


MonarchXD · 奇幻
34 Chs

Types Of Gates and Monsters

Cyrus sat down in his chair, placing the hunter's manual on his desk. As he opened the book, he carefully read through its contents. The pages contained detailed information on the nature and habits of the monsters that had been encountered and defeated in previous gates. He also found helpful tips on where to locate specific crafting materials and other items. However, the most crucial aspect of the book was the chapters devoted to different types of monsters and gates. These would prove essential in preparing for any future hunts.

[There exist three different types of monsters you can find inside a gate: Common, Elite and Boss.

When entering a gate, hunters will encounter a variety of monsters with varying degrees of strength and difficulty. Common monsters are the weakest and most abundant type of monster found in gates. These monsters are easily identified by the white font color on their name tags floating above their heads. Once hunters awaken, they are able to see the name tags of monsters and differentiate between them.

Elite monsters, on the other hand, are smaller in number compared to common monsters but are much more powerful. They have high offensive and defensive capabilities, making them extremely dangerous to face alone. However, defeating an elite monster provides hunters with a greater amount of experience points and increases the chance of obtaining rare loot drops. Elite monsters are identified by their name tags with blue font color.

Boss monsters are the guardians of the gates and are considered the most powerful and challenging type of monster that hunters may face. It is highly advised not to face a boss monster alone as they possess unique patterns and abilities, making them extremely difficult to defeat. Each boss monster is unique and can only be faced once. However, defeating them provides hunters with an immense amount of experience points, as well as a guaranteed drop of one skill book and one equipment or weapon. Boss monsters are easily identified by their name tags with orange font color.

In the world of hunters and gates, there exist a small number of monsters that are so rare and powerful that they are known as 'Irregular Monsters'. These creatures are so few in number that they can be counted on one hand based on the number of times they have been encountered. Their presence is shrouded in mystery, as they seem to appear only in the most dangerous and unpredictable of situations.

Irregular Monsters are the stuff of nightmares for most hunters. Their strength is said to surpass even that of boss monsters, which are already formidable opponents in their own right. When a hunter encounters an Irregular Monster, their chances of survival are slim at best. It is estimated that only one out of a hundred hunters who encounter one of these beasts are able to make it out of the gate alive.

In the hunter's database, the names of Irregular Monsters are tagged in a distinctive golden yellow color, setting them apart from all other creatures. But despite the danger they pose, hunters who manage to kill an Irregular Monster are said to receive unbelievable growth in terms of experience, abilities, and power. This makes the rewards for defeating an Irregular Monster all the more tempting, even if it means risking one's life in the process.]

As Cyrus delved deeper into the book, he couldn't help but notice how similar the concept of monsters and gates felt to a video game. The terminology used, such as "system," "loot," "experience," and "levels," made it seem as though someone had deliberately designed a game-like experience for humanity to face these dangers. This realization left Cyrus with even more questions than answers.

[Gates can be distinguished in three different colors: Blue, Green and Red.

Blue Gates are the newest type of gates that have emerged, and they have not yet been cleared. Hunters ranked anywhere from F to B can conquer them. However, it is difficult to determine the true difficulty of these gates until the assigned reconnaissance team returns from within and provides an overview of what to expect. Therefore, it is highly recommended that hunters form parties before entering a blue gate to increase their chances of success. Once a blue gate is cleared, its color changes from blue to green.

Green gates are also known as "Grind Gates" and can be entered as many times as one wants. They have been cleared before and are highly documented, making them relatively safe for hunters to venture inside. They serve as a farming zone for hunters to grind experience, materials, and drops. Most guilds make use of these gates to accumulate funds for future expeditions and raids. Hunters who specialize in green gates are known as "Farmers" and their sole purpose is to farm materials for guilds. It's important to note that green gates do not have a boss monster residing inside since it has been cleared already, and they also remove any chance of "Gate Eviction".

Red gates are considered to be the hardest gates to conquer. In order to clear a red gate, a raid team of around forty to fifty A-Rank hunters must be formed, with two or three S-Ranks included. Throughout humanity's history since the birth of gates and awakeners, only six red gates have ever been conquered, thanks to the sacrifice of numerous elites. The Hunter Association has currently located over ten other Red gates close to their borders that have yet been explored. In order for New Ashes to expand its territory, these gates must be completed, making it one of their long-term goals. ]

"I never knew any of this," Cyrus murmured to himself. "The gate that exterminated my hometown and killed my parents was of the red color. No wonder that hunter ran away at the time..." His voice trailed off, his heart heavy with the weight of this knowledge. "My revenge might take longer than expected."

Learning that clearing a red gate required numerous A and S ranked hunters shocked Cyrus. However, this information did not weaken his resolve to avenge his parents' deaths. His goal remained the same, but the journey to achieve it would be longer and more challenging than he initially thought.

"No more games! It's time to put in the work and grind!"