The Mayan ceremonial dagger had an inscription in the ancient language that read: "Offer thy heart". It's obviously an instruction left by the past inhabitants of this forgotten place, but who would be stupid enough to stab himself in the heart with a rusty old knife found inside a tombstone? After activating my battery pack the dagger shimmers brightly in a cyan light, the creatures are coming, I can hear their steps. 'It's do or die.'
The enemies had settled on the deepest part of the cave but finding them would have been impossible without the help of their prisoner because, for some strange reason, the flashlights stopped working and it was pitch black. Even with Sam's guidance they would have wasted a long time, because even though he was able to see as clear as day, the cavern was as convoluted as a maze.
When the watchmen noticed Uriel's group they quickly took arms, but when they realized they had a prisoner they let them pass without saying anything and they limited to follow after them.
"So far so good." Nika heaved a sigh.
"Keep silence, let me do the talking." Uriel whispered, fearing someone might say something that could offend them. Even if they were modern day people, the best equipped to deal with them was Uriel.