
Dungeon Crawler: Loki's Ascension

In a dystopian world plagued by monster-filled Dungeons, young gravedigger Loki dreams of becoming a Dungeon Crawler like his missing father. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to obtain a Class that will elevate his status and achieve his goal; Instead, an unexpected incident happens that will change his life for better or worse.

Numerical · 奇幻
46 Chs

Chapter 20 - No Time for Resting

Loki crept toward the cave entrance, carrying a sleeping bear cub with him. He was still halfway through when he heard a loud bang coming from the outside.

What's happening out there?! I just hope Leo isn't doing something stupid.

Even though Loki was afraid of being caught prematurely, his feet couldn't resist hastening their steps. A moment later, he once again saw the bear. It was still guarding the exit, roaring from time to time.

Now, how should I do this?

Glancing at the cute cub, Loki grimaced. "I'm sorry, but I will try my best to do this as peacefully as possible." Loki unsheathed his dagger, pointed it at the cub's neck, and slowly walked toward the mother bear.

Soon, the bear stopped roaring and turned around.

Loki's and the beast's eyes met. He could already see the maddening anger inside them. Fortunately, the bear didn't charge at him mindlessly.

"I don't know if you can understand me. But here's the deal: you let me go, and I will let this one go."

The mother bear roared at Loki, awakening the cub in his embrace. The small bear began crying and struggling in his hands. Its strength wasn't notable, but the cub's claws were sharp enough to scratch him. Nevertheless, he held the small bear tight, fearful of losing his last defense against the mother bear.

Luckily, even after the beast growled and roared at Loki, it stayed still and didn't attack him. This only solidified Loki's assumption that the bear could at least understand the situation. This made him braver and bolder. He took a step forward, and when the mother didn't react, he took another one. The sequence repeated until he was finally close enough that if the beast wanted to, it could pounce on him instantly.

The moment the mother showed a sign of movement, Loki would place his dagger near the cub's neck, reminding the beast of the possible consequences of its action. He was now a few steps away from the exit, but that also made the situation more dangerous.

If he made a mistake, his journey could possibly end there. However, if the circumstances became dire, he could always use his [Evading Blink] as an escape measure. He didn't know if the cub would disappear with him, but it was okay if it didn't. He would have time to run, as he was sure the mother would focus its attention on its cub.

When Loki reached the swiping range of the beast, he stopped. The cave was wide but wasn't wide enough for him to move around the mother bear.

"Move back!" He threatened the beast with its cub.

Every time he stepped forward, he would attempt to stab the cub, forcing the beast to step back. After replicating the same action, he finally stepped out of the cave. He looked around, searching for his companion.

Where did they go? No, perhaps that's better. At least, they aren't stupid enough to force their way in.

Loki was close to succeeding. The only problem he had was how he would leave without bringing the cub with him. If he decided to take the little bear, there was no doubt that the beast would follow him or, in the worst case, attack him. However, if he just let it go, there was no guarantee the mother bear wouldn't attack him. It was a dilemma.

"Listen, if I let your child go, will you let me go?"

The beast roared at Loki. He had no idea if the bear could comprehend him.


A familiar voice called out to him. He turned his head and smiled when he saw Pandora. "Thank Goddess, you are safe. Where's Leo?"

"H-he is injured and can't move right now."

"What? How?" Loki shook his head. "No, that isn't important right now. Listen to me. I will try to let this cub go, and if the mother bear tries to attack me, I want you to use your skill and hinder it."

"B-but I don't think I can hold it for long."

"Don't worry, all I need is a head start."

Pandora nodded.

Loki returned his attention to the beast. "Okay, I will let your cub go now. Please don't attack me." He slowly brought the little bear to the ground. The moment the cub escaped his hands, it immediately ran to its mother.

Loki cautiously backed away, fearful of the bear's wrath. But after taking several steps, the beast remained in its place, growling and huffing. Soon, when Loki was far enough away, the mother bear bit the nape of its cub and went inside its den.

Loki released a sigh. After calming himself, he looked at Pandora and spoke. "That went well… Let's go to Leo."

