obligations as guild member.." emillia give me some paper and i began to read it.

the point is that the guild will give a compensation if you were dead in the dungeon or when you on mission. the guild will accomodate all the expenses for the injury i get or my family members is sick. and many others good thing.

while the obligations is that i must followed dungeon guild raid one times for six day a week on my city and provided 50% i got for the guild and 20% you have earn for guild points. while 30% are for you to keeps based on contribution you gave in the party.

guild points are used as currency to buy an equipment from the guild.

" umm.. i will think about this.."

" okay, you can have that paper.. i hope you can give me your answer, soon.."

" umm.. i will.. i just want to rest for now.."

" well, i am sorry to disturb your time to rest.. lets meet and enjoy barbeque party tonight.."

" hmm.. well, i am looking forward to it.." i walked and followed the maid to escort me to my room.


a Night has come, it was time for barbeque party in the backyard. after i got rest for three hours. i immediately go to the back yard escorted by emillia's maid.

emillia has prepared a party for everyone to celebrated her awakening talent in her mansion.

" thank you, everyone.. for all of you to come all the way here and celebrated me.. i am so happy about this.."

" ahaha.. you're so polite, emi.. it was us who currently very happy after you invited us here.."

" i was gratefull to be invited in your party, emi~san.."

" yeah.., then how about dance to celebrated it.."

" ohh, that was a good idea.."

it was a long night of celebration.. everyone is so passionately enjoyed a night party for high school student party..