
Diplomatic Envoy

The next day, Margaret and Howard strolled through the garden.

Margaret mentioned that Anna hadn't been visiting Fernsouth Castle much lately, staying instead in her own domain.

Howard shrugged his shoulders, implying that a lord cannot command where their vassals reside during peacetime.

Margaret clarified that she didn't mean for Howard to order Anna around, but recently she had been feeling a bit strange and lonely.

She worried if she had been too harsh in forcing Anna to seek alliances with the Katerina and Valuva families, fearing Anna might hold a grudge against her.

Howard wasn't entirely sure himself but tried to reassure Margaret, saying, "Don't worry, Anna won't take it to heart." 

They reached a small pavilion and sat down on stone benches.

Howard reflected on how the environment here was far better than in Safa Village, making him realize the hardships of his childhood.