The two sauntered to where Leo was.

"Hahaha, I knew you were okay." Leo chuckled. He was leaning against a tree, unmoving.

"I heard you got injured. Well, you seem okay," Loki casually remarked. However, in truth, he almost failed to stop himself from running.

"Minor injury like this is nothing! I'm a tank after all," Leo smugly said, coughing blood as a consequence.

"Yeah, yeah, you sure are tough. A very minor injury indeed."

Pandora didn't say anything; she just sat beside Leo and resumed healing him.

Loki slumped on the grass. Although he wasn't injured, all the pressure finally caught on to him.

"I thought I was going to die there!" Loki shouted and then looked at Leo again. "Anyway, how did you get injured? Did a Kobold show up?"

Leo scratched his head. "I tried to lure the bear out so you can escape. Well, as you can see, I failed."

Loki face-palmed himself. "Did you forget about your promise to Grandma? How could you do something stupid?"

"It is kind of stupid. But it doesn't matter anymore, as long as the three of us are okay."

"Yeah, but don't repeat that again."

Leo laughed. "Not gonna promise."

Loki shook his head and laid his head on the tree.

Bored, he called his Blessing, wondering how much experience he required before he Leveled up.

[Name: Loki

LVL: 1 EXP: 20/100

Class: Soul Harvester (Rogue)


Guide of the Soul


Strength: 10 (3)

Agility: 7 (6)

Dexterity: 7 (3)

Intelligent: 8 (2)

Endurance: 5 (1)

Death Affinity: 1


Soul Assimilate

Soul Domain

Soul Harvest (Passive)


Evading Blink

Dagger Mastery (Passive)}]

80 more. I gained 5 EXP for a Level 1 Kobold and 15 for a Level 3. Does the EXP increase by 5 at every Level? If that's the case, I will need to kill 16 Level 1 or 8 Level 2 Kobolds to Level up. Not too far, I guess.

He turned his gaze to his skill [Soul Assimilate], wondering if something changed in the soul he assimilated.

[Soul Assimilate Description: Ability to assimilate the souls of those you have harvested. With this skill, you will be able to use the ability of the soul you assimilated as your own.

Soul Assimilated: Mel.]


[Soul: Mel

LVL: 5 EXP: 20/1000

Class: Rogue




Available Stats: 0

Strength: 15

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 16

Intelligent: 11

Endurance: 7



Evading Blink

Dagger Mastery (Passive)]

Nothing changed… Wait, no, there's something that changed. The soul gains Exp! What does this mean?

Loki's bodies stiffen in shock.

If the soul I assimilated can receive Exp… Doesn't that mean it can grow together with me? Will I gain more stats with every Level up? Isn't that a bit powerful?

"What's wrong? Are you hurt or something?" Leo asked Loki.

It seemed his weird action didn't escape Leo's eyes.

"No, I'm just frustrated that I got caught in that situation."

"Don't worry about it too much; we're in one piece, and that's where you should focus."

"You're right, I will try not to overthink."

Leo turned his attention to Pandora. "Are you okay, Pandora? You're a bit pale. You can stop healing me now. Don't push yourself too much."

"Pandora shook her head. "I-I'm fine."

Loki ignored the two and focused on his Blessing. His lips were smiling on their own.

With this, I will definitely reach the top!

However, in the middle of their own activities, a rustling of leaves caught the attention of the three kids.

Loki's body stiffened, his forehead formed beads of sweat, and he subconsciously swallowed saliva to wet his dry throat. "Who's in there?" He raised his voice, questioning the identity of the person in hiding.

But, even after waiting a minute, he failed to receive an answer. With concern and curiosity, he stood, wanting to investigate the commotion. With slowed steps, his distance from the source shortened, but then he halted. Another rustling stopped him from advancing.

"Please show yourself!" Loki's voice trembled.

Yet, like before, nothing.

This only intensified the pressure on the situation. With no clue what was hidden among the trees, the trio had no choice but to take arms and prepare themselves for the danger it would bring. With another sound of leaves, it finally showed itself!