
Dungeon of Fate: Progression Fantasy

A man named Chad Nelson gets isekai'd into a small fantasy village. His unique skill is “Butcher” and he can absorb the skills from anyone or anything he kills. He defeats bandits and monsters on his way to the capital city where he joins a guild. He meets an elf girl and a tall strong hunter, they go on adventures clearing dungeons and magic towers.

Fallen_1 · 奇幻
21 Chs

Chapter 3: Unveiling Secrets

Grumblethorn meticulously translated the archaic runes within the dusty tome, his brow furrowed in concentration. The language proved complex, but the dwarf mage's expertise in deciphering ancient texts slowly unveiled the secrets hidden within the pages.

"This tome speaks of a powerful artifact," Grumblethorn announced, his voice filled with a mix of awe and excitement. "It's called the 'Abyssal Key,' and it is said to be capable of unlocking the most enigmatic of doors."

Chad, Leona, and Grumblethorn gathered around the tome, their curiosity piqued. The concept of an artifact capable of unlocking mysterious doors felt like a direct answer to their quest to reach the demon king.

"But there's a catch," Grumblethorn continued, his finger tracing the faded text. "The Abyssal Key is not a single object but a set of three mystical gemstones scattered across Altheria. Each gemstone is guarded by a powerful guardian, and they must be collected to unlock the door to the demon king's lair."

Leona tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes filled with determination. "Then we have our next objective. We'll find these gemstones and face the guardians, one by one."

Chad nodded in agreement. The path to the demon king became clearer with each revelation, and he was resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the newfound knowledge in hand, the trio left the dungeon, emerging into the blinding daylight of Altheria's surface. They reported their findings to the Adventurers Guild in the capital city, earning the respect and admiration of their fellow guild members.

Their quest for the Abyssal Key began with the first gemstone, known as the "Ebon Shard." Grumblethorn's extensive research pointed to a dense forest deep within the kingdom, where the guardian of the Ebon Shard resided.

Their journey through the forest was both enchanting and perilous. Giant trees reached for the sky, their branches forming a natural canopy that filtered the sunlight into a dappled pattern on the forest floor. But the beauty of the forest masked the danger that lurked within.

As they ventured deeper, they encountered treacherous terrain, from quicksand pits to poisonous flora. They also encountered creatures that fiercely guarded the forest's secrets. One such creature was a massive, serpentine guardian known as the "Forest Wyrm." Its emerald scales blended seamlessly with the lush surroundings, making it nearly impossible to spot until it struck.

The battle with the Forest Wyrm was a grueling test of their abilities. Its venomous breath and crushing coils threatened to overwhelm them. But with their combined strength and tactics, they managed to defeat the guardian, and Chad absorbed its abilities, gaining an affinity for nature magic.

Their journey continued as they followed Grumblethorn's guidance, drawing closer to the location of the first gemstone. They encountered enchanted forests, mystical creatures, and ancient ruins that hinted at the hidden power of the Ebon Shard.

Finally, deep within a secluded grove, they found the Ebon Shard—a mesmerizing, obsidian gemstone pulsating with a dark energy. It lay within an ornate chest, adorned with intricate carvings that depicted scenes of ancient battles and legendary heroes.

As Chad reached for the gemstone, a voice echoed in his mind—a haunting whisper that seemed to come from the very heart of the Ebon Shard. "Only those deemed worthy may possess the Abyssal Key."

Leona and Grumblethorn watched anxiously as Chad placed his hand on the gemstone. The Ebon Shard reacted to his touch, its dark energy swirling around him. Moments passed in tense silence, but then the gemstone emitted a brilliant, otherworldly light, confirming Chad's worthiness.

"We have the first gemstone," Chad said, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

Their quest to collect the remaining gemstones and unlock the door to the demon king's lair had begun successfully. With the Ebon Shard in their possession, they returned to the capital city, where the guild celebrated their achievement.

But as they rested and prepared for their next adventure, the weight of their task loomed over them. The guardians of the remaining gemstones would undoubtedly prove even more formidable, and the path to the demon king's lair would test their resolve to its limits.

Still, the trio was undeterred. With the first gemstone in hand, they had taken the first step on a journey that would span many chapters, leading them closer to their ultimate goal of facing the demon king and saving the world.

With the Ebon Shard securely in their possession, Chad, Leona, and Grumblethorn turned their attention to the next gemstone on their quest—the Verdant Stone. Grumblethorn's extensive research led them to the lush, mystical realm of the Faewind Forest, where the guardian of the Verdant Stone was said to dwell.

The Faewind Forest was a place of ethereal beauty, where the flora seemed to glow with an inner light, and the air was filled with the gentle hum of magic. The very essence of nature seemed to flow through the forest, making it a realm unlike any they had ever encountered.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they encountered whimsical creatures—sprites that danced on sunbeams, talking animals that shared cryptic riddles, and mischievous forest spirits that played tricks on unsuspecting travelers. It was a world filled with enchantment and wonder, but danger lurked beneath the surface.

Their journey was not without its challenges. They navigated through thickets that seemed to close in around them, crossed streams that shimmered with an otherworldly light, and encountered creatures that guarded the secrets of the Faewind Forest. One such creature was the Forest Guardian, a towering, ancient tree with gnarled branches and eyes that gleamed with ancient wisdom.

The Forest Guardian challenged them, posing riddles and tests of wisdom as it blocked their path. It demanded respect for the delicate balance of nature and the sanctity of the forest. Chad, Leona, and Grumblethorn had to prove their understanding of these principles before the guardian would grant them passage deeper into the forest.

Their determination and respect for the forest's magic won the guardian's approval, and it stepped aside, allowing them to continue their journey. As they pressed on, they discovered a hidden grove where the Verdant Stone was said to reside.

Within the grove, they found the Verdant Stone—a vibrant emerald gemstone, radiant with the essence of nature. Its energy pulsed in harmony with the surrounding forest, as if it were a living part of the Faewind Forest itself.

Chad reached for the gemstone, and once again, he felt the presence of the gemstone's consciousness in his mind. "Only those who understand the balance of life and protect the heart of the forest may possess the Abyssal Key," the gemstone whispered.

With a deep understanding of the forest's magic and a vow to protect its sanctity, Chad was deemed worthy. He held the Verdant Stone in his hand, feeling a surge of nature's power coursing through him.

Their success was met with a sense of reverence, for they had not only acquired another gemstone but had also earned the respect of the Faewind Forest itself. They emerged from the forest, their hearts filled with a newfound connection to the natural world.

Returning to the capital city, they received a hero's welcome from the guild, who recognized their achievements as a testament to their growing strength and determination. But the path ahead remained treacherous, with one more gemstone and its guardian yet to be conquered.

Grumblethorn consulted his notes and shared his insights. The next gemstone, the "Azure Crystal," was rumored to be located deep within the perilous Frostspire Peaks, guarded by a creature of ice and cold. It was a daunting challenge, but they knew they had to press on.

As they prepared for their journey to the Frostspire Peaks, the bonds among Chad, Leona, and Grumblethorn deepened, their shared experiences forging a connection that transcended mere camaraderie. With the Verdant Stone in hand and the mysteries of Altheria unfolding before them, they were one step closer to their ultimate goal of facing the demon king and saving the world.