
Chapter414-Pulling Out All the Stops

In this very moment, the battle between Ethan and the Stone General intensified, igniting Ethan's combat fervor to its fullest. 

Confronted by such a formidable adversary, Ethan's fighting spirit surged within him. 

No longer content to wait for the enemy's attacks, he took the initiative and once again met the Stone General's fist with his own, their punches colliding in a spectacular clash.

Ethan, watching the Stone General launch yet another attack, wasted no time and swiftly sidestepped, deftly circling behind his stony opponent. 

The Stone General was fast, but Ethan's speed surpassed even that of the formidable foe. 

Ethan had rarely encountered anyone with greater combat prowess.

At this point, Ethan had discerned that engaging the Stone General head-on would come at a cost. 

Though he believed he could ultimately defeat the Stone General, doing so would likely leave him with aching hands for quite some time.