

Odlanyer · 奇幻
30 Chs

Branch Church Expenditure Reports

After finishing getting a compatible rare shotgun artifact, now it's Toast turn.

"Toast, what about you? With your body type the best weapon is something light and not too heavy as you want to focus on your speed."

"If possible, can I get a sword for my weapon?"

"So you like to use a sword, but what kind of sword is suitable for you. A greatsword is definitely out of the choice as you should want to be fast. A rapier is only good for dueling, as nowadays many people will definitely wear powerful armor when in battle, this weapon is not as effective anymore. I'll let you decide Toast."

"Actually my body shouldn't be as thin as I'm now, when I wake up and already lost my memory I'm pretty sure that I have a normal body similar to Zeon. After arriving here, I can get a balanced meal and a lot of practice. Not long after this I'm pretty sure I'll be back to my healthy self, so I have a feeling that I can handle a long sword."

Grandpa Auguste takes out some rare long sword artifacts from his dimensional pocket. Toast trying some of them until he found a suitable one that he can use. After everything settled, Zeon, Li, and Toast were very satisfied with their new weapon. Now, after getting a better weapon for more personal safety, they still need to train harder to increase their expertise in their respective combat talents.

"Thanks a lot grandpa! You are the best.. If there's nothing more, then we will try our weapon in the training facility."

"Wait a minute little Zeon, actually I've something that needs your help with. Here, why don't you read some of these reports of our church financial expenses. Help grandpa to check if there's anything weird in them. Maybe this is your first time handling a lot of numbers, but this is also important for training your calculation and decision making."

Grandpa Auguste has been reading some financial reports issued by each branch of the church in Zahakkan Holy Empire before Zeon comes to have some afternoon tea time. This month's expenses just got sent to his work desk today. As a responsible leader, he'll read and send some personnel to check many things especially the water area around the empire as there are maybe some murloc still hiding in the water channel around the empire.

What grandpa Auguste wants Zeon to help with has nothing to do with those dangerous things. Before this week's end, he wanted to send someone to check the condition of all the branch churches around the empire. There are still many things to do today as tomorrow he'll leave all the church affairs to his old colleague, Jiu. Grandpa Auguste wants Jiu to take it easy and get used to the church affair for a few weeks until she can take the difficult part. What he wants to finish today is the difficult report which contains many kinds of calculations and proper allocation of personnel to review the site in question.

Zeon reads all the reports that his grandpa handed to him. He doesn't understand why his grandpa is handing something so important to him. A kid reading complicated numerical analysis that should be processed by the adult, his grandpa really thinks too high of him. Anyway, this is his family business and Zeon always keeps in mind to always have some backup plan even for his career opportunity.

'I will train hard everyday and get stronger so I can protect myself and my loved one better, but there's always someone better than you, especially with the hero and the protagonist mixed together in this world. The best choice is to have a backup road for my occupation opportunity, if I'm not good enough for battle then I can try the sub occupation that grandpa explained before and if I still failed then the last plan is to continue the family business. This is a good opportunity for me to learn it.' what Zeon thought in his mind while reading the report.

"How about it, little Zeon. Do you understand the content in it or is it too hard for you? I'm sorry, but grandpa really needs your help today as tomorrow I want old Jiu to take it easy in a few weeks before handling all these hard responsibilities."

"Don't worry grandpa, don't underestimate kids these days. Trust me, I can do this."

"Alright, grandpa trust you, thank you for helping little Zeon."

Zeon tried to understand all the hard words written on the report, but after getting a better understanding of that, he started to process the data in his mind. The most important part in these reports are the income and expenditure that each branch used. There are 4 branch churches in the empire in each direction. After the murloc attack that happened some days ago, there are many expenses on hospital and medicine. There is also an expenditure on food donation for those in need because some markets near the water channel are still closed and in repair after the accident. Besides that, the most expenses are on the daily need for the church personnel and orphans that live in the branch church.

"Grandpa, can I have all the reports for this season's monthly expenditure? I want to compare some data in it."

Grandpa Auguste handed more reports that he took inside the archive desk on the side of the room. Comparing data is the easiest way to understand the complete set of chronological events when you start to work on a monthly expense report. Li and Toast watching Zeon from the side, they were quite intrigued by how Zeon handled those difficult reports. Their head is already dizzy by only looking at that many numbers from the side. Li and Toast don't even want to touch those papers, they think that training is easier than these messy and tricky things. It's not wrong because everyone else with the same age as Zeon will only focus on their body training and playing some games with their friends, but here we have someone who is very enthusiastic about analyzing some reports with a lot of numbers in it and still asking for more.

A while later, Zeon finished reading all the seasonal expenditure reports from the four branch churches in the empire.

"Grandpa, I've finished reading the branch church expenditure reports. The least expenses this season are from the northern and southern branch church. From their reports I concluded that their expenses this season only focused on some simple things such as food, candles, water bill and electricity bill. The most expenses this season can be seen in the western branch church. Besides that, the eastern branch church is also in the next rank with quite a lot of expenses. The river in Zahakkan Holy Empire flows from the west to the east and both of their locations are built near the river. Their expenses are quite similar, which is to pay some personnel to clean the wild plants that grow around the church. The eastern branch church location is close to the sea so I think there will be a lot of flying birds dropping some random seed along the way and the humidity of the location is really good for wild plants to grow. The western church location is also in one direction with the bird flying path, but I'm not sure, usually the seagull won't fly that far off from the sea."

"How do you know that the seagull won't wander that far off, little Zeon? Hmm.. I remember that I never brought you around the sea location. Although your analysis about the seagull should be correct, we can't rule out the possibility that other flying animals often pass through that location."

"Hahaha.. I watch the news from some years ago, grandpa, and there's also some wildlife channel which shows the seagull near our sea. Maybe you are right about that possibility, grandpa. There are also some injury expenses from both churches as their location is close to the river, our branch church personnel have been helping with the murloc incident. There are some hospital and medical expenses which are quite expensive. The western church also said that some orphans get injured while running away from the incident location because some of them still play on the river before the incident happened. Actually some months before that, there were also some injured orphans that needed help while they played around together. The western church also reported that they need a lot of money to buy some new clothes for the orphan and renew some of their dorm facilities. In some parts there is some missing detail but I think the western church personnel really love the kids that live there. I really want to meet the leader from the western church.. He's definitely a devout believer of the holy teaching."