
Dungeon Academy: Only I Have a Skill Tree

In the private Hero High School, where young talents of dungeon explorers gather, Makoto Akaya enrolls, believing in his own abilities. However, upon discovering the gap between himself and his classmates, he realizes that he is the biggest failure in the school. Nevertheless, in the midst of despair, he encounters a skill tree that only he can use, and Makoto Akaya's life begins to change for the better.

Mia_Miabella · 奇幻
110 Chs

Chappie Break

Hello guys, before I say anything else, can I just say that I am extremely, extremely happy for everyone's support to getting this novel to where it is now. 

I am so, so thankful for all the readers who have been actively supporting this novel in giving it powerstones, in buying privilege, and buying subscriptions, which have all helped immensely in helping me push through the previous month. 

asdBut unfortunately, guys, I'm here to announce that I'll be taking a break for 3 days, due to health-related reasons. Well, I say health related reasons but it's really just my ankle getting cut, leading to a minor infection soooooo not like it's anything important.

Anyway guys, the doc said I'll be fine after 2 days, but I'll have to stay at the hospital during those two days so yeah, no laptop. Meanwhile, make sure to comment if there's any interesting scenes you want to see, and I'll put them in if they get lots of likes.

See yah in two days.