
There's No Way He Can Handle All of Us Together!

"What did you experience inside the room?" The girls asked Xuan Jinglin and Yu Yan after they were kicked out of the room by Shang Wenjie.

"Umm… I think it'd be better if you experience it yourself without knowing beforehand," said Yu Yan, as she didn't want to ruin the surprise for them.

"Ehhh… At least give us a hint… My curiosity is killing me!"

"Let's just say that compared to our first visit, it is at least ten times more enjoyable…" Xuan Jinglin said to them.

"Ten times more enjoyable?!"

The girls stared at her with a shocked expression. If they nearly ascended to heaven during the last visit, wouldn't this truly die from pleasure this time around?

Sometime later, the door opened again and Su Yang appeared with a nonchalant expression.

However, before the next girl could even step forward, Su Yang spoke, "I have a suggestion."

"A suggestion?"