


MonarchXD · 奇幻
34 Chs

Final stretch

It had been eight long hours since Cyrus was sent as an offering to the gate's boss. During this time, he had been fighting for his survival, using every trick in the book to dodge, defend, and heal his wounds. Despite facing an adversary who would normally overpower someone in a matter of minutes, Cyrus had managed to hold his ground and stay alive. His sheer determination and resilience had kept him standing strong against all odds.

"W-WHY WANT YOU FALL DOWN ALREADY!" screamed the lich, his united voices hurling out of his mouth as he shreaked in anger.

"Ha~...Ha~...Ha~...I... Told... you... I will fight as long as I'm standing!" Cyrus, while gasping for breath, declared his determination to fight.

It was clear that Cyrus was completely drained as he spoke, with his heavy breathing and intermittent pauses indicating that he was struggling to catch his breath and recharge his energy. Nevertheless, Cyrus's unwavering determination shone through in his words, which revealed his steadfast resolve to continue battling on and refusing to give up, even if it means pushing himself to his physical limits.

Cyrus asked the lich, "Didn't you show me how to get out of this situation?"

The lich seemed confused.

Cyrus clarified, "Remember when you asked me which one would be stronger, my stamina or your supposedly never-ending pool of mana? Well, it seems like your pool of mana isn't as infinite as you claimed it to be."

During their extended fight, Cyrus observed a noticeable decrease in the intensity of the lich's fiery attacks. As time went on, the lich appeared to be using his mana more judiciously, unlike at the beginning when he used a barrage of skills. This led Cyrus to believe that the lich was conserving his energy and being more cautious in his approach.

"It appears as though you're struggling to keep up, my dear. Your stamina seems to be waning, and I'm starting to wonder if you're even capable of keeping pace." Said the lich in a mocking tone.

The Death Tyrant was correct in his assessment that Cyrus was running out of energy and would only be able to continue for another 30 minutes before his muscles gave out. Despite his struggles with the lich, Cyrus had an idea that came to him, which he decided to put into action.

He retrieved several balloons filled to the top with a liquid from his dimensional storage. The balloons contained gasoline which he had previously utilized to fight the Death Knight. At this time, Cyrus was unable to even touch the lich as he always kept his distance by floating in the air. Even if he threw the balloons towards the lich's location, it was certain that it would not be able to reach it. So why did Cyrus bother retrieving the balloons?

The solution was straightforward - Cyrus decided to start a wildfire. He threw multiple balloons filled with gasoline towards the floor, bookshelves, tables, and other objects scattered throughout the room. Cyrus's strategy was clear, "If I can't get to you directly, I'll just set the whole room on fire! Let's see how you manage to escape that!"

Most people would consider it unwise to engage in such reckless action because it would most likely have negative consequences. However, Cyrus was different from others as he had a higher resistance to fire and could control its destructive impact with his regenerative passive skill. But the question remains: What about the lich?

The lich, feeling anxious, asked with suspicion, "What are you scheming, you insignificant ant!?"

The lich kept unleashing a barrage of powerful magical attacks towards Cyrus, but as always, Cyrus skillfully dodged them while simultaneously throwing his balloons all around the room. The balloons created pools of gasoline, spreading its strong scent throughout the room. It was at this point that the lich finally understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Overloaded Heat!"


When Cyrus used his power, a thick, black smoke rose above the bookshelves and tables, carrying the smell of burning wood and corpses. The room was lit up by a bright orange glow, as the fire burst out and crackled loudly. Sparks flew everywhere, as the fire spread from object to object, fueled by gasoline. It continued to rage on, destroying everything in its path, and the smoke turned the ceiling black. The heat was so intense that even the lich couldn't escape it. The fire was like a monster that had been unleashed, consuming everything in its path with an unquenchable thirst.

[You have deactivated Overloaded Heat]

[You have been inflicted with the 'burn' ailment]

[You will lose 1% of your maximum health every second]

[You have lost 3.15 health]

[You have regenerated 3.5 health]

The flames licked hungrily at the lich's robes, scorching them black and rendering them into ashes. The lich screamed in agony, its undead flesh burning away under the intense heat of the inferno.

"Make it stop!" it howled, its voice cracking with pain. "Please, I beg of you!"

But Cyrus merely watched on as he himself was being burned from the fire he had started, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

The lich writhed in agony, its form wriggling and twisting like a worm on a hook. It tried to call upon its magic, to summon up a shield or a spell to douse the flames, but the fire was too intense. It consumed everything, leaving nothing in its wake.

As the lich's screams grew weaker and weaker, Cyrus sat on the floor, bathing himself in the flames as he waited for the lich's final breath.


[Congratulations! Overloaded heat level has increased]

[Congratulations! Fire Resistance level has increased]

[Congratulations! Life Regeneration level has increased]

[Overloaded Heat Lv.3:

*Depletes 1% of your maximum health each second as fire damage when skill is activated.

*Deal (15%-> 20%) of your maximum health as fire damage every second In a radius of (10->15) meters.]

[Fire Resistance: Lv3: 10% -> 15%]

[Life Regeneration Lv.3 :Regenerates (1% -> 1.5%) of your Maximum Health Per Second.]

[You have been dealt 2.92 damage]

[You have regenerated 6.03 health]

"Great! It took me a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted effort to level up my skills. I'm curious to know how much longer it will take me to reach the next level."

The lich was in disbelief and horror as it realized it was about to meet its end at the hands of a tiny ant. The lich's voice trembled with fear as it cried out, "How is it possible for me, a powerful being, to be destroyed by such a small and insignificant creature? This cannot be happening! How can this be my fate?" The lich let out a final, desperate howl before succumbing to its demise.


[Congratulations on finishing the ultimate challenge! Now it's time to select your prize from the options presented. Once you've made your choice, you and your fellow challengers will be transported outside the gate.]

[Quest 'Release The Entity from it's shackles' has been completed!]

[Please choose the insignia you which to choose between the following,]



Hello there,

This is the end of the Wintertide ark. I would appreciate your input on the current state of the story. Are you satisfied with the pacing, or do you have any suggestions for improvement? If there are any parts of the story that are unclear or confusing, please let me know. As the writer, it's possible that I may overlook certain elements, but your feedback is invaluable in such situations.

And thank you so much for reading <3,

MonarchXDcreators' thoughts