
Chapter 19

“This is Fred,” Al continued. “He is my partner. I’ve decided to publicly come out as gay to the school. The staff already knows—”

“Even the principal?” Jonah blurted.

There were a few giggles and Al smiled. “Yes, even the principal. Everyone has accepted this, or at least they’re not going to fire me—” more laughter. “I just want to let all of you know, if there are any gay students here, you have my support.”

“I’m gay!” someone shouted near the front.

“What!?” several other people shouted, including me and Jonah.

As everyone turned to look, I realized that Chad had spoken, the short, black-haired freshman who played clarinet. I looked over to Jonah to see a huge smile, and hoped that this was Jonah’s crush. It was soon confirmed.

“I’m gay, too!” Jonah said, with his hand in the air.

Now there were several gasps, and people turned not to Jonah, but to me, who was supposedly Jonah’s girlfriend.