
Dungeon Crawler: Loki's Ascension

In a dystopian world plagued by monster-filled Dungeons, young gravedigger Loki dreams of becoming a Dungeon Crawler like his missing father. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to obtain a Class that will elevate his status and achieve his goal; Instead, an unexpected incident happens that will change his life for better or worse.

Numerical · 奇幻
46 Chs

Chapter 19 - Injured

How could they even think of defeating a Level 10 beast?

Loki didn't know what to do. He could try to run towards the exit and use his [Evading Blink] again, but he had a feeling that the second time wouldn't work. His first attempt succeeded because the bear focused on driving Leo and Pandora out of the cave. With its speed, the bear could catch him easily even after using his skill.

What should I do? I don't have time to think about my situation thoroughly. If the bear decides to return, I won't have a place to escape.

Amidst his contemplation, Loki's eyes subconsciously landed on the deeper part of the cave. If the main exit wasn't available, the only option he had was to try his luck and find another way out of the cave. Thinking of this, he looked at the exit that the beast guarded and returned it to the terrifying darkness of the inner cave. Loki slowly went deeper, fearful of making any noise that might attract the bear.

The cave was dark, silent, and lifeless. Not even a mushroom or moss could be found inside. As he walked deeper, he heard a faint echo coming from the darkest part of the cave.

Are there more of them inside? This is bad! Should I continue? But if I don't, sooner or later, the beast will return, and I will be sandwiched in danger!

In his dilemma, he recalled Gerald's teaching: Indecisiveness didn't belong to this job. Realizing this, he looked straight ahead, his eyes filled with determination. After taking a deep breath and releasing it, he stepped forward and crept his way toward whatever it was that made the sound.

As he went deeper, the sound became more apparent. There were indeed more of them inside. However, he could grasp the difference in the sound. While the beast in the entrance had a deeper and more horrifying sound, the others had more of a soft and tender cry.

Then it clicked on him. The reason why the bear didn't pursue Pandora and Leo. Why it stayed at the mouth of the cave, as if it were guarding something. He hastened his steps, wanting to prove his assumption. And when he reached the source, his eyes widened in joy.

Before him were four bear cubs, cuddling each other.

Can I use them as a ticket for my escape? If I take one of them as a hostage, will the bear let me go? But do I really need to stoop so low?

Loki shook his head; he had no other choice. He didn't want to use the cubs for his safe passage. However, the cave had no other exits, as the location of the bear cubs was at the end of the line. He had to harden his heart if he wanted to stay alive.

Loki crouched beside the cubs and stretched his hands to pick up one of them.

Something doesn't add up. Why don't these cubs have numbers on their heads? Their mother has Level, so isn't it right that they should have it too?

Loki shook his head. He didn't have time for this. He gently lifted one of the cubs and embraced it. Fortunately, the cub in his hands didn't cry; he didn't want to garner the mother's attention yet. But then, as he slowly backed away, something beneath his foot snapped. He froze where he stood, fearful that the cubs would start crying. Luckily, they remained asleep.

Loki released a sigh of relief. His heart almost fell when he thought he had been caught. Looking around, he finally noticed the things that were scattered around the floor. Bones of different animals. He shivered. If he didn't leave immediately, his remains would join all the creatures that fell from the terrifying maw of the bear.


"What should we do?" Leo worriedly said. The situation escalated too quickly; he didn't realize that one of them was missing. He failed as a party tank!

Leo turned to Pandora. "Do you think we should force the beast to stand down?"

The timid girl shook her head intensely. "N-no, that won't work."

"But what about Loki?"

"I-I don't know. But we definitely can't force our way."

Leo bit his lips. His first real friend was inside the den of a creature strong enough to kill 10 of them with ease. He should have stopped and done everything he could to make sure everyone had escaped. That was his job. But instead, he was the first one to come out of the cave.

If something happened to Loki, Leo wouldn't be able to forgive himself!

"No, I can't just stand here while my friend is in danger," Leo muttered in his breath. "Pandora, can you hide somewhere far away? I will try to taunt the bear. If I succeed and it chases me, I want you to get Loki and escape.

"B-but, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please, let me do this." Leo looked into Pandora's eyes with resolve.

Pandora opened her mouth, only to close it again. Soon, she nodded and hid herself behind one of the trees.

Seeing this, Leo turned his burning gaze to the bear that was still roaring at him. He had no idea why the bear guarded the entrance, but he would do everything he could to make it go away. He carefully walked towards the beast, and when he was close enough, he raised his shield and hit it with his mace.

"Come on! You stupid bear! Come and chase me!" Leo screamed, taunting the bear with his words and loud voice.

However, no matter how much he screamed, the bear didn't pursue him. It stayed at the entrance, roaring and clawing at him.

This is not enough; I need to be more aggressive!

Looking at his shield, he hardened himself, then ran towards the beast. Before he could reach the bear, the beast had already reached him. With its sharp claw, the bear swiped at him. But Leo already knew this. Before the attack landed on his shield, he activated [Guardian Shield], nullifying the assault.

The bear seemed confused and stopped for a second. Leo took the opportunity to get closer and utilize [Shield Bash]! His shield struck the bear in the stomach, rendering it stunned. With his success, Leo retreated within a safe distance. The goal was to agitate the beast and make it chase him, and that attack would surely make it mad.

Yet, when the bear regained its senses, it roared at Leo, but it didn't leave its spot.

What's wrong with this one? Why won't it leave? Is my attack not strong enough?

Leo raised his shield again; he intended to repeat the same action. The bear clawed at him once again, and like last time, he used his skill. However, he froze when a notification popped up before him.

[Guardian Shield is in cooldown]

Leo had forgotten about that, and before he could do anything, the beast's attack was already on him. He had no time to do anything; thus, he braced himself and accepted the claw with his shield. His body flew away so fast that the tree he landed on broke into two.

Leo vomited a mouthful of blood, and he was on the brink of losing consciousness. Everything around him appeared hazy, and his whole body screamed in pain. Still, he resisted the embrace of slumber. Even though he was confused, he knew he needed to stay awake; he had something important to do.

Within his blurry vision, he noticed a person. He couldn't properly discern who it was, but it seemed the person was trying to say something to him. Nonetheless, he couldn't hear a word. His vision turned green, and his body felt warmth as if he were in the embrace of his mother. He missed this feeling.

Leo's eyes were about to shut when an image of a kid with green hair and emerald eyes appeared in his mind.

Wait, he seems familiar; do I know him from somewhere?

Leo forced his brain to think about where he had met the kid. Then he heard a voice—a voice that was very familiar to him.

"I want to become the strongest Crawler!"

Smiling, Leo replied. "Wow, you have big dreams. For some reason, you remind me of my friend."

When the word friend entered his mind, that's where he remembered. "That's right, my friend is in danger! I don't have time to be lying around!"

Leo's hazy vision abruptly returned to normal. Beside him was Pandora, crying while using her skill to heal him.

Leo smiled. "Don't cry; I'm fine. Thank you for healing me."

Pandora's tears intensified. "I-I thought you died. I thought my curse also took you away from me. Please, please, don't leave me behind. I don't want to be left behind."

Leo raised his shaking hand and wiped Pandora's tears. "What are you talking about? Me and Loki will never leave you behind. Hahaha, you're stuck with us forever."